Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The Israeli society might have no issue being racist to arabs/others and justifying their brutality with whatever logic they desire, it wont change the fact they are descending morally, ethically to the lowest of lows. This hatred they have will be a blowback to themselves and will be their own undoing.

Do you know what shocks me more ?

When they take the higher moral ground along with the ethics

The so called western values and world order of democracy and development

A guess a core western value has always been the extermination of a indigenous people

So killing the Palestinians I guess is a western value

Even more so when the congress have a standing ovation to the deaths of 20,000 children

I am sick to the stomach and so is the world and of these atrocities which keep getting worse day by day

So I really hope Iran burns Israel to the ground for the sake of humanity
I was listening to Haider Mehdi last night and he mentioned that the guy who assassinated Ismail Haniyah is an Indian. Then he also talked about
Kulbhosan Yadav who was caught in Pakistan also
came into Pakistan from Iran.

Iranians need to watch out for Indians as they are
very close to the Israeli's.

That is interesting development indeed

So we don’t think it was an airstrike and it was more like a suitcase bomb

But even then, I am still shocked how this is possible

How can Mossad infiltrate the core of the IRGC Inside Iran
The Israeli society might have no issue being racist to arabs/others and justifying their brutality with whatever logic they desire, it wont change the fact they are descending morally, ethically to the lowest of lows. This hatred they have will be a blowback to themselves and will be their own undoing.

But the only part I don’t understand is, how can the Arab states accept this and how can you keep going on about normalization ties?
I think a large hit on Tel Aviv is appropriate given their destruction of Gaza. This would be completely measured, only hypocrites who view israeli lives as superior over Palestinian would be bothered by a tel avic strike. I say, eye for an eye, house for a house, person for a person, if it is over that then you have the right to criticize.

Yes, I agree that would be a perfectly proportionate response
Everything has to be done within proportionality

If Israel has killed 40,000 Palestinians, it’s only fair the suffered the same amount of casualties
Israel acts tough after having the US and UK make a million threats against Iran and Hezbollah. And deploy warships and threaten to bomb Iran and Hezbollah. What has to be shattered too is the belief that US can do anything to save their Nazi pariah terror state from receiving justice.

Yes, Israel are like the small short Bully at school, who only tough when his friends are around who are taller and stronger

The US and the UK are complacent in the escalation of this regional war because of their unconditional backing of Israel
But the only part I don’t understand is, how can the Arab states accept this and how can you keep going on about normalization ties?

Simple as these are puppets that were either created by the west or sustained by the west.

1. Jordan - artificial country carved out in 1917 by UK and has monarch protected by entity and the west.

2. KSA - artificial country carved out in 1917 by UK and has monarch now begging for US protection in return for betraying the Palestinians and recognising the entity.

3. Egypt - a real and historic nation but current ruler Sisi is a Zio-US imposed puppet.

At least with Arabs, the populations ABSOLUTELY DESPISE the Zionist entity that has been implanted in their midst.
Yes admittedly so, but there are influential Zionist targets around the world.

Although I had imagined the next phase of resistance operations post ceasefire to be a targeting of Zionist targets around the world but this escalation & Israel’s desperation leads me to believe that those operations would be brought forward to run concurrently with ongoing hostilities.

Hopefully Iran & the Resistance would continue its practice of turning challenges into opportunities once again and make a new normal of targeting the hated Zionist figures around the world the new normal.

The period between now and December this year is the most opportune time to put that option in to practice, that is, IF that option/capability exists.

Yes but our people love women , drink and money so are easily used against us

You also need massive network of intelligence using satellites to monitor in real time

Iran unfortunately does not have such a constellation of satellites
A little material damage is not good enough this time. Response must be made without any prior notice. It must be dealt harshly with greater damage and deaths.

Anything short of that is a failure for Iran and Hezbollah. This means Israel can just keep assassinating people with no repercussions. It is time to cross redlines and send a message.

I agree we need casualties. We need to see the fuel dump burning in Haifa.l port

Maybe Hezbollah can lunch all the dumb missiles, and draw out the iron dome and arrow missile systems so that they run out of missiles

Basically, we need them to empty their defensive missile canisters

Then the Iranian missiles can come in without being intercepted you can do maximum damage

This will require good timing and coordination between Iran and Hezbolla
The mujahideen in Gaza are making sure the Zionist child killers pay the price of the crimes they committed against the Palestinian people.

Al-Quds Brigades: Scenes are shown of the targeting and destruction of Israeli enemy vehicles penetrating the Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City.
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