Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Two sources to Axios: Haniyeh was assassinated by Mossad with an explosive device planted in his room


Axios: The explosive device that killed Haniyeh was remotely detonated by Mossad agents inside Iran

IDF spokesman Hagari says that except for the attack in the suburb on Tuesday night, no airstrikes have been carried out across the Middle East in response to a question about the report that Haniyeh was eliminated by an IED in Tehran.

Let’s be on honest on Egypt front

If anyone can sort Israel it’s Egypt

I mean they could seriously stop Israel

Massive nation with a lot of weapons

If only Egypt stood forward Israel would never do what it’s doing

I don’t even think USA would want a Egyptian attack
Iran should have had plans in place. No need to wait , announce it and continue to wait until israel prepares and the western navies arrive!

Hezbollah needs to fire its missiles to allow Israel to empty those air defense canisters

Make them use iron dome and arrow system

Houthis can force the use of the Davids slings and patriot 3

And as soon as the last Ai defense is fired the Iranian missiles need to be over Israel

This way they won’t be intercepted and you get maximum damage
Let’s be on honest on Egypt front

If anyone can sort Israel it’s Egypt

I mean they could seriously stop Israel

Massive nation with a lot of weapons

If only Egypt stood forward Israel would never do what it’s doing

I don’t even think USA would want a Egyptian attack

Puppets and slaves never pose a threat. No matter how big or powerful their military is.
I ran helps has no way of helping Hamas.. It is Egypt who has helped Gaza and Hamas the most through the borders and tunnels..but now it is more difficult..
Yes when Morsi was in power not with SiSi.

I’m just going to leave it at that.
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So what? Go talk to Turkey about the level of its involvement with Israel then come back and talk to me after you study the 4 wars 4 WARS we had with those zionist jackboot thug scum of the earth and you're crying about pulling an ambassador. The irony.
not sure what Turkey has to do with anything, Turkey is not a Sunni Arab state that borders Gaza.

You previously fought wars with Israel but now you have diplomatic and trade relations with them and act against the Palestinians. Which part of this are you struggling with? Good deeds done 50 years ago do not justify or contextualise bad deeds being done today.
Oh it most certainly is on the wrong side of the genocide and everyone with half a brain knows it. The RIGHT SIDE of the genocide is to stop the gaddam genocide in the first place and you ain't making a single effort to stop it except FUEL IT! You might think it's all macho camcho hey look at me, I', sending all sorts of shitty weapons barely able to knock off a single tank with APS and make it look like it got taken out only by the bravery of the men of HAMAS and that's about it. Other than that, you're EQUALLY respobsible for the total destruction of the entire strip and I sure as hope all the GCC countries give you and your elk a thousand middle 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 when it comes time to rebuild that poor enclave that you had 1000% complicity in destroying while smiling and laughing and on top of it all, killing the resistance's main man on your turf in the midle of your capital! I mean, how embarrassing. I sure as hope MBS, MBZ and Co. tell you to cuck off and the way you supported the killing of all the Syrians who wanted to get rid or a jew-nosed twirling Darwish pay every penny (which sadly you couldn't muster up even if you tried) and again who will suffer and AGAIN come to the true aid of the Palestinians? Yes, your guessed it right the Sunni MUSLIMS and Christians and even Jews. Let's see what Iran puts into rebuilding instead of destruction.

For all2360 pages of this forum with the ultimate goal of supporting the resistance, 1/3 of it is bashing the Arab Sunnis as if anyone else is doing anything remotely noble. Nothing but a bunch of back-stabbing ignorants who couldn't even support the 1 or 2 or 3 Palestinians here at the most. Bashing the Arabs is a much more macho thing to do for the low-IQ'd nitwits who have no understanding beyond what's directly in front of their measly eyeballs.
give Palestinians weapons to resist their occupier = bad

blockade 2 million Palestinians into a open air prison and fund Israel's genocide of your neighbour and welcome Israeli embassy on your territory = good

Egyptian logic... and this is why Egypt and Jordan and the other US vassal regimes are a joke and seen as totally subservient to the USA and Israel.

You trolls get brave when something embarrassing happens to Iran. In a few days when Iran (a Persian Shia nation 1200km away from Israel) shows you what it means to resist against Israel (while your Arab regimes rush to defend Israel) you will scurry back under your rocks in shame at your complicity in Israel's genocide against your neighbour.

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