Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I ran helps Hezbollah..
it has no way of helping Hamas..
That's false- Qassem Soleimani Iran got weapons through to Gaza and Hamas, even the presence of Iranian Sayyad anti-material rifles called Ghoul in Gaza is a piece of evidence, Gaza rocketry also received "help" from Iran, so this statement is false.
It is Egypt who has helped Gaza and Hamas the most through the borders and tunnels..but now it is more difficult..
Egypt helped Gazans politically and economically fully, up until maybe somewhere between 2008-2015 or so, but since then, Egyptian help has probably flowed, but not as much- because Egypt also turned against the Gazans, like by destroying Hamas tunnels from Gaza to Egypt, agreeing with Israel to building a border fence between Egypt and Gaza, and other security actions and initiatives that Egypt has taken and supported to the detriment of Gazans. Besides, what is the value of Egypt's historical help to Gaza (that you're trying to draw our attention to) if during this war, Gaza's MOST CRITICAL MOMENT, Egypt has helped Gazans only a small amount relative to its capacity. I guess Egyptians seem to be politically like the TUrks- you both have a great honest and caring population, but that population has chosen leaders or/and govt that isn't really in line with the population's true heart felt wishes.
Yes, let's condemn until Qiyamat. If condemning and praying to Allah were enough, then Nabi Kareem would not have needed to lead the mujahideen to battle field against the kuffar of Arabia. He would just prayed to Allah for help and Kuffar would have been defeated by divine entity.
Nabi Kareem was not suicidal..he gathered enough fore equal to his enemies before going to battle.. Today the whole world..let alone the Arabs or Just the Sunnis Muslims (and even if you add the Shia') can not confront the US and NATO..simply because they do not have equal force or equal deterrence..
Yes Israel take the bait and get fcuked hard.
It's really bad for Israel when NY Times calls its policies 'rogue'. And the Comments to the article are, as usual, very harsh on Israel.

Netanyahu, Defiant, Appears to Have Gone Rogue, Risking a Regional War​

Ignoring the efforts of President Biden and the condemnation of many allies, the Israeli prime minister is forcing the pace of the war and feeding the revolt of the far right.

As the Biden administration and its allies try to secure an elusive cease-fire in Gaza, Israel appears to have gone rogue.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, came to Washington last week to give a defiant speech. Despite international condemnation, he vowed to continue the war against Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank, where Israel is killing and imprisoning scores of Palestinians each week, without any clear idea of its endgame.

The assassinations of senior Hezbollah and Hamas figures abroad have now sharply raised the risks of a larger regional war as Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah prepare retaliation, analysts say.

But the deaths of Fuad Shukr, a senior Hezbollah commander, and Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, will not change the strategic quandary Israel faces over how to end the war, govern Gaza or care for the civilians there. They are more likely to intensify the conflict than diminish it, making progress on a Gaza cease-fire even more difficult.

Israel says it does not want to occupy Gaza, but has no other solution to provide order; Hamas refuses to surrender, despite the thousands of dead. While Washington sees a cease-fire followed by a regional deal as an answer, Mr. Netanyahu is contemptuous of the idea. He believes only force will compel Hamas to concede and restore Israel’s strategic deterrence toward Iran and its proxies, especially Hezbollah.

Absent a clear goal in the war, however, Mr. Netanyahu’s defiance is dividing Israel from its allies and the country itself. It has further shaken trust in his leadership. It is fueling suspicions that he is keeping the country at war to keep himself in power. It is intensifying a deep rift inside the society — about the fate of Israeli hostages, the conduct of the war and the rule of law — that is challenging the institutional bonds that hold Israel together.

“Israel’s international image continues to take hits since October — despite nine months of war, its military objectives are unmet, and its reputation socially and domestically is also damaged,” said Sanam Vakil, a Middle East analyst at Chatham House.
It's really bad for Israel when NY Times calls its policies 'rogue'. And the Comments to the article are, as usual, very harsh on Israel.

Netanyahu, Defiant, Appears to Have Gone Rogue, Risking a Regional War​

Ignoring the efforts of President Biden and the condemnation of many allies, the Israeli prime minister is forcing the pace of the war and feeding the revolt of the far right.

As the Biden administration and its allies try to secure an elusive cease-fire in Gaza, Israel appears to have gone rogue.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, came to Washington last week to give a defiant speech. Despite international condemnation, he vowed to continue the war against Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank, where Israel is killing and imprisoning scores of Palestinians each week, without any clear idea of its endgame.

The assassinations of senior Hezbollah and Hamas figures abroad have now sharply raised the risks of a larger regional war as Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah prepare retaliation, analysts say.

But the deaths of Fuad Shukr, a senior Hezbollah commander, and Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, will not change the strategic quandary Israel faces over how to end the war, govern Gaza or care for the civilians there. They are more likely to intensify the conflict than diminish it, making progress on a Gaza cease-fire even more difficult.

Israel says it does not want to occupy Gaza, but has no other solution to provide order; Hamas refuses to surrender, despite the thousands of dead. While Washington sees a cease-fire followed by a regional deal as an answer, Mr. Netanyahu is contemptuous of the idea. He believes only force will compel Hamas to concede and restore Israel’s strategic deterrence toward Iran and its proxies, especially Hezbollah.

Absent a clear goal in the war, however, Mr. Netanyahu’s defiance is dividing Israel from its allies and the country itself. It has further shaken trust in his leadership. It is fueling suspicions that he is keeping the country at war to keep himself in power. It is intensifying a deep rift inside the society — about the fate of Israeli hostages, the conduct of the war and the rule of law — that is challenging the institutional bonds that hold Israel together.

“Israel’s international image continues to take hits since October — despite nine months of war, its military objectives are unmet, and its reputation socially and domestically is also damaged,” said Sanam Vakil, a Middle East analyst at Chatham House.
This is BS to make Iran and resistance axis stand down. US is showing absolutely no signs of compelling Israel to make a ceasefire in Gaza. Instead it says it wants to isolate the conflict to Gaza and 'destroy' Hamas. Meaning the US is sponsoring a never ending war on Gaza. It just wants it to stay in Gaza.
Nabi Kareem was not suicidal..he gathered enough fore equal to his enemies before going to battle.. Today the whole world..let alone the Arabs or Just the Sunnis Muslims (and even if you add the Shia') can not confront the US and NATO..simply because they do not have equal force or equal deterrence..

AT least, you could have cut off oil supply. Could you not?

I think the time has come for "Less talk, and more action". Why do they always have to notify everyone beforehand. Just bloody get on with it!

I agree. It's a little irritating. Iran is knowingly or unknowingly giving the perception that they are coordinating with the enemy before striking them. They are only getting partial credit for their bravery instead of full recognition.

@Persian Gulf what are they thinking? Why not just Bang?
This is BS to make Iran and resistance axis stand down. US is showing absolutely no signs of compelling Israel to make a ceasefire in Gaza. Instead it says it wants to isolate the conflict to Gaza and 'destroy' Hamas. Meaning the US is sponsoring a never ending war on Gaza. It just wants it to stay in Gaza.

Americans know that the conflict can't stay in Gaza and hasn't stay in Gaza. Hezbollah struck, unilaterally, shortly after October 7, because they had to. I really believe Americans didn't want a regional war then and now want it even less, having seen their attack dog couldn't even deal with Gazan resistance to 'finish off', a term used by Trump.

NY Times is in bed with the American Deep State and especially closer to the Democrats. This article reflects the frustration in the Biden administration. Americans know what a regional war would mean--not good for Americans either--but Netanyahu has gone 'rogue'.
And, yes, I know well the support given to Israel since October 7. That was an 'automatic' support but that doesn't mean Americans wanted or want now a regional war.
The saudi, uae arabs were nothing for thousands of years. Simply beduins and they discovered oil. you can put a suit on an illiterate villager and shiny shoes, comb their hair and put perfume on them, but they are still an ignorant, illiterate villager. Beduins have no culture compared to the other arabs and today they are in a place of power which they do not understand.

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