Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Oh please with the childish medication comeback. Yeah, we do have relations with Isarel but at least we don't go around BOASTING about OH LOOK HOW TOUGH WE ARE WE SENT 1000 toy propeller drones that fell nowhere and cause ZERO DAMAGE yet we succeeded in having HAMAS' NUMBER 1 MAN KILLED IN O OUR OWN CAPITAL IN FRONT PF THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE HOW SUCH A GREAT MILITARY AND INTELLIGENCE WE ARE, BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO you bunch of bumbling fools!!!!!!!!!!! You just spread your ass crack cheeks to the whole world by having Haneyya killed IN TEHRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake up you delusional fool! This isn't about my dick is bigger than yours or my daddy can beat up your daddy!!! It's about the fact that IRAN FUCKED UP BEYOND BELIEF!!!!

Now if only @Falcon29 could really tell you how he feels about what YOUR country did to his most precious leader, he would. Except he has A LOT MORE CLASS than I do admittedly so and would never dare say it.

But like I told that Dalit dude, the minute any of you misguided clowns start blaming Arabs from this genocide, I will turn ugly on you like you've never seen it you think I give a **** you're a sectional moderator? PFFTTTTtttt ttt spare me that boneless title I couldn't give two shits sideways.

The fact you jumped all over me unnapreciatve of any effort Egypt or any Arabs have been doing has only afforded me bidding my time until your own incompetent ,ilitary that flaunts its stuff left and right just had the HEAD OF HAMAS KILLED IN TEHRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be a man and tell us all how embarrassed are you?! Why are you even here to take this pounding? Because it's going to keep coming even if you go crying to Waz like you always do and he bans me, I have no problem with that. But there's a big difference between one who flaunts a package that's the size of a 1/2 crew than one who doesn't even need to flaunt it. These are words of wisdom remember them they'll do you good.

Ma3lesh Ya Falcon, I feel bad for you bro they were on the cusp ma man, but with Haneya gone now thanks to these incompetent Iranian (I mean WTF kind of security would ever allow a man of that magnitude such access? Only a shithole of a security detail.) ,a3lesh they'll have to keep fighting till the last man standing.
another incoherent rant

as I said before, no one from a country that proudly hosts an israeli embassy can criticise iran
Apparently Israel's "redline" was the targeting of non-Jewish civilians in Israel. All victims of the soccer field attack were Druze Muslims, right? And some of the kids killed by Hezbollah's bombardment may actually have had Syrian citizenship; I haven't checked.

Druze do not consider themselves to be Muslims; while they are an offshoot of Isma'ili Shi'ism and have a hodgepodge of various Abrahamic beliefs, they are separate from Islam. One tenant of their belief is reincarnation, which is contrary to Islamic belief. The only thing they associate with Arabs is the Arabic language and culture, but there is nothing Islam in them.
This is conspiracy theory. Iran has no reason to want him dead. And Israel won't feel score is settled and make a ceasefire Gaza. It doesn't want to stop and wants to expand the war. Israel is on a genocidal rampage to exterminate Palestinians and believes a regional war will help it do that. It will try expelling Palestinians into Egypt. And will only have to look after northern border with Lebanon and Syria. While it believes US would deal with Iran. This is very dangerous mindset. Whatever it plans will be short-lived. And the punishment for the Israeli terrorist entire community and society as a whole must be severe so the terrorist Jews never think to initiate genocidal demonic rampages again. And the terrorist Jews must be purged out of influence entirely. In all societies.
Wouldn't you know it, Your dear Haniyeh was not killed by a missile and in fact was killed by a bomb, placed in his bedroom. The mullahs send their regards :ROFLMAO:

Bomb Smuggled Into Tehran Guesthouse Months Ago Killed Hamas Leader​

An explosive device hidden in a heavily guarded complex where Ismail Haniyeh was known to stay in Iran was what killed him, according to a Times investigation

Iran supplied the resistance

It's basically funds, supplies and supports the resistance

It also understands the long game, it doesn't need to panic and dance around, it knows Israel is boiling and it's best bet is to keep Israel boiling, constantly under attack, constantly in conflict with the resistance

Israel will crack

Why should Iran be blamed for the surrounding Arabs states being cowards and jackals?

You gotta keep the head cool.

When you hear about strong and wise leaders like forexample Salah Ad Din or Tiberius, you often think they were gungo ho. But in fact they were very strategic minded calculating generals who played the long game.

When Tiberius did not use full force of huge Roman Army provided to him to crush Illyrian Revolt immidiately, Ceasar Augustus forexample thought Tiberius was plotting against him, dragging out the conflict and being passive. But in fact it was the opposite; Tiberius was very active, using a slow long grinding tactic to instead ware out the rebels. Which proved to be correct. Tiberius even sent some legions back home, because the amassed army was to big too manage effectively.

Salah Ad Din was also extremely patient. Contrary to popular belief he actually lost many battles, but always came back and won the war. Because he was always wise and humble enough to withdraw from battle when it was no longer favorable for him.
you are speaking to an unhinged guy who was celebrating and telling people how rich he was going to get from buying gold the last time Iran and Israel exchanged fire
I'm not "unhinged", the mullah lovers who helped the mullahs on their mission to destroying this country are unhinged.

I'm also long on options on gold futures again, waiting for the idiots in charge to start their shitshow once again.
This is conspiracy theory. Iran has no reason to want him dead.
Didn't Saddam kill a paranoid, independent-minded terror leader when he was under military pressure? Could this be the same thing?
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Druze do not consider themselves to be Muslims; while they are an offshoot of Isma'ili Shi'ism and have a hodgepodge of various Abrahamic beliefs, they are separate from Islam. One tenant of their belief is reincarnation, which is contrary to Islamic belief. The only thing they associate with Arabs is the Arabic language and culture, but there is nothing Islam in them.
Plus another prophet after Mohammad pbuh
Tiberius was very active, using a slow long grinding tactic to instead ware out the rebels. Which proved to be correct.
Problem for Israel is that even if they try to be 'patient', they don't have much time. Their demographics and geographic constraints are just too much. They are a rich economy with pampered population, of which a large number have the option to flee to safe countries.

didn't take them long to beg USA for help
Jordan will help too

And once again the 'Mightiest Military in the Middle East' is exposing itself to be nothing but a cowardly bully using a Superpower and its allies. The entire world has seen how this 'mighty' has fallen.

Increasing I am starting to notice analysts and bloggers speaking of Israel using tactical nukes because it is apparent even carpet bombing the Resistance won't help Israel enough.
Apparently Israel's "redline" was the targeting of non-Jewish civilians in Israel. All victims of the soccer field attack were Druze Muslims, right? And some of the kids killed by Hezbollah's bombardment may actually have had Syrian citizenship; I haven't checked.
Apparently, Israeli plastic dome malfunctioned in occupied Syrian territory and murdered poor Syrian Arabs.

Israel has to pay with Polish and Ukrainian Jewish blood

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