Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

On the far left, commies and Anti-fa. I have been watching them for over twenty years.

Their ranks have exploded in the past ten years. We have all witness the damage and chaos they can create. And most Americans too.

This is why we have seen hundreds of thousands of Americans over the past few years relocate to regions where they will be safe from the coming civil war.

I have been interviewed by the feds several times and the one question they ask me is will there be a race war in America. And each time I look the agents in the eyes and say yes.

Again, I left the movement ten years ago. But I have not forgotten what I have seen and heard, meeting hundreds in the real resistance across America.

Is Jackson Hinkle one of them ? Man that is nuts
Simple as these are puppets that were either created by the west or sustained by the west.

1. Jordan - artificial country carved out in 1917 by UK and has monarch protected by entity and the west.

2. KSA - artificial country carved out in 1917 by UK and has monarch now begging for US protection in return for betraying the Palestinians and recognising the entity.

3. Egypt - a real and historic nation but current ruler Sisi is a Zio-US imposed puppet.

At least with Arabs, the populations ABSOLUTELY DESPISE the Zionist entity that has been implanted in their midst.
It's natural common Arab people hating Israel.

Palestinians are exactly the same people than them. They look exactly like their relatives.

The unnatural is Arab elites ignoring Israel wars.

But I think, in the end, all this escalation will damage mainly GCC more than anyone. They are idiots ignoring what is planned in USA for them since the second zero.

The IDF confirms the terrorist Mohammed Deif was killed
I can confirm that o f you up in Turkish defenseHub.
This creature stated that he has no problems, children dying as long as such act is in his interest.
There 3 option where someone can say that killing children are serving someone interest
1 the guy is cultist pedophile
2 someone wants to buy a cheap pair of trousers made by the child labour in the sweat shops
3 he is just psychopath
I would like to know what would be the 4th mitigating thing?
Did you write this in other forms, where you have nome de geurre Relic????
Answer the question, will you?
Effin p. Do
Iran is all talk no bite. All they will do is kill innocents in neighbouring countries.
Ismail Hanniyah was safe in many countries but got assassinated when he went Iran. Iran is very incompetent or complicit.
Iranians supporters on this forum losing their minds whenever I expose iran.

As Sunni Muslim, I ask you

What have Sunni Muslims done for Palestine?

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