Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I think the biggest weakness of the resistance is using western silicon and software. Iran needs to develop local semiconductor and operating system and refrain from using any western developed apps.
Not only Iran... Muslims should make a Muslimbook instead Facebook, Thatsitapp instead of WhatsApp and Ourgram instead of Insta gram...

They are spying and controlling all of us.. Instagram is turning Muslim girls into wanna be whores... High time that we have our own apps, internet apparatus and GPS like satellites
Problem for Israel is that even if they try to be 'patient', they don't have much time. Their demographics and geographic constraints are just too much. They are a rich economy with pampered population, of which a large number have the option to flee to safe countries.

And once again the 'Mightiest Military in the Middle East' is exposing itself to be nothing but a cowardly bully using a Superpower and its allies. The entire world has seen how this 'mighty' has fallen.

Increasing I am starting to notice analysts and bloggers speaking of Israel using tactical nukes because it is apparent even carpet bombing the Resistance won't help Israel enough.
This is why I’m saying Iran needs to assemble the nukes and test it now. SL decision fatwa against nukes is not logical
Apparently Israel's "redline" was the targeting of non-Jewish civilians in Israel. All victims of the soccer field attack were Druze Muslims, right? And some of the kids killed by Hezbollah's bombardment may actually have had Syrian citizenship; I haven't checked.
Redline? Stealing and occupying land - rape - genocide - collective punishment - blowing up hospitals and schools? Our red line has been crossed numerous times.
Lowest form of humans killing children and women…….
Redline? Stealing and occupying land - rape - genocide - collective punishment - blowing up hospitals and schools? Our red line has been crossed numerous times.
Lowest form of humans killing children and women…….
I wasn't aware you thought so poorly of Palestinian Arabs. While many of them are guilty of these deeds, they live under oppressive regimes that don't countenance opposition to these horrible goals and the U.N. and many foreign entities incentivize and encourage it.

By taking out some of their oppressors, Israel may be helping a little, but ultimately I think something more is needed.
another incoherent rant

as I said before, no one from a country that proudly hosts an israeli embassy can criticise iran

Incoherent rant is fine, I don't expect you to be able to appropriately absorb a couple of paragraphs of truth, considering your country which "proudly does NOT" host an Israeli embassy just had the number 1 Hamas boss shanked to smithereens in your own glorious capital. Apparently you must be really proud of that.

Yep, I might consider sticking my head under a rock and avoiding such painful truth after all the boasting coming out of your posts left and right.
This is why I’m saying Iran needs to assemble the nukes and test it now. SL decision fatwa against nukes is not logical

In coded words, this Chief Rabbi is suggesting that Israel takes out the Iranian nukes and looking at the comments, they are supportive of the idea. Israel is likely to use at least tactical nukes even if the conflict would be conventional.

Goldstein was adamant the US and the West could not be relied upon to protect Israel from Iran's nuclear weapons.

“History has shown that no other nation will come to our rescue. We learned this from bitter experience when boats of German Jewish refugees were turned back by America and Britain, and when the Allied forces refused to bomb the railroads to Auschwitz.”

Goldstein graphically spelt out the threat a nuclear Iran poses - a prospect “so horrifying it is almost impossible to say out loud.”

“A nuclear Iran places the seven million Jews of Israel in mortal danger. If there's one thing that October 7 has taught us, it’s that the implacable hatred of the proponents of violent Jihad knows no bounds. For them, no evil is too horrific to perpetrate. October 7 was an inkling of what Iran would do from the moment it possesses nuclear weapons.”

And while the prospect of mutually assured destruction acted as a nuclear deterrent during the Cold War, Goldstein believes no such deterrence exists in the case of Iran.

“As the great political analyst Charles Krauthammer once observed, mutually assured destruction for Jihadists who glorify death and martyrdom is an incentive, not a deterrent.”

Compounding the threat, he also cited New York Times bestselling author Annie Jacobsen’s argument in her new book, “Nuclear War”, that missile defense systems – even extremely advanced and sophisticated ones like Israel’s Iron Dome – have limited capacity to repel a nuclear attack.

And a Comment:

"his is known situation. Israel for years did nothing militarily. Exists reason, most likely it's opposition from America. America actually opposed attack on Iraqi center. Saddam actually restored nuclear reactors and was on the way to bomb. America directly warned Israel to stay away. Israel was saved by Kuwait crises. Such operations need support if not direct involvement of USA. America, as usual, has technology. With all criticism of Left etc technological abilities of America are enormous. BTW I read that in 1980th India was ready to give airports to Israel to bomb Pakistani nuclear centers. America learned about the idea and informed Pakistan. Israel was warned to do nothing. Pakistan was ally in Afghan war against USSR. Unfortunately, in this life the right is the strongest."
I wasn't aware you thought so poorly of Palestinian Arabs. While many of them are guilty of these deeds, they live under oppressive regimes that don't countenance opposition to these horrible goals and the U.N. and many foreign entities incentivize and encourage it.

By taking out some of their oppressors, Israel may be helping a little, but ultimately I think something more is needed.
You are fully aware I am talking about vermin. Vermin that butcher and target 40,000 innocent Palestinians my dear solowman. Only the Israeli army can be described as the lowest form of human. Killing rape genocide collective punishment - only Israel has all these badges.
Think about it Solomon - Benny is creating a scenario where NO Jew will rest or sleep in peace. Every death of an innocent Palestinian - creates 50 more people that detest Israel. Your future existence is under serious threat. Even innocent good standing Jews are restless and stressed thinking of the next 5 years - nowhere no one sadly will be safe
Incoherent rant is fine, I don't expect you to be able to appropriately absorb a couple of paragraphs of truth, considering your country which "proudly does NOT" host an Israeli embassy just had the number 1 Hamas boss shanked to smithereens in your own glorious capital. Apparently you must be really proud of that.

Yep, I might consider sticking my head under a rock and avoiding such painful truth after all the boasting coming out of your posts left and right.
maybe in a few days when you calm down we can talk about how Egypt has an Israeli embassy and watches as a genocide happens on its borders

Iran may be incompetent in some security areas but it is not wilfully on the wrong side of a genocide. we cannot say the same for Egypt.

The wife of one of the soldiers accused of raping/anally sodomizing the prisoner told the Israeli media, "What do I care about his ass?" and claimed her and her husband "feel threatened."
The wife of the IDF rapist soldier declares full support for her husband violently sodomizing a Palestinian detainee until he was hospitalized with a ruptured intestine, a severe injury to the anus & lungs, & broken ribs".


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