Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Gulf Cooperation Council: The assassination of the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, is a dangerous indicator of Israel’s unwillingness to achieve a political solution and security in the region.

Hezbollah raises the red flag of revenge and places death squads.

Israel sends a message through intermediaries
Fight us, army against army. We do not target the infrastructure in Lebanon, so do not target the infrastructure in Israel

Entity should have followed this in Gaza but it preferred to “fight” women and children instead.

No point trying to be “honourable” now.
You can bash Iran day and night with some real heavy arguments but do not forget they are not one who is moving away from unified response and unity of islamic world in general. Now you can go back to sectarian biases and nonsense as bone thrown to you by muslim "elites" to chew on.

We must remember the countries who at the OIC meeting in October 2023 blocked a unified world Muslim response and sanctions

They blocked the Muslim world and that left Iran holding the fort


Not a shred of iman or muslim honour amongst any of them
Hahaha, even then you were singing the tunes " Wahabi, Zionists etc" didn't you?
Didn't you have slogan " To Al Quds through Karbala ", well daddy USA gave you Karbala but hey , maybe you lost compass and went everywhere apart from Quds.
You even supported Sendero Luminoso. Unfortunately , you were forced to.
After all all other Muslims are Wahabi Zionist.
You see , you couldn't protect Haniye but you can protect PKK leadership, no? They are all in Urmia.
Say thank you to UkBengali for giving you thumbs up.
I get it , i really do. When someone get to be " free" by the help of Hindus and Soviets then sucking up to any foreign will do.
What that poor man can do?
It is really hard for someone to accept that some small people can survive and his kind as soon as Turkic element melted away they became nothing.
He forgets who brought the British to India.
Some people became Muslims out of conviction, some that they don't need to hide chicken consumption.

Dude the thread is about the genocide in Gaza and look where you ended up.

Also, no offence but you need to spend more time checking your English grammar before posting as it is quite hard to understand.
Israel is asking Britain to develop a military alliance to fight a regional war for Israel that Israel is trying to start. Remember, Israel could have ended the genocide in Gaza many times. Especially with the Israeli - Biden proposal that Israel rejected itself. So it wants the world to fight a world war on behalf of Jewish Supremacy. Nothing else.

The Israeli Minister of Defense to his British counterpart: It is important to form an alliance to defend Israel against Iran and its allies

Entity should have followed this in Gaza but it preferred to “fight” women and children instead.
No point trying to be “honourable” now.

Basically, Israelis are really worried about their ports and power plants. One of their own officials said something like 'Israel can't survive more than 72 hours without the power grid not working'; while that sounds a bit exaggerated, that became a big worrying news. Add to that, the recent Hezbollah drone videos over Israel must have a big psychological affect.
Everyone knows that Lebanon has a lot less to lose in case of infrastructure and tourism; that country is already a basket case. So, in a hypothetical scenario: Evacuate entire Beirut and Tel Aviv of civilians and lets target the infrastructure there. Fair 'humane' deal, Israel??

During the highest Israeli military alert to thwart upcoming Iraninan & Hezbollah attacks.

A long- range rocket was fired from Gaza where the Israeli Army are invading since more than 8 months, landed 65 kilometers away from Gaza at South Israel.

Dear Islamic Republic of Iran

On behalf of humanity and thousands of dead Palestinians, please burn Israel to the ground

Hit them hard hit them where it hurts and hit them like never before

May God be with you

God bless Iran

The History books will be kind to you

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