Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I think a large hit on Tel Aviv is appropriate given their destruction of Gaza. This would be completely measured, only hypocrites who view israeli lives as superior over Palestinian would be bothered by a tel avic strike. I say, eye for an eye, house for a house, person for a person, if it is over that then you have the right to criticize.
In the last week Israel:

-blew up a Gaza drinking water reservoir

-debated & defended the rape of Palestinians

-killed the man negotiating a ceasefire with them

-killed the journalist covering the story
Because it’s 99% theatrical. If Iran had the balls they would have killed top Israeli leaders every time their generals and scientists get murdered long time ago.

I’m not singling out Iran either because I think the entire Islamic world is run by bunch of incompetent cowards. But, what makes iran even more deserving of scolding is that Iran has the capability to do a devastating blow to Israeli, however, it’s held back by coward, incompetent leadership.

Iran supplied the resistance

It's basically funds, supplies and supports the resistance

It also understands the long game, it doesn't need to panic and dance around, it knows Israel is boiling and it's best bet is to keep Israel boiling, constantly under attack, constantly in conflict with the resistance

Israel will crack

Why should Iran be blamed for the surrounding Arabs states being cowards and jackals?
Iran is all talk no bite. All they will do is kill innocents in neighbouring countries.
Ismail Hanniyah was safe in many countries but got assassinated when he went Iran. Iran is very incompetent or complicit.
Iranians supporters on this forum losing their minds whenever I expose iran.
It is not doing us a favor, they killed him in Tehran under the protection of Iran. This is a strike in Iran so it’s also a strike on Iran.
Do we know if it was a airstrike? It was not according to reports I'm seeing. Was a shoulder fired guided missile or anti - tank missile.

This has happened to Palestinians before and host countries did nothing. Obviously, Iran has other reasons to respond to this too, but it is commendable. They're risking a lot when they can just withdraw from the whole scene and move on from Hamas.
It doesn’t look like the last retaliatory strike did anything to prevent Israel from crossing red lines.

A retaliatory strike with no teeth means Israel will do as it pleases because it knows no consequences of merit will come to it. It is time to put up or shut up. It’s as simple as that, it’s now or never to make a statement.

Israel is going to do anything as long as they believe US will have their back. They seem to have tons of confidence in the Jewish-American community's ability to destroy America and sacrifice American interests and soldiers for their genocidal agenda. Nothing will stop Israel until the terrorist facists are expelled from the occupied land and security control is given to non-Jews. Jews cannot rule a inch of the land, period.

A ground invasion of Israel should be a top priority and Arabs must participate in it too. Israel has conventional advantage due to US army and NATO behind them. Ground invasion renders their technology useless.
Some outlets and sources are saying that Haniya was sacrificed in a deal to spare Nasrallah who's second in command was killed in Beirut yesterday too..

Well.. all these critics of Arabs know the truth about USA-Israel bond..and what it entails for anyone who tries to test it..
Yes, It wasn't a coincidence that Haniyeh had such a poor security, He was placed in a building that has a 360 degree view from all sides. It practically screamed "Hay i'm here right in this building, come and kill me". You have to be a moron to think this "Security opsi" was in fact an opsi and was done by accident, Our mullah wanted him dead and now he is dead, They also wanted the credit to go to Israel so that this doesn't look like a backstab so they came with this bs "missile attack" story.
Israel acts tough after having the US and UK make a million threats against Iran and Hezbollah. And deploy warships and threaten to bomb Iran and Hezbollah. What has to be shattered too is the belief that US can do anything to save their Nazi pariah terror state from receiving justice.

Yes, It wasn't a coincidence that Haniyeh had such a poor security, He was placed in a building that has a 360 degree view from all sides. It practically screamed "Hay i'm here right in this building, come and kill me". You have to be a moron to think this "Security opsi" was in fact an opsi and was done by accident, Our mullah wanted him dead and now he is dead, They also wanted the credit to go to Israel so that this doesn't look like a backstab so they came with this bs "missile attack" story.
This is conspiracy theory. Iran has no reason to want him dead. And Israel won't feel score is settled and make a ceasefire Gaza. It doesn't want to stop and wants to expand the war. Israel is on a genocidal rampage to exterminate Palestinians and believes a regional war will help it do that. It will try expelling Palestinians into Egypt. And will only have to look after northern border with Lebanon and Syria. While it believes US would deal with Iran. This is very dangerous mindset. Whatever it plans will be short-lived. And the punishment for the Israeli terrorist entire community and society as a whole must be severe so the terrorist Jews never think to initiate genocidal demonic rampages again. And the terrorist Jews must be purged out of influence entirely. In all societies.
This is conspiracy theory. Iran has no reason to want him dead. And Israel won't feel score is settled and make a ceasefire Gaza. It doesn't want to stop and wants to expand the war. Israel is on a genocidal rampage to exterminate Palestinians and believes a regional war will help it do that. It will try expelling Palestinians into Egypt. And will only have to look after northern border with Lebanon and Syria. While it believes US would deal with Iran. This is very dangerous mindset. Whatever it plans will be short-lived. And the punishment for the Israeli terrorist entire community and society as a whole must be severe so the terrorist Jews never think to initiate genocidal demonic rampages again. And the terrorist Jews must be purged out of influence entirely. In all societies.
you are speaking to an unhinged guy who was celebrating and telling people how rich he was going to get from buying gold the last time Iran and Israel exchanged fire
I have pointed out time and time again, the time for the Resistance to attack with everything they have is before Trump gets in office.

Right now America is divided.

Does anyone really think most Americans will rally around Biden's call to send troops to defend Israel, after a devastating blow to a US base?

Anyone remember Reagan bringing the troops home after the Beirut bombing?

It was because, at the time, the Zionists did not have proof enough to attack either Iran or Hezbollah.

Here is the proper response -

Iran and Hezbollah conduct their "freebie" calibrated attack this week. Like Iran's response back in April, test the bandit state's air defenses AND the Great Satan's battle ship's defenses.

Save the real attack on October 23, 2024. The 41st anniversary of the Beirut bombings.

Instead of the barracks forty years ago, attack several US bases in Iraq, Syria; throw in a base or four in Africa, Europe at the same time, using unnamed and unheard of militias. Get the zogbot army body count up into the thousands.

Call the bluff of the Great Satan at a time when the American population's divide will be at it's greatest - just before the November election.

To make this work, all cells, currently in the United States, will need to conduct simultaneous suicide bombings of as many military assets within the United States itself.

You want to create chaos and a civil war in America. This will make it that much more difficult to send troops to defend Israel as the cities in America are burning.

Spit ballin here.

It will take the coordinating efforts of the entire Resistance in every country on earth to pull off the defeat of Zionism.

And the best date to pull it off will be the anniversary of the Beirut barracks bombing.

There is a sizable population here in the United States just itching for a civil war - both on the far left, and the far right. Create the right conditions, many will not need to be asked to go on shooting rampages.

The vast majority of Americans today are not following world news. They do not even know what is going on in Palestine. If you doubt this, start asking around, you will discover how ignorant the typical American is.

Going to be next to impossible to sell troops on the ground in the Middle East to Americans while their cities are burning and thousands of troops coming home in body bags.
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I have pointed out time and time again, the time for the Resistance to attack with everything they have is before Trump gets in office.

Right now America is divided.

Does anyone really think most Americans will rally around Biden's call to send troops to defend Israel, after a devastating blow to a US base?

Anyone remember Reagan bringing the troops home after the Beirut bombing?

It was because, at the time, the Zionists did not have proof enough to attack either Iran or Hezbollah.

Here is the proper response -

Iran and Hezbollah conduct their "freebie" calibrated attack this week. Like Iran's response back in April, test the bandit state's air defenses AND the Great Satan's battle ship's defenses.

Save the real attack on October 23, 2024. The 41st anniversary of the Beirut bombings.

Instead of the barracks forty years ago, attack several US bases in Iraq, Syria; throw in a base or four in Africa, Europe at the same time, using unnamed and unheard of militias. Get the zogbot army body count up into the thousands.

Call the bluff of the Great Satan at a time when the American population's divide will be at it's greatest - just before the November election.

To make this work, all cells, currently in the United States, will need to conduct simultaneous suicide bombings of as many military assets within the United States itself.

You want to create chaos and a civil war in America. This will make it that much more difficult to send troops to defend Israel as the cities in America are burning.

Spit ballin here.

It will take the coordinating efforts of the entire Resistance in every country on earth to pull off the defeat of Zionism.

And the best date to pull it off will be the anniversary of the Beirut barracks bombing.

There is a sizable population here in the United States just itching for a civil war - both on the far left, and the far right. Create the right conditions, many will not need to be asked to go on shooting rampages.

The vast majority of Americans today are not following world news. They do not even know what is going on in Palestine. If you doubt this, start asking around, you will discover how ignorant the typical American is.

Going to be next to impossible to sell troops on the ground in the Middle East to Americans while their cities are burning and thousands of troops coming home in body bags.
If the Zionists call off November's election, all the better.

Now you have millions of those on the right up in arms.

Do you really think they will support a regional war by an illegitimate government?

Going to take total chaos in America to take away the one thing that is saving Israel right now.
October 23, 2024

The day the entire Resistance to ZIONISM, the world over, attacks the beast.

This includes Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc.

You all know the other countries.

This will need to be a world wide uprising.

Mark my words, once Trump gets into office, the Resistance will get destroyed. This is the reason the bandit state is dragging this out.

Can't anyone see this?

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