Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

There should always be a plan ready and assets always in place, knowing full well that it's a target. The time between being hit and striking back is abysmal.
dozens of foreign diplomats were in Tehran for Pezeshkian's inauguration

and Haniyeh's funeral was held in Tehran today

Iran is not going to start a war until those diplomats are gone and the funeral is done
Iran needs time to move weapons around and coordinate strategies with allies, both offensive and defensive. Response is imminent but necessarily tonight or tomorrow. This response will likely need to cause significant damage at a important base or infrastructure, and also cause casualties. Casualties can be caused by Hezbollah's response. While Iran can work on damaging important military infrastructure. Hopefully the Palmachim airbase. If not, then Tel Aviv will may be spared this time.

Israel will them behave for the month. I don't believe this will lead to a regional war. But the next incident like this repeats in September. Then September is it. I've always had a feeling a regional war would break out in September....

No need to hurry and there should be no advance notice this time. Hit them hard when they are off guard.
Iran should have had plans in place. No need to wait , announce it and continue to wait until israel prepares and the western navies arrive!
At least Iran is doing something to help the resistance , what has Egypt done?
Bend over backwards with Sisi the Zionist destroying your economy and buying gas from Israel.

You helped the resistance by flooding the tunnels and preventing the resistance from being able to get weapons into Gaza.

Great accomplishment for the state of Israel I mean Egypt.

I am not even Iranian but you can’t even carry Irans jockstrap.
I ran helps has no way of helping Hamas.. It is Egypt who has helped Gaza and Hamas the most through the borders and tunnels..but now it is more difficult..
Hold up, for real... weren’t you saying a few months back that it was just a matter of time before Hamas would take down Israel? You talked about how well Hamas was doing and how they had the right strategy... remember?

It’s a shame this thread is 2400 pgs long otherwise I’d find your comments.

So why the sudden change of heart? We’ve been telling you from the jump that Hamas could never win this war by force smh but there’s no point explaining it to someone like you so stubborn and stuck. I hope you come to your senses someday.
Well he wasn't lying.. for Israel to target Hamas' top political leader.. it means it was hurt deeply somehow!
Arab states have done next yo nothing, unless what is happening in Gaza you see as a normal thing.

Minimum all arab and muslim countries could have done is recall their ambassadors, cut diplomatic, economic links, not allow use of their territory or airspace to speak against this genocide, only Yemen, Hezbollah actually did something.

Why, you think the only responsibility an ambassador to a country is strictly a formality? You obvioulsy are not too adept at the politics that go behind diplomacy.

I won't get into the countless SLEW of responsibilities that are involved, but the BIGGEST one currently NEEDED to maintain such a diplomatic relationship is to use instantaneous communications to END THE GENOCIDE! By acting all macho camacho like you and many ignorant around here think is the LEAST they should do means you have no clue as to the intricacies involved and like I said, the number 1 priority is to continue the pursuit of a ceasefire and an enduring peace. Can't do that if you fire ambassadors from both sides, understand, now?
Egypt condemned Israel’s policy of escalation and warned of the “repercussions of assassination policies, violations of sovereignty of other countries, and the fueling of conflict in the region."

Jordan’s Foreign Ministry accused Israel of being behind the assassination, saying it represents “a violation of international law and humanitarian law, and an escalatory crime that will lead to more tension and chaos in the region.”

Arab countries warned against a regional spillover from the killing, which Hamas blamed on Israel. Tel Aviv has not yet confirmed or denied its involvement.

From Morocco to Pakistan, thousands of people across the Islamic world have taken to the streets to condemn the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh..

Moroccan political parties and associations have condemned the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who was murdered earlier today in his residence in Tehran, Iran.

GCC, Islamic nations condemn assassination of Hamas leader​

The Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) has condemned the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of Hamas, in the Iranian capital, Tehran, stressing that this operation is part of a series of crimes committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people.
another incoherent rant

as I said before, no one from a country that proudly hosts an israeli embassy can criticise iran
They even criticize Israel ..embassy or not.... this seems incoherent on your part..
maybe in a few days when you calm down we can talk about how Egypt has an Israeli embassy and watches as a genocide happens on its borders'quote]

I already explained the embassy part to @Unknowntruth a few posts back, go and read it since I don't wish to keep repeating myself for those grasping at any available straw.

Iran may be incompetent in some security areas but it is not wilfully on the wrong side of a genocide. we cannot say the same for Egypt.

Oh it most certainly is on the wrong side of the genocide and everyone with half a brain knows it. The RIGHT SIDE of the genocide is to stop the gaddam genocide in the first place and you ain't making a single effort to stop it except FUEL IT! You might think it's all macho camcho hey look at me, I', sending all sorts of shitty weapons barely able to knock off a single tank with APS and make it look like it got taken out only by the bravery of the men of HAMAS and that's about it. Other than that, you're EQUALLY respobsible for the total destruction of the entire strip and I sure as hope all the GCC countries give you and your elk a thousand middle 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 when it comes time to rebuild that poor enclave that you had 1000% complicity in destroying while smiling and laughing and on top of it all, killing the resistance's main man on your turf in the midle of your capital! I mean, how embarrassing. I sure as hope MBS, MBZ and Co. tell you to cuck off and the way you supported the killing of all the Syrians who wanted to get rid or a jew-nosed twirling Darwish pay every penny (which sadly you couldn't muster up even if you tried) and again who will suffer and AGAIN come to the true aid of the Palestinians? Yes, your guessed it right the Sunni MUSLIMS and Christians and even Jews. Let's see what Iran puts into rebuilding instead of destruction.

For all2360 pages of this forum with the ultimate goal of supporting the resistance, 1/3 of it is bashing the Arab Sunnis as if anyone else is doing anything remotely noble. Nothing but a bunch of back-stabbing ignorants who couldn't even support the 1 or 2 or 3 Palestinians here at the most. Bashing the Arabs is a much more macho thing to do for the low-IQ'd nitwits who have no understanding beyond what's directly in front of their measly eyeballs.
Egypt condemned Israel’s policy of escalation and warned of the “repercussions of assassination policies, violations of sovereignty of other countries, and the fueling of conflict in the region."

Bro, this goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond what's right in front of their eyes. They have NO CONCEPT of not only the history, but the news in Arabic since they don't even wish to search for it themselves. It's much more convenient for them to bash bash bash smash and bash Arabs. Much easier it's like a TikTok trend
I wasn't aware you thought so poorly of Palestinian Arabs. While many of them are guilty of these deeds, they live under oppressive regimes that don't countenance opposition to these horrible goals and the U.N. and many foreign entities incentivize and encourage it.

By taking out some of their oppressors, Israel may be helping a little, but ultimately I think something more is needed.
You are trying to blur your image by jumping from the Palestinian Arabs to Arabs in general..and it is all false based on your own speculations.. we all know that you like to lie..

I'm not going back however many pages that is to see whatever the **** that is who is that Sisi is shaking hands with, Kerry? So the **** what? What's the point of all that, Crockett explain in layman terms so we all can see some true colors over here.

PS and one more thing, stop trying to fake us out about you're intentions of becoming a Muslim, ok? Some of these goofballs might fall for it but after that video that exposed you to the MAX and I'll leave it at that, there is no way anyone who would want to search for the beauty of Islam be on the path of behaving in such a VILE MANNER! Take it from me bacause I tell it like it is. I ain't gonna sugar coat it for you and tell you oh please come and be Muslim you'll love it and all that bull! You are in no way shape or form ready for anything remotely close to becoming a Muslim and take that to heart as hard as you can, because it's the God's honest truth.
Bro, this goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond what's right in front of their eyes. They have NO CONCEPT of not only the history, but the news in Arabic since they don't even wish to search for it themselves. It's much more convenient for them to bash bash bash smash and bash Arabs. Much easier it's like a TikTok trend
Some bash by ignorance, some for the fun of it..and most suffer from a complex..even though all of them know that the bottom line in confronting Israel militarily or diplomatically, politically or even economically..means confronting the US itself.. they see it with their own eyes but their emotions and somehow understandable frustrations just blind their eyes and minds..

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