Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Interesting thought--and not out of question!
A related development is Israel is again willing to resume the negotiations for the ceasefire, after the Biden-Netanyahu call on Thursday which, by all accounts, was not pleasant, to say the least.
Another thing to consider: Netanyahu is again pandering to the Republican Party at the expense of the Democratic Party, thus again meddling in the American elections. That is an unforgivable sin even though Democrats too are the recipients of the Israeli Lobbies money and threats. A LOT of damage can be done to Israel between now and mid January when / if Trump takes the Presidency.
Stupid Netanyahu doesn't know when to stop!

Yep, this is really stupid, especially as senile old Zionist Biden is being even more marginalised now that he won't be standing for a 2nd term.

Karmala Harris definitely has more sway now she is the Democratic Nominee and already showing that she at least has a chance of stopping Trump from being President again.

Netanyahu literally threw a temper tantrum at some of the mild "for show" words questioning some of his genocidal methods, that he has decided to go all out with Trump and the Republicans.
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What a joyous article in a major Israeli news site. And written just when the Israelis need to trust their leadership and have internal unity.
Basically the article is accepting Israel has not won and must eat humble pie and regroup and finish off later--as if Israel's enemies won't also prepare for the later.

ranian threat must be dealt with, but first Israel needs a strategy shift​

Opinion: Netanyahu is a walking strategic failure: He fails against Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas; Since October 8, he has led Israel to the greatest political low in its history, can he be trusted?​

To what extent, if at all, did Israel's strategic situation change following the two assassinations, in Beirut and Tehran? After a few hours of euphoria, amid the excellent display of intelligence and operational prowess, we've returned to reality.
We are in the midst of a multi-front war. To make the situation worse, Netanyahu took advantage of the assassinations to extend the war in the Gaza Strip without a deal. Put simply, he decided to give up on the release of the hostages and extend this endless war of attrition, increasing the chances of a bigger war.

It's not the world that is against Netanyahu rather the majority of the Israeli public and all the heads of the defense establishment and a few lawmakers from his Likud Party.
Is Netanyahu right and everyone else wrong? Possibly. This is why Netanyahu is an ongoing strategic failure. He failed against Iran, failed against Hezbollah, failed against Hamas and since October 8, he has led Israel to its lowest point in history. Can he be trusted?

Even worse, Netanyahu knows that every day that passes is another day of harm for Israel. More businesses collapse, more reservists are broken and the economy takes another hit. It is another day when tens of thousands of Israelis are refugees in their land and when more soldiers may be killed.
Yes, there are achievements. More terrorists have been killed, more tunnels uncovered and blown up. However, the achievements are increasingly small compared to the damage to Israel. In over 300 days of war, Hamas can still launch rockets and in the north, there is rarely a day without attack. Have the assassinations changed something? Did they stop Iran? Hamas? Hezbollah?
The Iranian threat must dealt with but first, we need a strategic change to come with the release of the hostages. A deal will lead to a cease-fire on all fronts. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that there would be a cease-fire as soon as the fighting in Gaza ends. Israel needs a period of calm, mainly to rebuild the IDF, rebuild the economy, rebuild society, and deal with the threat from Iran and its proxies across the Middle East.
...Jewish blood is no longer cheap. There is a price to be paid for taking Jewish life. Most of the time, this is interpreted through the lens of Israel’s enemies—that is, as a threat. But more important is what this reality says to citizens of Israel. To them, it’s a promise.

This is the value of being a citizen of Israel, and it cannot be underestimated. It is the same value behind the constant search for a hostage deal. The Israel that took out Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran is the Israel that agrees to lopsided trades to bring its captives home, one at a time if necessary. No matter how communal its practices or collectivist its apportionment of responsibility for the rest of the nation, Judaism has never stopped valuing every individual life.

Those who worry about the fate of a ceasefire deal should be encouraged by Haniyeh’s date with destiny. There are different ways to protect Jewish life, and Israel takes each opportunity when it presents itself.

That does not just go for Jewish citizens of Israel, needless to say. The day before Haniyeh’s elimination, Israel killed Fuad Shukr in a targeted strike on Beirut. Shukr had two prominent claims to fame: He was responsible for the massacre of a dozen Druze children in northern Israel last week, and he was behind the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, an attack that killed 241 Americans. There was a $5 million reward on his head from the U.S. government.

Which means that 40 years and nine months after he helped kill 241 Americans, Shukr was still a wanted man. Four days after he helped kill 12 Druze, he was a dead man.

There are surely reasons the U.S. chose not to take out Shukr when it could. But still, there is something counterfeit in the U.S. government putting a bounty on the head of a man no other Americans could reach and then letting him live on—and on and on. As if the vows of retribution were for show.

But such retribution isn’t only for the victims. It is also for those who still live. Shukr ended his life as Hezbollah’s most-senior military commander and a trusted aide to leader Hassan Nasrallah. After the Marine barracks bombing, he spent four decades planning the deaths of other innocents. With the Iranian proxy beating the drums of war, Israel understood its appeals to rationality were falling on deaf Hezbollah ears. But a targeted strike on a top military commander might—might—slow the banging of those drums a bit, if only because of the practical considerations of losing the man most responsible for guiding that war, if indeed one broke out.

Regarding Hamas, the U.S. has been begging the terror group’s operational leader, Yahya Sinwar, to accept the terms of the ceasefire as laid out by President Biden. If Haniyeh’s opinion of the deal mattered, it certainly didn’t show. Perhaps a vivid reminder of Sinwar’s isolation would move things along.

In the end, the elimination of Haniyeh might have no effect one way or the other on the ceasefire deal. But it will certainly effect the perception of whether there are consequences for those who plan and approve the kidnapping and murder of Israelis. That is a fine thing for peace, for order, and for the value of human life—Jewish, Druze, or otherwise.

I have a solution to the problem

Dont do these things:

steal land
evict people from their ancestral home
Kill civillians
Bomb and massacre hospitals
Build settlement on palestinian land
Torture palestinian prisoners
Kill women and children
Poison irrigation and water wells
Well said! That's what I have been saying for months!
You see: There are huge contradictions in the American Middle East policies. They want to work with people who they bomb and insult for decades!! And most, though not all, of that policy is driven by Israel's Lobbies in America. But if watch the Mark Slobeda video I posted above, Americans, to please Israel, launched the stupid invasion of Iraq in 2003, only to give rise to Iran. The American power is in decline in the Middle East since that war. No question about that.
One day History is going to curse Israel for bringing down America in the Middle East but patriotic Americans should start cursing NOW!

The US no longer have the economic and industrial supreamacy to simultaneously maintain its influence in Europe, Middle East and East Asia.

If America wants to keep its dominance it will have to make concessions. There is no way out of it.
What will air defense do if it is violated..

You are too arrogant it seems even to understand international law about air sovereignty and its defense!
There is no meaning to international law any more, only fools believe in it.
They would have better chance if they were fired from Syria

Iran should not attack Tel Aviv.

Instead attack illegal settlement in the occupied territory in West Bank and major Israeli military installations.

Iran would have retaliated in way that the majority of the world actually would have no problem accepting.. in fact many would applaud it.

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