Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

He is the reason why Israel is so emboldened right now. The impotence and treason of the so-called sunni Muslim nations. I say this as a Sunni myself. Shame on him for blaming shia Iran for anything.

I am a Sunni Muslim, I am of Pakistani background

Not everything Iran does is perfect

But Iran has and can hold it's head high, for the monumental effort of leading and keeping the resistance alive and kicking
For working tirelessly under sanctions to develop effective weapons, creating resistance proxies and pushing our it's enemies

Is everything perfect,, no

But without iran their wouldn't be a resistance

What the hell have Egypt, Jordan, Saudi done??? Countries like Indonesia and Pakistan etc are too far but could also push harder

Iran is making it's claim as leader of the Muslim world

The Jews are trying to hold back the tide and the tide will eventually get through and when it does Iran will have a historical victory

To Egyptians, Jordanians, Saudi THINK what Muslim history will say about YOU
The truth is that Iran is scared of the US retaliation which is always coordinated with the Israeli attacks..

And it will be the type of retaliation that is the typical euphemism of "being set up to the stone age". That's what it would be which is why I am always on the IRIAF thread making suggestions as to ways they can incorporate Russian scortched earth tactics EVEN IF IT REQUIRES one-way Kamikazi missions, then do it. Buy a few Tajikistani MiG-31s they've eveb offered for sale themselves since they plan on storing them, add an Iranian Kinzhal-type bomb on the belly and send a pair right into the dome of demona and destroy their electric grid. send the next 5 to the Jericho missiles sites and obliterate the living daylights out of that base rendering it completely malfunctional and the rest, send them through the front door of that stank room they call the Kennessett so they're government is now in shambles! Now send in your paid proxies from Hezzy and from Syria and flood the living hell out of their nothern sector and you'll be sitting pretty.

Why isn't Iran doing anything like that? IS it chicken shit for a war? It just wants to pre-announce a less volatile attack to allow the zionist to be prepared so it can save face?

No, that ain't it. The truth is it's scared to shit that once the US sendes its B1B & B2 Spirit, it will in fact turn Iran into worse than Afghnistan and who already knew that only didnt practice any silly drone proxy methods and instead looked to solve the end of the war.....................................oh year, the cowardly arabs!!!!!! that's right I forgot imagine that! khawalaaat w'lad kalb and I never expected any Iranians to understand that concept since it's a SUNNI one, as in Rasoul Allah's SUNNAH the way it should be practiced and i just listedened to all the isguided TiKTOK-LEVEL Arab bashing even from the so-called educatied and semi-bright ones around here.

Well, get ready, Haneyya getting blasted (and don't give me no shit about some ATGM shot from a mile away lmmffffaaaaooooooo) that was a strike by an F-15E Strike Eagle in coordination with a massive EW attack by EA-18/G Growlers finished off by a trio of either US F-35B or C or the cuntish demon one they use their own name with and watch this, the word is MUM!!!!! Meaning Iran will do absolutely NOTHING with all its BS talking about eye for an eye and all that crap since it never really got a taste of not only the power the US yields for the sake of the entity, but the intelligence it's able to accumulate if I was Iran, go hide as deep as you can in the mountains you build and get rid of all your outdoor armored units (that's armOred units not that super fancy popmous british armOUr as if it's some lovable tank metal. Run and hide cus the MUCH WORST is yet to come. Haneyya? Ha, you think the demon's visit was timed by accident? You people need to wake the **** up!

All Iran has to do is develop several hundred nuclear H bombs then USA can’t do shit. None of Iran’s strategy make any sense

What several hundred nukes lmao! It ain't got shit!

From the bottom of my heart, I am disgusted with my fellow Americans for allowing this genocide to occur.

My government deserves everything it has coming to it.

I will not defend this monstrosity.

May the US government rot in hell.

Your/our government has the world by the balls and we both know it, my friend. Not even shirtless Putin on an Siberian horse has the balls to say otherwise and will scurry into his nearest Kremil bunker the second the first Pershing is fired, believe me. BRICS or whatever is a loooooooooooog ways away from having a single impact. Did you know that the Kuwaiti Dinari is worth $3.26 as of yesterday with the dollar ranked 10th yet aske ANYONE in the whole wide world which currency would they trade for in a heartbeat, I think we know the answer. The mighty US ain't going anywhere anytime soon within the next millennium and as long as its pockets are getting greased by these demons, the only ones playing it right are the Arabs contrary to all the macho camachos on this thread. Fools.

We are hearing two separate stories which one is true?

Some suggest it was Israeli airstrike from just outside Iranian airspace while others say a missile was fired from a nearby building.

Think about it, if they were able to let a pair of ASSHOLES get within 2 kilometers of Haneyya with an F&F ATGM at the carelessly moving Haneya entourage, then things are MUCH WORST than if a Jew or US F-35 flew close enough to stand-off range and fired at least 7 JSSMs.

As bad as the latter sounds meaning Iran's ADS sucks worst than we ever thought and that they're not paying any attention to flight patterns in the Arabian Gulf and their ELINT is worth dogshit, it's still better than allowing a pair of scum-sucking idiots to get to within a F&F ATGM.
please take your medication

Egypt still has diplomatic relations with Israel while Iran does not. Nobody from a country which has an Israeli embassy can criticise Iran.

Oh please with the childish medication comeback. Yeah, we do have relations with Isarel but at least we don't go around BOASTING about OH LOOK HOW TOUGH WE ARE WE SENT 1000 toy propeller drones that fell nowhere and cause ZERO DAMAGE yet we succeeded in having HAMAS' NUMBER 1 MAN KILLED IN O OUR OWN CAPITAL IN FRONT PF THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE HOW SUCH A GREAT MILITARY AND INTELLIGENCE WE ARE, BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO you bunch of bumbling fools!!!!!!!!!!! You just spread your ass crack cheeks to the whole world by having Haneyya killed IN TEHRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake up you delusional fool! This isn't about my dick is bigger than yours or my daddy can beat up your daddy!!! It's about the fact that IRAN FUCKED UP BEYOND BELIEF!!!!

Now if only @Falcon29 could really tell you how he feels about what YOUR country did to his most precious leader, he would. Except he has A LOT MORE CLASS than I do admittedly so and would never dare say it.

But like I told that Dalit dude, the minute any of you misguided clowns start blaming Arabs from this genocide, I will turn ugly on you like you've never seen it you think I give a **** you're a sectional moderator? PFFTTTTtttt ttt spare me that boneless title I couldn't give two shits sideways.

The fact you jumped all over me unnapreciatve of any effort Egypt or any Arabs have been doing has only afforded me bidding my time until your own incompetent ,ilitary that flaunts its stuff left and right just had the HEAD OF HAMAS KILLED IN TEHRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be a man and tell us all how embarrassed are you?! Why are you even here to take this pounding? Because it's going to keep coming even if you go crying to Waz like you always do and he bans me, I have no problem with that. But there's a big difference between one who flaunts a package that's the size of a 1/2 crew than one who doesn't even need to flaunt it. These are words of wisdom remember them they'll do you good.

Ma3lesh Ya Falcon, I feel bad for you bro they were on the cusp ma man, but with Haneya gone now thanks to these incompetent Iranian (I mean WTF kind of security would ever allow a man of that magnitude such access? Only a shithole of a security detail.) ,a3lesh they'll have to keep fighting till the last man standing.
A glorious day for removing terrorists from the planet.

Fuad Shakur, responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans and Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of the terror organization Hamas.
The world’s a better place with those two lowlifes off this beautiful planet 🙌

This is what he was up to on October 8th... he’s outta here now 🙌

Yes, open the Syrian Front!!! Gone are the days when Israel could have marched to Damascus from the Golan Heights!
Also looking at the Turkish softening of stance toward the Assad Govt. and hardening toward Israel, I bet Turkey will hold off anti-Assad forces in case of a conflict and will almost certainly supply weapons against Israel. Erdogan is probably tired of being called a coward or just word salad guy.
Oh please with the childish medication comeback. Yeah, we do have relations with Isarel but at least we don't go around BOASTING about OH LOOK HOW TOUGH WE ARE WE SENT 1000 toy propeller drones that fell nowhere and cause ZERO DAMAGE yet we succeeded in having HAMAS' NUMBER 1 MAN KILLED IN O OUR OWN CAPITAL IN FRONT PF THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE HOW SUCH A GREAT MILITARY AND INTELLIGENCE WE ARE, BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO you bunch of bumbling fools!!!!!!!!!!! You just spread your ass crack cheeks to the whole world by having Haneyya killed IN TEHRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake up you delusional fool! This isn't about my dick is bigger than yours or my daddy can beat up your daddy!!! It's about the fact that IRAN FUCKED UP BEYOND BELIEF!!!!

Now if only @Falcon29 could really tell you how he feels about what YOUR country did to his most precious leader, he would. Except he has A LOT MORE CLASS than I do admittedly so and would never dare say it.

But like I told that Dalit dude, the minute any of you misguided clowns start blaming Arabs from this genocide, I will turn ugly on you like you've never seen it you think I give a **** you're a sectional moderator? PFFTTTTtttt ttt spare me that boneless title I couldn't give two shits sideways.

The fact you jumped all over me unnapreciatve of any effort Egypt or any Arabs have been doing has only afforded me bidding my time until your own incompetent ,ilitary that flaunts its stuff left and right just had the HEAD OF HAMAS KILLED IN TEHRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be a man and tell us all how embarrassed are you?! Why are you even here to take this pounding? Because it's going to keep coming even if you go crying to Waz like you always do and he bans me, I have no problem with that. But there's a big difference between one who flaunts a package that's the size of a 1/2 crew than one who doesn't even need to flaunt it. These are words of wisdom remember them they'll do you good.

Ma3lesh Ya Falcon, I feel bad for you bro they were on the cusp ma man, but with Haneya gone now thanks to these incompetent Iranian (I mean WTF kind of security would ever allow a man of that magnitude such access? Only a shithole of a security detail.) ,a3lesh they'll have to keep fighting till the last man standing.
At least Iran is doing something to help the resistance , what has Egypt done?
Bend over backwards with Sisi the Zionist destroying your economy and buying gas from Israel.

You helped the resistance by flooding the tunnels and preventing the resistance from being able to get weapons into Gaza.

Great accomplishment for the state of Israel I mean Egypt.

I am not even Iranian but you can’t even carry Irans jockstrap.
Oh please with the childish medication comeback. Yeah, we do have relations with Isarel but at least we don't go around BOASTING about OH LOOK HOW TOUGH WE ARE WE SENT 1000 toy propeller drones that fell nowhere and cause ZERO DAMAGE yet we succeeded in having HAMAS' NUMBER 1 MAN KILLED IN O OUR OWN CAPITAL IN FRONT PF THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE HOW SUCH A GREAT MILITARY AND INTELLIGENCE WE ARE, BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO you bunch of bumbling fools!!!!!!!!!!! You just spread your ass crack cheeks to the whole world by having Haneyya killed IN TEHRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake up you delusional fool! This isn't about my dick is bigger than yours or my daddy can beat up your daddy!!! It's about the fact that IRAN FUCKED UP BEYOND BELIEF!!!!

Now if only @Falcon29 could really tell you how he feels about what YOUR country did to his most precious leader, he would. Except he has A LOT MORE CLASS than I do admittedly so and would never dare say it.

But like I told that Dalit dude, the minute any of you misguided clowns start blaming Arabs from this genocide, I will turn ugly on you like you've never seen it you think I give a **** you're a sectional moderator? PFFTTTTtttt ttt spare me that boneless title I couldn't give two shits sideways.

The fact you jumped all over me unnapreciatve of any effort Egypt or any Arabs have been doing has only afforded me bidding my time until your own incompetent ,ilitary that flaunts its stuff left and right just had the HEAD OF HAMAS KILLED IN TEHRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be a man and tell us all how embarrassed are you?! Why are you even here to take this pounding? Because it's going to keep coming even if you go crying to Waz like you always do and he bans me, I have no problem with that. But there's a big difference between one who flaunts a package that's the size of a 1/2 crew than one who doesn't even need to flaunt it. These are words of wisdom remember them they'll do you good.

Ma3lesh Ya Falcon, I feel bad for you bro they were on the cusp ma man, but with Haneya gone now thanks to these incompetent Iranian (I mean WTF kind of security would ever allow a man of that magnitude such access? Only a shithole of a security detail.) ,a3lesh they'll have to keep fighting till the last man standing.
Egypt's dynamic is different. Egypt trains for war with Israel all the time but people should understand it trains for conventional war, primarily defensive and offensive scenarios. Which would consist of a ground invasion. A ground invasion of Israel is a last resort. It's what I said would stop Israel as a last resort if there's no way to stop Israel from continuously escalating.

I obviously don't agree with attacks on Egypt and it's like a second home for me. I've been there more than some Egyptians have.

Now with Haniyeh's killing, it indeed came as a shock. I don't blame implicate Iranians. It came as a shock for them too. It's now been confirmed a bomb was planted in the area weeks ago. This has been done to Iranian nuclear plants and other infrastructure before too. There are spies or CIA/Mossad assets on the ground that blend in with the population.

Imo, the whole Arab is responsible or Iran is responsible thing should be put aside. Iran and its allies will respond to this. I think in a big way. It's unclear how this will affect Gaza because we are not seeing any signs of Israeli willingness to reach ceasefire. And Israeli government is being stubborn trying to take advantage of US domestic politics to extend this conflict.

Ignore the guys that attack Egypt here. They don't understand how Egypt operates historically. It's not in the manner others operate so it's hard to understand for them.
Mr. Hassan Nasrallah:

Whoever wants the region not to go to worse needs to stop the war in Gaza. If you kill whoever you killed, if you destroy what you destroyed, and declare war here and there, even if you cross all borders and red lines, regardless of what we do, there will be no solution except by stopping the aggression against Gaza.

Thank you, Hezbollah

Yes but our people love women , drink and money so are easily used against us

You also need massive network of intelligence using satellites to monitor in real time

Iran unfortunately does not have such a constellation of satellites

I don’t think it’s a matter of Capability or Competence, I believe it’s a lack of Policy & Strategy.
You can't wait to beg the USA to fight wars for you, lol.

It is clear to the ENTIRE WORLD--even to the Israelis, per my looking at the Israeli sites--that Israel can't survive, let alone 'prevail', over its adversaries without absolute and forceful American help. And believe they can't prevail in a regional war despite full American support!!
Killing the Resistance leadership is like a reverse domino effect: Instead of things falling one over another to lead to a total demolition, these mindless killings will make people rise UP, one after another, to become leaders. Haniyeh not only lost his life but also his kids recently and he, unlike Netanyahu whose son was/is partying in Miami, is what commands respect among millions.

Stupid Israelis and their deluded supporters!!

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