Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


I will reply to your quote after, but this really stood out to me:

"Why do you supposed Egypt buys Israel's gas? I'll save you the time looking it up on google - it's because Egypt is the only country in the Middle East off the Mediterranean that has not one, but two liquid gas refineries where it can refine gas pulled out from the earth and purify it for usable export. THAT is why and it return, we sell it to the European countries for a PROFIT."

here you are saying it is justified and even perfectly logical that Egypt buys/imports gas from Israel (indirectly funding its genocide in Gaza) because Egypt can then resell that gas for a profit. do you realise this is the argument you are making? do you really think this is a good justification you have presented? to me it sounds utterly ridiculous and shows you are incredibly delusional and out of touch
The contracts were signed years before this war in Gaza.. you should know that first..
Again some slight comprehension issues but this one was most likely my fault and not yours since I was referring to the article that that super anti-Arab HATER GALORE @Dalit posted that enoneous article of Egypt signing a huge billion $$ deal with the European Union to make investments in Egypt from hotels to museums to oil factories to all sorts of ecomiomic foreign investments then turns around and titles the post "The beggar Egyptians" who anyone would ever thinkg would help the Palestinians getting slaughtered. THAT was what I was talkig about - taking an irrelevent news, lying about it and then lying here about it that it had to do with assisting in the genocide. THAT'S WHE'RE I WILL CALL EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU DISHONEST LYERS FOR PERPETUATING SUCH SCUMBAGGERY. Now if you didn't participate in such falsehood lying and incredible injustice of dishonestly and frankly scumbaggery, then I apologize it wasn't directed at you. But let me tell you, that was't the only piece of shit lie perpetrated to make Sunni Arabs and especially Egyptians falsely appear like they're backstabbing their own brothers and sistsers. Shameful beyond belief.

but there is no denying that Egypt recognises Israel and has an Israeli embassy and takes certain steps against weapons smuggling to Gaza, joining Israel in imposing a blockade in Gaza. There are tens of thousands of Gazans who the Egyptian government extorts with very high fees (much higher than before) in order to cross into Egypt and flee the genocide. these are steps that avoid upsetting Egypt's friends in Europe and the USA, it's not a far stretch to suggest it is rewarded for this good behaviour with certain aid or investment. that's a very standard tool of the west to reward its client states for not opposing Israel / USA's interests in the region.
So what? Go talk to Turkey about the level of its involvement with Israel then come back and talk to me after you study the 4 wars 4 WARS we had with those zionist jackboot thug scum of the earth and you're crying about pulling an ambassador. The irony.
The contracts were signed years before this war in Gaza.. you should know that first..

I didn't even bother explaining that to them because obviously they have no clue. I'm not gonna spend my time teaching a bunch of ignorant clown-costume wearing ignorant.

Not just that, I forget who else challenged me on the two liquification terminals in the Mediterranean claiming Israel has them so it doesn't need Egypt's LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, they DON'T! Only Egypt does or at least did for MANY MANY MANY ears where Israel couldn't do jack shit with its gas so not only were we extracting our own, but we were also charging them up the ass and making double the profit off of them to buy more weapons hahahaha!

Imagine having to justify all this shit to these nincompoops? Enough, not doing it anymore since it makes me equally as pathetic as them.

Some bash by ignorance, some for the fun of it..and most suffer from a complex..even though all of them know that the bottom line in confronting Israel militarily or diplomatically, politically or even economically..means confronting the US itself.. they see it with their own eyes but their emotions and somehow understandable frustrations just blind their eyes and minds..
Oh yeah, but most of it is done maliciciously, and that's where I've reached my witts end, bro. Even our friend Davey Crocket was trying to come off like he's sypathetic to the poor Palestinian's plight and what a super fraud that turned out to be.

If half these culprits had a sense of history in the area and not just from October 7th or going back to 2006 where in reality, if you really want to get technical, Hezbollah took a shellacking like none other the only thing is they succeedded in knocking a few tanks and abducting and killing a few demons. Other than that they got the ever loving crap kicked out of them inside out and sideways and who's laughing in the background because of 1/1119th success....................? yes, the turbines in Iran WHO JUST HAD HANEYA KILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The F*Y&*TRT^&*R#(TE$Y)@_U$@()# audacity to actually show face after such a humiliation is beyond belief, especially when you add it to the other countless assassinations particularly Soleimani!

And they have the audacity to rag on a nation that has fought 4 wars against these demons including one against the FRENCH, THE BRITTISH CUCKS and the ISRAELI DEMONS and who won that war? YES, EGYPT as all three of those thieving cuck nations tucked their tails and surrendered by withdrawing completely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANd submitting FULL CONTROL of the SUEZ CANAL to the COUNTRY IT BELONGS TO, EGYPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try explaining that to these one-way minded goofballs. And we all know who tucked that same tail between its demon legs in 1973 and surrendered the land it stole in 1967 and trickled halfway across the SINAI!!!! Whose the victor there? YHES EGYPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And these have the audacity to claim complicity in this genocide? The friggin nerve.

You know, I've been participating in this thread to show how evil and demonic these scum sucking pigs are as well as the US representatives getting their pockets greased and I warned twice already to stop the Arab bashing and let's unite for the common cause if anything just to support at the time the only Palestinian on this board with us @Falcon29 and cheer him on, instead we ended up with all these yahoos bashing Arabs and Sunnis left and right and frankly, I've had it! I'm done. I have a new set of demons to attack until @Waz or @MrX or whomever decides to ban my ass. The outside people reading this rubbish are only laughing looking at all the infighting and I warned them all this is what they want yet they can't figure it out.
So this same toothless tiger NATO, with no military success in the past 2 decades, aside from rebirthing Neo- Nazism, will go from losing in losing in Ukraine....then to losing in Israel? NATO has the best military on earth that also has a horrible military performance record- it seeks more members to keep it afloat...if US buckles, it collapses, overnight too.
The contracts weren't signed in blood. They can be broken. Palestinian blood demands it.
This was stopped during the war..the borders are closed anyways..
Iranian sources:

The purpose of Operation True Promise was to “demonstrate strength,” not to exercise force, but the goal of the anticipated retaliatory operation appears to be the use of force.
He was in the US sight for a while!

Why, you think the only responsibility an ambassador to a country is strictly a formality? You obvioulsy are not too adept at the politics that go behind diplomacy.

I won't get into the countless SLEW of responsibilities that are involved, but the BIGGEST one currently NEEDED to maintain such a diplomatic relationship is to use instantaneous communications to END THE GENOCIDE! By acting all macho camacho like you and many ignorant around here think is the LEAST they should do means you have no clue as to the intricacies involved and like I said, the number 1 priority is to continue the pursuit of a ceasefire and an enduring peace. Can't do that if you fire ambassadors from both sides, understand, now?
Sure pursuing a ceasefire is noble, in this case its like clapping with one hand when the other party holds all the cards. They have zero pressure we have seen how successful this open communication has been for the last 10 months now. Complete useless.
American officials told Axios: Transferring military assets to the Gulf, the Red Sea, and the Eastern Mediterranean

Your daily reminder of Israel's indiscriminate bombardment of entire city quarters in Gaza. Which is punishable by international law. Israel and it's government must be sanctioned and arrest warrants must be implemented to punish this genocide :

As Sunni Muslim, I ask you

What have Sunni Muslims done for Palestine?
Like we tell Zionists, history doesn’t start from Oct 7. Arabs have gone to wars for Palestine. Every Sunni country at one point or another has done sometime for Palestine. Even currently Hamas leadership was safe in Qatar. Haniyah safely lived in Sunni countries and travelled without any fear. In Iran he’s assassinated. Sunnis have donated billions of dollars worth of aid post Oct 7 to Palestine. Even the weapons smuggled into Gaza or the construction materials smuggled in to make tunnels they were mostly smuggled in via Egypt. Let’s not kid our selves and say Egyptians have 0 involvement in this even if it means rouge elements helping Gaza from Egypt. You make it seem like Iran is the only one supporting Gaza when Sunnis have done a lot to support them as well. What about the countries close to Iran? What has Iran done for them? Iran helped USA invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Solumani had a working relationship with usa against Taliban in Afghanistan. Iran saved india from sanctions in OIC in 1994 over Kashmir. Iran regularly bullies Azerbaijan and supports PKK terrorists against Turkey. Iran in the name of defeating ISIS has massacred Sunnis in Iraq and Syria and its well documented. Iran supports terrorists in Pakistani Balochistan and Parachinar. Majority of the average Iranian people don’t even care about Palestine and want the regime gone. How many Iranian diaspora have you seen that are pro Palestine? Majority are pro israel. Majority Sunnis are pro Palestine and have done a lot for Palestine. Iran is all talk no action. How many red lines did it set and how many times were they crossed but Iran didn’t react? Arabs have fought 4 wars for Palestine. They have still killed more Zionists than Iran has. Saddam fired dozens of scuds into israel in a true retaliatory manner unlike Iran which announces its retaliation days in advance. Gaddafi heavily supported Palestinian resistance. Sunnis have been on the frontlines for Palestine. Also, don’t forget Hamas it self is Sunni. The rebels in West Bank are Sunni. It’s Sunnis fighting and Sunnis dying in Gaza. In recent times before Oct 7 Qatar has funded Hamas with almost $2 billion dollars. Compare that to Iran’s funding and you’ll find Hamas has MORE FUNDING FROM ARABS than Iran on a yearly basis leading up to Oct 7. Sunnis have been supporting Palestine even before Israel was a thing and when it was still talks and Zionists attempting to bribe Ottoman Sunnis. It was Sunnis fighting for them while Iran has a Zionist Shah with the second largest Jewish population. You fail to look at the last 75 yrs and only put your focus on the last 15 years. Even in the last 15 years more Sunni money has been given to Hamas than Iranian.

Keep believing their sweet talk. Gaza is only at this stage cuz if false promises by so called “axis of resistance”. A ground invasion of Gaza was suppose to be a red line for Iran and the axis to launch a direct war with israel. But a ground invasion happened months ago and the axis is nowhere to be seen. At least Sunni countries haven’t thrown Hamas into fire than back stabbed them. Sunni countries didn’t make any promises it couldn’t enforce but the axis and Iran did.
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So the defender of Sunni Muslim honour is tiny Qatar?
It’s a shame tiny Qatar has funded more dollars to Hamas than Iran has year over year. It’s a shame tiny Qatar has been able to defend Hamas leadership for years while a couple hours is all it took for Haniyah to get assassinated in Iran.
I didn't even bother explaining that to them because obviously they have no clue. I'm not gonna spend my time teaching a bunch of ignorant clown-costume wearing ignorant.

Not just that, I forget who else challenged me on the two liquification terminals in the Mediterranean claiming Israel has them so it doesn't need Egypt's LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, they DON'T! Only Egypt does or at least did for MANY MANY MANY ears where Israel couldn't do jack shit with its gas so not only were we extracting our own, but we were also charging them up the ass and making double the profit off of them to buy more weapons hahahaha!

Imagine having to justify all this shit to these nincompoops? Enough, not doing it anymore since it makes me equally as pathetic as them.

Oh yeah, but most of it is done maliciciously, and that's where I've reached my witts end, bro. Even our friend Davey Crocket was trying to come off like he's sypathetic to the poor Palestinian's plight and what a super fraud that turned out to be.

If half these culprits had a sense of history in the area and not just from October 7th or going back to 2006 where in reality, if you really want to get technical, Hezbollah took a shellacking like none other the only thing is they succeedded in knocking a few tanks and abducting and killing a few demons. Other than that they got the ever loving crap kicked out of them inside out and sideways and who's laughing in the background because of 1/1119th success....................? yes, the turbines in Iran WHO JUST HAD HANEYA KILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The F*Y&*TRT^&*R#(TE$Y)@_U$@()# audacity to actually show face after such a humiliation is beyond belief, especially when you add it to the other countless assassinations particularly Soleimani!

And they have the audacity to rag on a nation that has fought 4 wars against these demons including one against the FRENCH, THE BRITTISH CUCKS and the ISRAELI DEMONS and who won that war? YES, EGYPT as all three of those thieving cuck nations tucked their tails and surrendered by withdrawing completely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANd submitting FULL CONTROL of the SUEZ CANAL to the COUNTRY IT BELONGS TO, EGYPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try explaining that to these one-way minded goofballs. And we all know who tucked that same tail between its demon legs in 1973 and surrendered the land it stole in 1967 and trickled halfway across the SINAI!!!! Whose the victor there? YHES EGYPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And these have the audacity to claim complicity in this genocide? The friggin nerve.

You know, I've been participating in this thread to show how evil and demonic these scum sucking pigs are as well as the US representatives getting their pockets greased and I warned twice already to stop the Arab bashing and let's unite for the common cause if anything just to support at the time the only Palestinian on this board with us @Falcon29 and cheer him on, instead we ended up with all these yahoos bashing Arabs and Sunnis left and right and frankly, I've had it! I'm done. I have a new set of demons to attack until @Waz or @MrX or whomever decides to ban my ass. The outside people reading this rubbish are only laughing looking at all the infighting and I warned them all this is what they want yet they can't figure it out.
Trust me just ignore those kinds of people. There are gonna be some that are reasonable and some aren't. And some people with ulterior motives that aren't actually interested in this conflict. Whether Sunni or Shia, Arab or Iranian, etc.... I've personally ignored people for months now. By putting on ignore or deliberately ignore them if they tag or respond to me.

The good ones from all backgrounds and side are uniting around the common cause. And take the situation seriously and are sensitive to it. Healthy criticism is still important. I still believe more can be done by many. I was saying this about Iran and Hezbollah earlier. And about a few Arab nations. Even Sisi and his government. But I recognize complexities and limitations. And such complexities aren't because for example, that Sisi is Sisi. Any leader in Egypt would be in same position. Egypt is exhausting diplomatic pressure and doing everything short of military attack to get Israel to back off Gaza, to not occupy Gaza, and most importantly, it crushed the plan to ethnically cleanse Palestinians of Gaza.

Some people think that if you border occupied Palestine that it automatically means you're at big advantage and can do more. But in reality it can make you at much bigger disadvantage. That's why Hezbollah, for example, is hesitant to get drawn into a full blown war. But they will try to inflict as much pressure short of that to pressure Israel to cease attacks on Gaza. And even with that, Israel is threatening war on them.

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