Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Iran has made a lot of noise, if they attack on Israel turned out to be similar to the last one, it would be very embarrassing for them. One of the reason why Israel is still able to push this war and attacking other neighbors is because so far their major metropolitan cities are safe, you want to stop a rabid dog like Israel then one has to burn Tel Aviv to the ground. Multiple front attacks targeting Military and Govt installations/Building will scared the sons of Israel, and once the whities start leaving the country they won't have that cover.
Yikes. Muslim and Arab world is in a awful state. I've changed my whole perspective of end times. Used to think it would be some golden age for Muslims. Now I'm starting to believe it's just a emergency 'last way out' path to salvation and be forgiven by God before he makes us leave to the next life and before he ends everyone on this planet. We are in a pre-flood state. Far gone.
Occupation drones bombed the tents of the displaced in the courtyard of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the city of Deir Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

Exactly.. so called Muslims are responsible for the Palestinian genocide. The wrath of God is justified upon such a pathetic people.

Snipers targeting children. I would welcome thoughts from our resident loyal goyims...

Mostly crocodile tears by the westerners.... They actually love the sight of dead murdered brown babies that their bloodthirsty churches preach to appease their Zionist gods.
Per the Lebanese journalist lady Ms. Osman, whose video I posted a couple of days ago, the attack on Israel could come Sunday night (meaning tonight--local time). We will see.

Oh, while Israelis are calling the recent assassinations as 'deterrence' restored, even NY Times is compelled to say the opposite. How delusional the Israelis are!!

Analysts and regional observers in contact with Hamas leaders see the latest blows it has suffered — including Mr. Haniyeh’s assassination, widely believed to be at Israel’s hand — as offering Israeli forces a short-term victory at the cost of long-term strategic success.

“Instead of creating the disconnect they’d hoped for, one that would make people fearful or completely defeated, this will have the opposite effect,” said Tahani Mustafa, a senior Palestine analyst at the International Crisis Group, which provides policy analysis on ending conflicts. “Israel just dealt them a winning hand.”
Despite that, Hamas not only remains operational, but is recruiting new fighters both in Gaza and beyond, local residents and analysts say. Militants have also begun to re-emerge in areas that Israel had driven them out of months before.

For Hamas, the logic of insurgency means that simply surviving in the face of a far more powerful military provides a symbolic victory. With that comes a chance at staying power that outlasts any pain Israel has inflicted.
One of the reason why Israel is still able to push this war and attacking other neighbors is because so far their major metropolitan cities are safe, you want to stop a rabid dog like Israel then one has to burn Tel Aviv to the ground. Multiple front attacks targeting Military and Govt installations/Building will scared the sons of Israel, and once the whities start leaving the country they won't have that cover.

It is obvious that Netanyahu wants a war with Iran involving Americans. Attacking Tel Aviv would almost certainly drag the reluctant Americans into that war. I'd say attack and damage Haifa Port and other military installations at this point. This is an election year in America and that is at least one more reason the Americans don't want a major war in the Middle East. Falling into Netanyahu's trap of an all out war is not advisable.
Israel is already losing. What's the saying 'Don't stop your enemies from making mistakes' applies here.
So, yes, make the price high-enough for Israel to put a leash on them but not too high to drag the Americans in.
Looks like Iran is preparing for sustained conflict - not just a one off smoke-mirror-light show.
Most likely its bought to handle drones.
Last time,a radar was hit possibly by a this time,they brought in a new system to not risk such a loss.

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