Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Unfortunately, Saudi, UAE, Jordan will throw themselves in defense of Israel and will shoot down a lot of the Iranian missiles.

With munafiqs like these, who needs Israel to blame?
Know that if they let missiles and drones fly through their airspace..they'll be considered party to the war.. they might as well declare war..if they do..
Lol , you mean 3000 Ib bomb, 30000 is 15 tons.

If we went by size of bombs and the number of people killed then US wouldnt have run out of Afghanistan.

US and Israel Won't put Boots on the Ground , they are not looking to occupy any territory like Afghanistan

But a loss of infrastructure like Power and Oil or Rail bridges can hurt Every Good Economy

Iran does have a decent Economy, which they don't want to damage

Leverage goes both ways
If US believed it had a real chance of destroying Iran, it would have already attacked Iran by now- the cost on US to attack and destroy Iran is the highest at this moment and plus, a war with Iran means that Ukraine collapses sooner.

Do you believe Israel and by extension US will take a big blow from Iran lying down. It's a war Iran can't win at best it can attack some US bases in the region in the start of the war and in response US can defang Iran once and for all, which is what Israel wants.
US and Israel Won't put Boots on the Ground , they are not looking to occupy any territory like Afghanistan

But a loss of infrastructure like Power and Oil or Rail bridges can hurt Every Good Economy

Iran does have a decent Economy, which they don't want to damage

Leverage goes both ways
Israel is bankrupt living on US and UK tax payer handouts. Lebanon doesn't have much to lose there economy can't get much worse.
Do you believe Israel and by extension US will take a big blow from Iran lying down. It's a war Iran can't win at best it can attack some US bases in the region in the start of the war and in response US can defang Iran once and for all, which is what Israel wants.
It's a war Iran can't lose because it is fighting in its back yard with lots of support from locals.
Israel is bankrupt living on US and UK tax payer handouts. Lebanon doesn't have much to lose there economy can't get much worse.

This is a Proxy war between Iran and US

Israel is willing to absorb damages and casualties in return for US help
After 9 /11 itself Some US Generals wanted to.attack Iran

But others said that Saddam must be Removed First and finally they went for Iraq

A war with Iran has always been War Gamed and Planned by the Pentagon
Avoid anti-semitism and trolling.

Five of Sinwar's greatest allies eliminated in attack on Gaza terror tunnel - report​

Ruhi Mushtaha, a close associate of Sinwar, was one of five terrorists eliminated, according to Saudi media.​


 Yahya Sinwar  (photo credit: REUTERS)
Yahya Sinwar(photo credit: REUTERS)

Approximately 10 days ago, several senior Hamas members, including Ruhi Mushtaha, a close associate of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, were reportedly killed, according to a report in the Saudi newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat.

In addition to Mushtaha, Bassam Al-Saraj and three other high-ranking members of Hamas's military wing, including intelligence chief Abed Al-Hadi Siam of the Gaza Brigade, were also eliminated.

The terrorists were reportedly killed in a tunnel that was attacked.

A strike close to Sinwar​

Mushtaha and Sinwar had spent many years together in Israeli prisons and were released together as part of the Gilad Shalit deal.

In 2011, they participated in Hamas's internal elections, becoming influential leaders within the terrorist organization and gaining control over many of its components. They reportedly had a special relationship with the now-eliminated Mohammed Deif and other members of the Qassam Brigades' leadership.

Samah Al-Saraj is known for his rare media appearances, yet he is a prominent figure in Hamas. He has also been a member of its political bureau for three election cycles and has a role in managing financial portfolios.

According to the report, Izzat Al-Rishq, a member of Hamas's political bureau, stated, "We cannot confirm any of the reports published in the media or by other sources."

It's a war Iran can't lose because it is fighting in its back yard with lots of support from locals.

Depends upon what you describe as a lose, yes US boots on Iranian soil is not feasible and not going to happen but bombing Iran back 20 years is something US / Israel can do within weeks. If it's a all out war I believe their objective would be regime change.
Depends upon what you describe as a lose, yes US boots on Iranian soil is not feasible and not going to happen but bombing Iran back 20 years is something US / Israel can do within weeks. If it's a all out war I believe their objective would be regime change.

How do you expect that to happen?

Iran and the "axis of resistance" will destroy the Zionist entity and also all US bases in ME with their missiles and drones within weeks of an all-out war. Hezbollah by itself could have 200k+ rockets and missiles.

US gets kicked out of ME if there is an all-out war.

As well as the best offensive missile arsenal next to China, it also possesses excellent domestic short,medium and long-range SAM defences.

This is not 2004 when Iran barely had any offensive or even defensive capabilities.
How do you expect that to happen?

Iran and the "axis of resistance" will destroy the Zionist entity and also all US bases in ME with their missiles and drones within weeks of an all-out war. Hezbollah by itself could have 200k+ rockets and missiles.

US gets kicked out of ME if there is an all-out war.

As well as the best offensive missile arsenal next to China, it also possesses excellent domestic short,medium and long-range SAM defences.

This is not 2004 when Iran barely had any offensive or even defensive capabilities.

We have heard this before during the Gulf War, how the Iraqi republican guards will destroy the US of A. We had all seen what happened then. US + UK + Israel plan would be simple stage one - knock down Iranian air defense, stage 2 - bomb the shit out of it. Sorry to say all the macho talk and bravado on a forum is all good, but in real world Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi are nothing but a nuisance. Iran yes a respectable adversary but no way a match for the firepower of the western world.

Hamas was stupid on 7 oct - 40000 of them killed, whole Gaza destroyed, hamas will be soon be fighting for it's existence in dark rooms/tunnels in Gaza with Israeli settlers enjoying beachfront resorts there. Hope Iran is not as stupid to play in to the hands of Israel.
We have heard this before during the Gulf War, how the Iraqi republican guards will destroy the US of A. We had all seen what happened then. US + UK + Israel plan would be simple stage one - knock down Iranian air defense, stage 2 - bomb the shit out of it. Sorry to say all the macho talk and bravado on a forum is all good, but in real world Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi are nothing but a nuisance. Iran yes a respectable adversary but no way a match for the firepower of the western world.

Why are you comparing Iraq with Iran?

Iran is like 10x more powerful and Hezbollah emptied the north of occupied Palestine of Jewish settlers since October 7th.

To this day entity does not launch a full scale war on Hezbollah due to Hezbollah's ability to destroy the northern half of Occupied Palestine. Remember the "deadline" that Hezbollah was given to withdraw behind the Litani River by the Zionist entity, which Hezbollah ignored and entity had to eat humble pie.

Now I suggest a bit less simping to the entity-US and more logical analysis from you going forward.
We have heard this before during the Gulf War, how the Iraqi republican guards will destroy the US of A. We had all seen what happened then. US + UK + Israel plan would be simple stage one - knock down Iranian air defense, stage 2 - bomb the shit out of it. Sorry to say all the macho talk and bravado on a forum is all good, but in real world Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi are nothing but a nuisance. Iran yes a respectable adversary but no way a match for the firepower of the western world.

Hamas was stupid on 7 oct - 40000 of them killed, whole Gaza destroyed, hamas will be soon be fighting for it's existence in dark rooms/tunnels in Gaza with Israeli settlers enjoying beachfront resorts there. Hope Iran is not as stupid to play in to the hands of Israel.
I wish this forum has a thumb down option.
Why are you comparing Iraq with Iran?

Iran is like 10x more powerful and Hezbollah emptied the north of occupied Palestine of Jewish settlers since October 7th.

To this day entity does not launch a full scale war on Hezbollah due to Hezbollah's ability to destroy the northern half of Occupied Palestine. Remember the "deadline" that Hezbollah was given to withdraw behind the Litani River by the Zionist entity, which Hezbollah ignored and entity had to eat humble pie.

Now I suggest a bit less simping to the entity-US and more logical analysis from you going forward.

Israel is bombing Lebanon, Syria, Gaza left right and center as we speak. Beirut was the red line what happened, forget Beirut they went all the way to Tehran. Nobody wants a war but if it's a war then the gloves are off. Israel wants US and Iran to go for each other. If you do exactly want your enemy wants you are stupid. Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi are doing what they can, but there is so much they can do. Few bruises yes but at what cost.
It seems that heavy Israeli bombing of Lebanon will lead to some IAF warplanes getting shot down- is Israel ready??

Americans know that the conflict can't stay in Gaza and hasn't stay in Gaza. Hezbollah struck, unilaterally, shortly after October 7, because they had to. I really believe Americans didn't want a regional war then and now want it even less, having seen their attack dog couldn't even deal with Gazan resistance to 'finish off', a term used by Trump.

NY Times is in bed with the American Deep State and especially closer to the Democrats. This article reflects the frustration in the Biden administration. Americans know what a regional war would mean--not good for Americans either--but Netanyahu has gone 'rogue'.
And, yes, I know well the support given to Israel since October 7. That was an 'automatic' support but that doesn't mean Americans wanted or want now a regional war.

Netanyahu has gone feral for sure, but so has the Israeli deep state and the population as a whole.

If the Americans dont like what Netanyahu is doing, or is planning for them, then why dont they take him out ?? It is has never stopped them taking out other world leaders before.

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