Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

He grew up in a refugee camp. He grew up and led the strongest Palestinian resistance movements, and his career ended with assassination... A biography of the resistance politician, the martyr Ismail #Haniyeh

His Motto was: we will never recognize Israel..

In 2018 the US put him on the black list of terrorism
Government Media Office in Gaza: 69% of Gaza’s martyrs are women and children


Yes it was the same state which facilitieted the procurement of 11 000 Hawk missiles for Iran in 80s.
No? Didn't Iranian generals and ex members of the intelligence blubber about that on the cameras?
Who knows, maybe if those ex intelligence officers were in charge now , Haniye would be alive. Or maybe not, because their pupils are in charge these days?
Now run to Waz and report me , ah Secterianism. I guess, you thought of the same reason, when you banned me from Iranian thread yesterday.
that was 40-50 years ago and not relevant today. next
Hezbollah raises the red flag of revenge and places death squads.

Israel sends a message through intermediaries
Fight us, army against army. We do not target the infrastructure in Lebanon, so do not target the infrastructure in Israel

You can bash Iran day and night with some real heavy arguments but do not forget they are not one who is moving away from unified response and unity of islamic world in general. Now you can go back to sectarian biases and nonsense as bone thrown to you by muslim "elites" to chew on.
Israel informed Lebanon and Iran that it is ready for an all-out war


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