Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

We must remember the countries who at the OIC meeting in October 2023 blocked a unified world Muslim response and sanctions

They blocked the Muslim world and that left Iran holding the fort


Not a shred of iman or muslim honour amongst any of them

Like I have said since the start of this particular conflict since October.... Palestine exposes the Munafiqs and traitors amongst us. This is plain for all to see.
LOL so that they can deny any material damage...such fragile egos lol

They did this last time as well. After the Iranian attack. There was a media blackout, and no citizens were allowed phones
The great Iranian professor Marandi is saying not only there will be a very harsh 'punishment' of Israel very soon but also the fate of the conflict after that will depend on whether the Americans would try to put some leash on Israel or not. If a regional war breaks out, then he is saying it will be the expulsion of the Americans from the Middle East; in case of a regional war, the consequences for the global economy will be 'unimaginable'. Per Marandi, a regional war is also likely to result in a lot of harm to the GCC countries.
I believe Marandi is spot on all these. I have said it multiple times that there is no way Israel or its backers can win a regional war and that a regional war will result in the expulsion of Americans from the Middle East and that Israel itself will cease to exist in case of a regional war.
Marandi is blaming Netanyahu personally for the escalation and blaming the Zionist lobbies in various Western countries to damage the American / Western interests.

By the the coming Friday, we will know if Washington is stop Israel or not. If they don't then a large part of the world will be in affected.

Netanyahu's suicidal stupidity of killing a guest of the Iranian nation might become the catalyst for World War III--sort of like the killing of the Archduke for World War I. In the Middle Eastern culture, 'honor' is a very high value and there is no way Iran can ignore the assassination of Haniyeh.


That area is symbolic of all of Israel: No where it will be safe due to Israel's tiny size and the threatening forces all around Israel. Israel can't even trust Jordan and Egypt in case of a regional war because the populations in those countries HATE Israel with the same passion as any Syrian or Iranian or Yemeni or Lebanese does.
As Prof. Marandi says in the video I posted above: 'Increasingly Israelis' will 'leave' Israel as threat perception increases. And a flight of capital and people is akin to a nuke being dropped on Israel.
Netanyahu, like a gambler, as Marandi says, indeed is gambling the whole house--the whole State of Israel.
If the resistance is smart, they would target all civilian infrastructure. Especially hospitals and water reserves.

Iranian SL needs to remove the fatwa against nuclear weapons.
If the resistance is smart, they would target all civilian infrastructure. Especially hospitals.

Iranian SL needs to remove the fatwa against nuclear weapons.

They will simply be following Jewish law by targeting hospitals.....eye for an eye.

However Iran should not stoop to uncivilised judeo-christian values, they should stick to military installations as per Islamic protocol.

Similar to the very successful hamas operation on October 7th that limited civilian deaths. It is unfortunate that they Jews responded by Killing their own as per the hannibal directive.

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