Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

If Iran retaliates massively, they will do what Israel wants from years, drag US in the war and use it to destroy Iran.
If US believed it had a real chance of destroying Iran, it would have already attacked Iran by now- the cost on US to attack and destroy Iran is the highest at this moment and plus, a war with Iran means that Ukraine collapses sooner.
US Navy will not leave Taiwan Unprotected

There has been deployment along Mediterranean but only 1 aircraft carrier battle group is enough for Iran

Iran can only use Missiles but

US and Israel will attack first with Tomahawk Missiles , for targeting Iranian SAMs

Then they will use Air Strikes which are much more precise and allow higher quantity of Explosives to be used

The question is will Iran target Saudi Qatar UAE bases which are de- facto US Territories
IF you replace "Iran" with "Iraq" in all the places you mentioned Iraq, then these your comments will make sense.

If you really meant to reference Iran here, then your analysis is based on realities from around year 2005 or so.

You underestimate Iran's military capabilities because you are ignorant of them.
US Navy will not leave Taiwan Unprotected

There has been deployment along Mediterranean but only 1 aircraft carrier battle group is enough for Iran

Iran can only use Missiles but

US and Israel will attack first with Tomahawk Missiles , for targeting Iranian SAMs

Then they will use Air Strikes which are much more precise and allow higher quantity of Explosives to be used

The question is will Iran target Saudi Qatar UAE bases which are de- facto US Territories

If Iran is targeted it will respond by wiping out every U.S base in the region

Unlike Iraq, Iran has OFFENSIVE CAPABILITIES, and thoze words mean everything, it means that you cant build up forces against Iran because those forces risk being overwhelmed

You can hit Iran, sure

But iran can hit back

In the end all you would do is create a situation, where a iranian victory is inevitable, as Iran as a country will not go anywhere and U.S bases would be destroyed
I agree. It's a little irritating. Iran is knowingly or unknowingly giving the perception that they are coordinating with the enemy before striking them. They are only getting partial credit for their bravery instead of full recognition.

@Persian Gulf what are they thinking? Why not just Bang?
they need to decide what to strike and how and make detailed coordination plans with Hezbollah and Ansarallah

what assets to use etc

but I agree, should be ASAP
I think it's also a psychological ploy to wear down the Israelis
probably too.

And we know that words are only 10% of communication, so if you're focusing on the words being said by the Iranian govt too much, you'll definitely miss the main communication/signal the Iranian govt is sending out.
they need to decide what to strike and how and make detailed coordination plans with Hezbollah and Ansarallah

what assets to use etc

but I agree, should be ASAP

Or say nothing, be silent, and then BANG when the enemy least expects it.
Or say nothing, be silent, and then BANG when the enemy least expects it.
after Haniyeh is killed in Iran, saying nothing is not a good option. large parts of the Muslim community already blamed Iran, imagine if it happened and Iran said nothing. that would cause a lot of suspicion and everyone would be calling Iran weak and pathetic and trying to brush it under the carpet and complicit etc.

Iran has to prepare the international community for its response, build the case so to speak.

Oh yeah? This is a picture of the building that they put Haniyeh in, taken by a random guy this morning, You think it was a coincidence that they put your dear Haniyeh in this easily accessible building so that he could easily be targeted, And coincidentally Israel knew they put him in this building, coincidentally they knew which part of the building he was residing in, and more coincidentally they knew when he was in that building? Yeah right.

As for why, Your dear Haniyeh allied himself with the jihadis during Syrian civil war,The jihadis who killed many Iranian forces, you thought the mullahs are just gonna let that go because "Jewwwwws"?!
The mullahs put up with him because hamas was relevant, Now that hamas is no more, the mullahs settled their accounts with dear Haniyeh, He paid the price of his ultimate betrayal by burning to a crisp alive.
Ut;s the same choice Hitler gave to the Jews: death in the extermination camps or flee the country and a lot of them fled. During and after the war. This mopdel can be applied to anyone who is weak, irrespetive of race and colour,
AT least, you could have cut off oil supply. Could you not?
This is not the 70's when Arabs controlled Oil supplies.. today the US is self sufficient and even exports Oil and Gas!..thought you knew this already..

Five of Sinwar's greatest allies eliminated in attack on Gaza terror tunnel - report​

Ruhi Mushtaha, a close associate of Sinwar, was one of five terrorists eliminated, according to Saudi media.​


 Yahya Sinwar  (photo credit: REUTERS)
Yahya Sinwar(photo credit: REUTERS)

Approximately 10 days ago, several senior Hamas members, including Ruhi Mushtaha, a close associate of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, were reportedly killed, according to a report in the Saudi newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat.

In addition to Mushtaha, Bassam Al-Saraj and three other high-ranking members of Hamas's military wing, including intelligence chief Abed Al-Hadi Siam of the Gaza Brigade, were also eliminated.

The terrorists were reportedly killed in a tunnel that was attacked.

A strike close to Sinwar​

Mushtaha and Sinwar had spent many years together in Israeli prisons and were released together as part of the Gilad Shalit deal.

In 2011, they participated in Hamas's internal elections, becoming influential leaders within the terrorist organization and gaining control over many of its components. They reportedly had a special relationship with the now-eliminated Mohammed Deif and other members of the Qassam Brigades' leadership.

Samah Al-Saraj is known for his rare media appearances, yet he is a prominent figure in Hamas. He has also been a member of its political bureau for three election cycles and has a role in managing financial portfolios.

According to the report, Izzat Al-Rishq, a member of Hamas's political bureau, stated, "We cannot confirm any of the reports published in the media or by other sources."


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