Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

They will simply be following Jewish law by targeting hospitals.....eye for an eye.

However Iran should not stoop to uncivilised judeo-christian values, they should stick to military installations as per Islamic protocol.

Similar to the very successful hamas operation on October 7th that limited civilian deaths. It is unfortunate that they Jews responded by Killing their own as per the hannibal directive.
This isn’t about ethics and what’s the moral thing to do. People of Middle East are fighting for their survival against a satanic colony that has expansionist ambitions.

Targeting military installations aren’t enough. Resistance needs to target both military and civilian infrastructure to liberate Palestinian people.
If the resistance is smart, they would target all civilian infrastructure. Especially hospitals and water reserves.

Iranian SL needs to remove the fatwa against nuclear weapons.

I think we will see a combined Hezbollah, Houthi and Iranian attack as all 3 now have a huge score to settle with the Zionist usurper.

If all 3 coordinate and combine their response, then the more damage they can do as it increases the chance of saturation of the ABM defences of the entity.
I think we will see a combined Hezbollah, Houthi and Iranian attack as all 3 now have a huge score to settle with the Zionist usurper.

If all 3 coordinate and combine their response, then the more damage they can do as it increases the chance of saturation of the ABM defences of the entity.

They must also account for a Joint Retaliation by US , UK and Israel
I think we will see a combined Hezbollah, Houthi and Iranian attack as all 3 now have a huge score to settle with the Zionist usurper.

If all 3 coordinate and combine their response, then the more damage they can do as it increases the chance of saturation of the ABM defences of the entity.

Make the Port of Haifa inoperable like the Port of Eilat. Destroy one or two Power Plants. Avoid civilian casualties not only as a matter of 'principles' but also not to escalate at this point.
The pampered population will start missing the Amazon deliveries and the comforts of reliable air-conditioning very quickly and start checking flights out of the Ben Gurion Airport to enjoy the cool, safe places in Europe and America.
I think we will see a combined Hezbollah, Houthi and Iranian attack as all 3 now have a huge score to settle with the Zionist usurper.

If all 3 coordinate and combine their response, then the more damage they can do as it increases the chance of saturation of the ABM defences of the entity.
The trick should be to aim for one target, fire off the cheap drones first (like last time) and time the ballistic missiles (in huge numbers) appropriately to hit their target. One big target and I don't see the baby killers defending it.
IDF probably relocated iron dome missiles allowing the resistance to successfully hit israel. Overall, I do think Iran will hit israel harder than last time, but will do so with a way out for israel to avoid a full war. Israel might still be stupid and hit back at which case we can see an actual war.
Egypt condemned Israel’s policy of escalation and warned of the “repercussions of assassination policies, violations of sovereignty of other countries, and the fueling of conflict in the region."

Jordan’s Foreign Ministry accused Israel of being behind the assassination, saying it represents “a violation of international law and humanitarian law, and an escalatory crime that will lead to more tension and chaos in the region.”

Arab countries warned against a regional spillover from the killing, which Hamas blamed on Israel. Tel Aviv has not yet confirmed or denied its involvement.

From Morocco to Pakistan, thousands of people across the Islamic world have taken to the streets to condemn the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh..

Moroccan political parties and associations have condemned the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who was murdered earlier today in his residence in Tehran, Iran.

GCC, Islamic nations condemn assassination of Hamas leader​

The Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) has condemned the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of Hamas, in the Iranian capital, Tehran, stressing that this operation is part of a series of crimes committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people.

Yes, let's condemn until Qiyamat. If condemning and praying to Allah were enough, then Nabi Kareem would not have needed to lead the mujahideen to battle field against the kuffar of Arabia. He would just prayed to Allah for help and Kuffar would have been defeated by divine entity.
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They must also account for a Joint Retaliation by US , UK and Israel

The standard American/Israeli approach is to drop bombs in large numbers. Exact enough costs to make the enemies back down. That didn't work in Vietnam, didn't work in Afghanistan, and wouldn't work here either. The anti-Israeli forces learned a long time ago that marching armies to Israel would be futile. Conventional war is not an option against a Superpower and its rich/powerful allies.
And hence we see a prolonged war of attrition so far using agile, cheap but effective measures.
There is a real reason Americans don't want a regional war. And that reason is absolutely not because of some concerns for the destruction in the Middle East.
The Sunni world is full of cowards, backstabbers, whiners, collaborators, and complainers. They aren't doing anything to stop this genocide, yet they point fingers at those who are trying to build resistance against the killers. Instead of strengthening them, they are harming them. Talk about hypocrisy. All the munafiqeen are hiding under the banner of the Sunni label. I am sorry to say this, but this is the truth. The Islamic world is in a terrible condition because of these munafiqeen.
100% agree

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