Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The worst part is that Egypt doesn’t even need to buy Israeli gas. They have the largest discovered gas fields in the Mediterranean. Israel does not have LNG liquefaction terminals so Egypt is helping them with that.
It doesn't make sense. Is Israel the only country in the world that can sell gas to Egypt? Even if it is (it isn't), is the small profit Egypt makes from that worth funding Israel and their genocide in Gaza? Any normal person would say no, but apparently he does not agree.

The fact he expects us to agree that funding Israel's war machine and genocide is justified because Egypt can make a profit from it is INSANE. And is a perfect illustration of everything wrong in Egypt since that American puppet Sisi took control.
I am a Sunni Muslim, I am of Pakistani background

Not everything Iran does is perfect

But Iran has and can hold it's head high, for the monumental effort of leading and keeping the resistance alive and kicking
For working tirelessly under sanctions to develop effective weapons, creating resistance proxies and pushing our it's enemies

Is everything perfect,, no

But without iran their wouldn't be a resistance

What the hell have Egypt, Jordan, Saudi done??? Countries like Indonesia and Pakistan etc are too far but could also push harder

Iran is making it's claim as leader of the Muslim world

The Jews are trying to hold back the tide and the tide will eventually get through and when it does Iran will have a historical victory

To Egyptians, Jordanians, Saudi THINK what Muslim history will say about YOU

Nobody is perfect... Including Iran. Now is the time to put aside any sort of sectarianism, racists attitudes, superiority complexes and STAND WITH PALESTINE no matter the differences.
Jewish blood is no longer cheap. There is a price to be paid for taking Jewish life. Most of the time, this is interpreted through the lens of Israel’s enemies—that is, as a threat. But more important is what this reality says to citizens of Israel. To them, it’s a promise.

Jewish blood isn't any more precious than Palestinian blood.

So time to back your bags and go back to Europe as Kazars
I was listening to Haider Mehdi last night and he mentioned that the guy who assassinated Ismail Haniyah is an Indian. Then he also talked about
Kulbhosan Yadav who was caught in Pakistan also
came into Pakistan from Iran.

Iranians need to watch out for Indians as they are
very close to the Israeli's.
If Iran finds an Indian govt link to the assassination of Haniyeh, India will pay the cost. I think some Pakistanis see Iran and India as "good friends", and that is false- if India was really Iran's friend, India would have stood by Iran through the worst sanctions - India didnt, and Iran knows it. Iran is just rational and smartly keeping India as close as possible, because it is under sanctions and needs any "friend" it can have to survive the harsh sanctions and Western agenda against it.
Qatar is the main Hamas supporter, it's not Iran.
Which of the weapons that Gaza is using to fight Israel today was provided by Qatar? You mean main financial supporter of Hamas, because Iran also supports Hamas financially, politically, militarily, diplomatically, regionally, etc.
Jewish blood isn't any more precious than Palestinian blood.

So time to back your bags and go back to Europe as Kazars
If anything we've seen they believe Jewish blood is superior. Honestly they will be looking uninhabited places once again, too much taint. Maybe Spielberg will churn out a couple WW2 films about the holocaust to improve their image
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Maybe Iran's best response would be to test a nuke, that would be more spectacular than the assassination.

First time watched this Lebanese journalist lady: Marwa Osman. Some pretty interesting info. I don't know how credible she is but she is implying she has inside knowledge about how Hezbollah/Resistance is working and how different entities of the Resistance acts. Syria has a role, as does the Hezbollah plan in the Med. Sea and there is even a Hezbollah airport for a specific role. She is trying not to divulge a lot. But she said something major against Israel coming this 'Sunday night' (local time).
She is also saying Nuclear weapons are 'Haraam' per the Iranian clergy. She is saying that the Druze in the Golan Heights don't identify with Israel.

I don't watch such long videos but was glued to it.

Iran needs time to move weapons around and coordinate strategies with allies, both offensive and defensive. Response is imminent but necessarily tonight or tomorrow. This response will likely need to cause significant damage at a important base or infrastructure, and also cause casualties. Casualties can be caused by Hezbollah's response. While Iran can work on damaging important military infrastructure. Hopefully the Palmachim airbase. If not, then Tel Aviv will may be spared this time.

Israel will them behave for the month. I don't believe this will lead to a regional war. But the next incident like this repeats in September. Then September is it. I've always had a feeling a regional war would break out in September....
Iran needs time to move weapons around and coordinate strategies with allies, both offensive and defensive. Response is imminent but necessarily tonight or tomorrow. This response will likely need to cause significant damage at a important base or infrastructure, and also cause casualties. Casualties can be caused by Hezbollah's response. While Iran can work on damaging important military infrastructure. Hopefully the Palmachim airbase. If not, then Tel Aviv will may be spared this time.

Israel will them behave for the month. I don't believe this will lead to a regional war. But the next incident like this repeats in September. Then September is it. I've always had a feeling a regional war would break out in September....

There should always be a plan ready and assets always in place, knowing full well that it's a target. The time between being hit and striking back is abysmal.

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