Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Oh please with the childish medication comeback. Yeah, we do have relations with Isarel but at least we don't go around BOASTING about OH LOOK HOW TOUGH WE ARE WE SENT 1000 toy propeller drones that fell nowhere and cause ZERO DAMAGE yet we succeeded in having HAMAS' NUMBER 1 MAN KILLED IN O OUR OWN CAPITAL IN FRONT PF THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE HOW SUCH A GREAT MILITARY AND INTELLIGENCE WE ARE, BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO you bunch of bumbling fools!!!!!!!!!!! You just spread your ass crack cheeks to the whole world by having Haneyya killed IN TEHRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake up you delusional fool! This isn't about my dick is bigger than yours or my daddy can beat up your daddy!!! It's about the fact that IRAN FUCKED UP BEYOND BELIEF!!!!

Now if only @Falcon29 could really tell you how he feels about what YOUR country did to his most precious leader, he would. Except he has A LOT MORE CLASS than I do admittedly so and would never dare say it.

But like I told that Dalit dude, the minute any of you misguided clowns start blaming Arabs from this genocide, I will turn ugly on you like you've never seen it you think I give a **** you're a sectional moderator? PFFTTTTtttt ttt spare me that boneless title I couldn't give two shits sideways.

The fact you jumped all over me unnapreciatve of any effort Egypt or any Arabs have been doing has only afforded me bidding my time until your own incompetent ,ilitary that flaunts its stuff left and right just had the HEAD OF HAMAS KILLED IN TEHRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be a man and tell us all how embarrassed are you?! Why are you even here to take this pounding? Because it's going to keep coming even if you go crying to Waz like you always do and he bans me, I have no problem with that. But there's a big difference between one who flaunts a package that's the size of a 1/2 crew than one who doesn't even need to flaunt it. These are words of wisdom remember them they'll do you good.

Ma3lesh Ya Falcon, I feel bad for you bro they were on the cusp ma man, but with Haneya gone now thanks to these incompetent Iranian (I mean WTF kind of security would ever allow a man of that magnitude such access? Only a shithole of a security detail.) ,a3lesh they'll have to keep fighting till the last man standing.
Arab states have done next yo nothing, unless what is happening in Gaza you see as a normal thing.

Minimum all arab and muslim countries could have done is recall their ambassadors, cut diplomatic, economic links, not allow use of their territory or airspace to speak against this genocide, only Yemen, Hezbollah actually did something.
LOL You’re just another one living in a fairy tale believing in the tooth fairy at 50.
Thinking all Muslims are connected is just crazy talk, like the nonsense the Ayatollah spouts and you’re falling for it.

Let me break it down for you (I’m not religious btw) there are nearly 3 billion Christians out there and if someone decided to attack Brazil it wouldn’t mean all Christian countries would team up to defend it. You sound stupid.

Look at SA they’re investing in the future. That’s what happens when you don’t base every decision on religion.

???????? The difference is Israel is a monstrous apartheid occupational state

Since the last time you came here to spout crap, has Israel had any international support or relief or legal succour?

The answer is NO, everything we told you just continued with international agency after international agency stating uniquely that Israel was a occupational apartheid state

Israel just confirmed how monstrous it is
It's own politics is broken and extreme

And the fight against it has only just begun it will be hounded for years in multiple areas as will companies working with Israel

Israel thinks it can just murder itself out of the problem, it is mistaken
If it was indeed a bomb, then again lax from the Iranians.

That whole place should have been gone through with a fine tooth comb. Basic security protocols.

Also why did Haniyah ever stay in the same or adjacent rooms, let alone in a specific building while in Tehran?

Still find it hard to believe that Iran was not able to protect such a high profile VIP guest as the leader of Hamas.
I think the biggest weakness of the resistance is using western silicon and software. Iran needs to develop local semiconductor and operating system and refrain from using any western developed apps.
And it will be the type of retaliation that is the typical euphemism of "being set up to the stone age". That's what it would be which is why I am always on the IRIAF thread making suggestions as to ways they can incorporate Russian scortched earth tactics EVEN IF IT REQUIRES one-way Kamikazi missions, then do it. Buy a few Tajikistani MiG-31s they've eveb offered for sale themselves since they plan on storing them, add an Iranian Kinzhal-type bomb on the belly and send a pair right into the dome of demona and destroy their electric grid. send the next 5 to the Jericho missiles sites and obliterate the living daylights out of that base rendering it completely malfunctional and the rest, send them through the front door of that stank room they call the Kennessett so they're government is now in shambles! Now send in your paid proxies from Hezzy and from Syria and flood the living hell out of their nothern sector and you'll be sitting pretty.

Why isn't Iran doing anything like that? IS it chicken shit for a war? It just wants to pre-announce a less volatile attack to allow the zionist to be prepared so it can save face?

No, that ain't it. The truth is it's scared to shit that once the US sendes its B1B & B2 Spirit, it will in fact turn Iran into worse than Afghnistan and who already knew that only didnt practice any silly drone proxy methods and instead looked to solve the end of the war.....................................oh year, the cowardly arabs!!!!!! that's right I forgot imagine that! khawalaaat w'lad kalb and I never expected any Iranians to understand that concept since it's a SUNNI one, as in Rasoul Allah's SUNNAH the way it should be practiced and i just listedened to all the isguided TiKTOK-LEVEL Arab bashing even from the so-called educatied and semi-bright ones around here.

Well, get ready, Haneyya getting blasted (and don't give me no shit about some ATGM shot from a mile away lmmffffaaaaooooooo) that was a strike by an F-15E Strike Eagle in coordination with a massive EW attack by EA-18/G Growlers finished off by a trio of either US F-35B or C or the cuntish demon one they use their own name with and watch this, the word is MUM!!!!! Meaning Iran will do absolutely NOTHING with all its BS talking about eye for an eye and all that crap since it never really got a taste of not only the power the US yields for the sake of the entity, but the intelligence it's able to accumulate if I was Iran, go hide as deep as you can in the mountains you build and get rid of all your outdoor armored units (that's armOred units not that super fancy popmous british armOUr as if it's some lovable tank metal. Run and hide cus the MUCH WORST is yet to come. Haneyya? Ha, you think the demon's visit was timed by accident? You people need to wake the **** up!

What several hundred nukes lmao! It ain't got shit!

Your/our government has the world by the balls and we both know it, my friend. Not even shirtless Putin on an Siberian horse has the balls to say otherwise and will scurry into his nearest Kremil bunker the second the first Pershing is fired, believe me. BRICS or whatever is a loooooooooooog ways away from having a single impact. Did you know that the Kuwaiti Dinari is worth $3.26 as of yesterday with the dollar ranked 10th yet aske ANYONE in the whole wide world which currency would they trade for in a heartbeat, I think we know the answer. The mighty US ain't going anywhere anytime soon within the next millennium and as long as its pockets are getting greased by these demons, the only ones playing it right are the Arabs contrary to all the macho camachos on this thread. Fools.

Think about it, if they were able to let a pair of ASSHOLES get within 2 kilometers of Haneyya with an F&F ATGM at the carelessly moving Haneya entourage, then things are MUCH WORST than if a Jew or US F-35 flew close enough to stand-off range and fired at least 7 JSSMs.

As bad as the latter sounds meaning Iran's ADS sucks worst than we ever thought and that they're not paying any attention to flight patterns in the Arabian Gulf and their ELINT is worth dogshit, it's still better than allowing a pair of scum-sucking idiots to get to within a F&F ATGM.
Umm, Iran has the fuel to develop nuclear bombs, but it’s being held back by SL. I’m not sure what you mean by “it ain’t got shit”. And obviously Iran has the delivery method for sending nukes to their destinations.
Jews trying to bring their prophet with all these killing.
Urgent | Medical sources for Al Jazeera: 39 martyrs as a result of the continued Israeli bombing of various areas in the Gaza Strip since dawn today.

What the Israeli want is a end to this and for Hamas to accept defeat, however the resistance continues to fight on

So the Israeli are furious and hoping they can massacre their way to stop the resistance, they have for months committed evil monstrous massacres in the hope the will of the resistance will break
So NYTimes, which is close to the American Deep State, and by extension to the Israelis, is calling it a bomb that killed Haniyeh. I also think this was done without the American approval or knowledge.
PS. 'Ismail' was also the name of my uncle--my father's brother.

Bomb Smuggled Into Tehran Guesthouse Months Ago Killed Hamas Leader​

An explosive device hidden in a heavily guarded complex where Ismail Haniyeh was known to stay in Iran was what killed him, according to a Times investigation.

Ismail Haniyeh, a top leader of Hamas, was assassinated on Wednesday by an explosive device covertly smuggled into the Tehran guesthouse where he was staying, according to seven Middle Eastern officials, including two Iranians, and an American official.

The bomb had been hidden approximately two months ago in the guesthouse, according to five of the Middle Eastern officials. The guesthouse is run and protected by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and is part of a large compound, known as Neshat, in an upscale neighborhood of northern Tehran.

Mr. Haniyeh was in Iran’s capital for the presidential inauguration. The bomb was detonated remotely, the five officials said, once it was confirmed that he was inside his room at the guesthouse. The blast also killed a bodyguard.

The explosion shook the building, shattered some windows and caused the partial collapse of an exterior wall, according to the two Iranian officials, members of the Revolutionary Guards briefed on the incident. Such damage was also evident in a photograph of the building shared with The New York Times.

Mr. Haniyeh, who had led Hamas’s political office in Qatar, had stayed at the guesthouse several times when visiting Tehran, according to the Middle Eastern officials. All of the officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to share sensitive details about the assassination.

Iranian officials and Hamas said Wednesday that Israel was responsible for the assassination, an assessment also reached by several U.S. officials who requested anonymity. The assassination threatened to unleash another wave of violence in the Middle East and upend the ongoing negotiations to end the war in Gaza. Mr. Haniyeh had been a top negotiator in the cease-fire talks.

Israel has not publicly acknowledged responsibility for the killing, but Israeli intelligence officials briefed the United States and other Western governments on the details of the operation in the immediate aftermath, according to the five Middle Eastern officials.

On Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said that the United States had received no advance knowledge of the assassination plot.

In the hours after the killing, speculation immediately focused on the possibility that Israel had killed Mr. Haniyeh with a missile strike, possibly fired from a drone or a plane, similar to how Israel had launched a missile on a military base in Isfahan in April.

That missile theory raised questions about how Israel might have been able to evade Iranian air defense systems again to execute such a brazen airstrike in the capital.

As it turns out, the assassins were able to exploit a different kind of gap in Iran’s defenses: a lapse in the security of a supposedly tightly guarded compound that allowed a bomb to be planted and to remain hidden for many weeks before it would eventually be triggered.

How can a bomb with such magnitude be hidden in a guesthouse without anyone noticing it? Unless everyone who works there and guards in that guesthouse are working for Israel and the Western secret agencies, the story makes no sense, at least the way I see it.

I honestly think this is psyop, and they want to divert the attention from the real culprit.
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