Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I guess Israel was a normal state before October 7th and things only changed on October 7th? that is basically the zionist narrative, so well done.

You are replying to the poster who justifies collaboration and trade links with "legal contracts" that only the Arab countries signed will honour.

Entity and all other nations like west throw these out when it comes to national security/foreign policy but these Arab nations are even more righteous as a "contract is a contract".

Also apparently there are "private contracts" that are outside the remit of their respective government's that cannot be violated ever.
The leadership stratum of Jordan, Emirates, Saudia Arabia and Egypt must be obliterated by local plebs. If not, the Axis of Resistance has got to do it.

The leadership stratum of Jordan, Emirates, Saudia Arabia and Egypt must be obliterated by local plebs. If not, the Axis of Resistance has got to do it.

In other words, we will help protect the entity by inviting in the Zionist, US/UK/French war planes into our airspace.

Disgusting puppet regime that rules Jordan.
Like we tell Zionists, history doesn’t start from Oct 7. Arabs have gone to wars for Palestine. Every Sunni country at one point or another has done sometime for Palestine. Even currently Hamas leadership was safe in Qatar. Haniyah safely lived in Sunni countries and travelled without any fear. In Iran he’s assassinated. Sunnis have donated billions of dollars worth of aid post Oct 7 to Palestine. Even the weapons smuggled into Gaza or the construction materials smuggled in to make tunnels they were mostly smuggled in via Egypt. Let’s not kid our selves and say Egyptians have 0 involvement in this even if it means rouge elements helping Gaza from Egypt. You make it seem like Iran is the only one supporting Gaza when Sunnis have done a lot to support them as well. What about the countries close to Iran? What has Iran done for them? Iran helped USA invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Solumani had a working relationship with usa against Taliban in Afghanistan. Iran saved india from sanctions in OIC in 1994 over Kashmir. Iran regularly bullies Azerbaijan and supports PKK terrorists against Turkey. Iran in the name of defeating ISIS has massacred Sunnis in Iraq and Syria and its well documented. Iran supports terrorists in Pakistani Balochistan and Parachinar. Majority of the average Iranian people don’t even care about Palestine and want the regime gone. How many Iranian diaspora have you seen that are pro Palestine? Majority are pro israel. Majority Sunnis are pro Palestine and have done a lot for Palestine. Iran is all talk no action. How many red lines did it set and how many times were they crossed but Iran didn’t react? Arabs have fought 4 wars for Palestine. They have still killed more Zionists than Iran has. Saddam fired dozens of scuds into israel in a true retaliatory manner unlike Iran which announces its retaliation days in advance. Gaddafi heavily supported Palestinian resistance. Sunnis have been on the frontlines for Palestine. Also, don’t forget Hamas it self is Sunni. The rebels in West Bank are Sunni. It’s Sunnis fighting and Sunnis dying in Gaza. In recent times before Oct 7 Qatar has funded Hamas with almost $2 billion dollars. Compare that to Iran’s funding and you’ll find Hamas has MORE FUNDING FROM ARABS than Iran on a yearly basis leading up to Oct 7. Sunnis have been supporting Palestine even before Israel was a thing and when it was still talks and Zionists attempting to bribe Ottoman Sunnis. It was Sunnis fighting for them while Iran has a Zionist Shah with the second largest Jewish population. You fail to look at the last 75 yrs and only put your focus on the last 15 years. Even in the last 15 years more Sunni money has been given to Hamas than Iranian.

Keep believing their sweet talk. Gaza is only at this stage cuz if false promises by so called “axis of resistance”. A ground invasion of Gaza was suppose to be a red line for Iran and the axis to launch a direct war with israel. But a ground invasion happened months ago and the axis is nowhere to be seen. At least Sunni countries haven’t thrown Hamas into fire than back stabbed them. Sunni countries didn’t make any promises it couldn’t enforce but the axis and Iran did.
So your saying your proud the Arab states around Palestine are so cowardly and worthless?
Cucks / Bare footed shepherds / absolute fools and hypocrites / betrayers of the faith.....

I agree that these guy are nasty, but about which faith are you talking about,?
You? With Russian and Chinese flags on your avatar? Oh , they are friends of Muslims? Or your love for Imran Hussein? I guess you think like Imran that Srebrenica is fake and all Ottomans are Kuffar and Masons.
You are talking about faith?
You are going to talk about The Feith?
I told you before, almost all of you if you can become white would abandone Islam in a hearbeat.
I know that, Islam is just a cover foe you. When your kind talking about Muslim successes then it is " US Muslims " and " There is no nationalism in Islam " but when is something bad then you know and state the nationalities and people.
Chinese and Russian flags?
I guess Israel was a normal state before October 7th and things only changed on October 7th? that is basically the zionist narrative, so well done.
Yes it was the same state which facilitieted the procurement of 11 000 Hawk missiles for Iran in 80s.
No? Didn't Iranian generals and ex members of the intelligence blubber about that on the cameras?
Who knows, maybe if those ex intelligence officers were in charge now , Haniye would be alive. Or maybe not, because their pupils are in charge these days?
Now run to Waz and report me , ah Secterianism. I guess, you thought of the same reason, when you banned me from Iranian thread yesterday.
Which of the weapons that Gaza is using to fight Israel today was provided by Qatar? You mean main financial supporter of Hamas, because Iran also supports Hamas financially, politically, militarily, diplomatically, regionally, etc.
And what weapons that Gaza is using to fight Israel today was provided by Iran?
Yes it was the same state which facilitieted the procurement of 11 000 Hawk missiles for Iran in 80s.
No? Didn't Iranian generals and ex members of the intelligence blubber about that on the cameras?
Who knows, maybe if those ex intelligence officers were in charge now , Haniye would be alive. Or maybe not, because their pupils are in charge these days?
Now run to Waz and report me , ah Secterianism. I guess, you thought of the same reason, when you banned me from Iranian thread yesterday.

Why are you talking about 1980s when Iran was attacked by Saddam and helped by most of the powerful countries like west and Soviet Union? It did what it had to do to survive from one of the most stupid ME rulers ever.

Talk about NOW and what the countries you support are doing NOW.

Everyone knows history and guess what, we cannot change history but can the PRESENT and FUTURE.
I guess Israel was a normal state before October 7th and things only changed on October 7th? that is basically the zionist narrative, so well done.
Well you had the Iran get where you got weapons from Israel to fight Iraq..a fellow Muslim country.. so do not ever talk about a Zionist narrative.. even today you still tell them when, how and where you are going to retaliate for very serious offenses by them.. Egypt at least has diplomatic relations and its economy is important.. So no more hypocrisy from your part..
Why are you talking about 1980s when Iran was attacked by Saddam and helped by most of the powerful countries like west and Soviet Union? It did what it had to do to survive from one of the most stupid ME rulers ever.

Talk about NOW and what the countries you support are doing NOW.

Everyone knows history and guess what, we cannot change history but can the PRESENT and FUTURE.
Surah Al Maida " O Muslims, do not seek help from Jews and Christians....."
So , in order to justify that stance , you need to make Takfir on Saddam " no? . Also, I am pretty sure you would accuse Arabs in ww1 for the betrayal of the Ottomans, do you realise that Arabs can say the same thing.
I will talk about now, as of now millions Rohingyas, who are your kinsmen are persecuted, yet you don't dare to lift even finger. There is a thred on this forum 10 years old about Bengali Air Force jet procurement, where are the planes? Nowhere, because Bengali government has to feed your auntie 17 children
Moreover, often I can see that you guys are talking negatively about Rohingiya refugees, yet while you have a brand new flat in Wembley, benefits and all amenities which Britain can offer, you are not closing your gob , cursing the Brits.
I ain't fan of Arabs , but my critic is only in the specific cases when someone talks shit, no more then that
You see , there is no in you Ahlak, Adhab, Ikhlas , Akl etc, yet you expect Allah SWT to help you?
It is just Nafs.
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