Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

A long interview of the exceptionally knowledable Mark Slobeda. He touches upon why the Americans support Israel, about the dwindling American influence and even capability in the Middle East, about how even the Americans won't be able to save Israel in case of a regional war, about how stupidly the invasion of Iraq in 2003 led to Iran's rise, about the role of China.
I agree with all of his analyses except I don't think a global war is going to spawn out of the Russia-Ukraine war, as Slobeda says; I think a regional war in the Middle East is the one more likely to trigger a global war; the Russia-Ukraine war is already winding down.

It is obvious that Netanyahu wants a war with Iran involving Americans. Attacking Tel Aviv would almost certainly drag the reluctant Americans into that war. I'd say attack and damage Haifa Port and other military installations at this point. This is an election year in America and that is at least one more reason the Americans don't want a major war in the Middle East. Falling into Netanyahu's trap of an all out war is not advisable.
Israel is already losing. What's the saying 'Don't stop your enemies from making mistakes' applies here.
So, yes, make the price high-enough for Israel to put a leash on them but not too high to drag the Americans in.

Here's the thing.

US loses EVERYTHING if there is a full-scale war in the ME.

As long as the attack lasts just a single day and takes out certain government, economic and military targets, yes even Tel Aviv, Mossad HQ and Haifa Port, then there is no conceivable reason for the US to get involved.

They lose everything in return for helping the entity reply to getting bitch-slapped due to their own stupidies around the ME.

The attack needs to be powerful enough to completely humble the entity but not so powerful as it puts the viability of the entity at risk and so dragging the US in.
Here's the thing.
US loses EVERYTHING if there is a full-scale war in the ME.
As long as the attack lasts just a single day and takes out certain government, economic and military targets, yes even Tel Aviv, Mossad HQ and Haifa Port, then there is no conceivable reason for the US to get involved.
They lose everything in return for helping the entity reply to getting bitch-slapped due to their own stupidies around the ME.
The attack needs to be powerful enough to completely humble the entity but not so powerful as it puts the viability of the entity at risk and so dragging the US in.

Well said! That's what I have been saying for months!
You see: There are huge contradictions in the American Middle East policies. They want to work with people who they bomb and insult for decades!! And most, though not all, of that policy is driven by Israel's Lobbies in America. But if watch the Mark Slobeda video I posted above, Americans, to please Israel, launched the stupid invasion of Iraq in 2003, only to give rise to Iran. The American power is in decline in the Middle East since that war. No question about that.
One day History is going to curse Israel for bringing down America in the Middle East but patriotic Americans should start cursing NOW!
The Times of Israel front page. Confirms that America doesn't want to get involved in a regional war, which is not only Unwinnable but also counter productive to the American regional interests. Netanyahu is being directly blamed by even a Zionist like Biden.

The Times of Israel front page. Confirms that America doesn't want to get involved in a regional war, which is not only Unwinnable but also counter productive to the American regional interests. Netanyahu is being directly blamed by even a Zionist like Biden.

View attachment 57957

Iran in effect has a "green light" from USA to deliver a powerful strike against the entity.

You can say the US would like to outsource the discipline of the unruly spoilt entity to Iran in order to bring it back into line.

#URGENT | Civil Defense spokesman in Gaza:
- The occupation commits a massacre in every sense of the word at Al-Nasr and Hassan Salama schools in Gaza City
- 80% of the martyrs and wounded are children
- There is no longer a safe place in Gaza City, and the occupation does not respect any sanctities
- Hospitals don't have the capacity to deal with the occupation’s crimes against the Palestinians
Iran in effect has a "green light" from USA to deliver a powerful strike against the entity.

You can say the US would like to outsource the discipline of the unruly spoilt entity to Iran in order to bring it back into line.

If that is true in the slightest, doesn't that make Iran a sub-contractor for the Great Satan? What you are saying is not likely to be true at all.
Here's the thing.

US loses EVERYTHING if there is a full-scale war in the ME.

As long as the attack lasts just a single day and takes out certain government, economic and military targets, yes even Tel Aviv, Mossad HQ and Haifa Port, then there is no conceivable reason for the US to get involved.

They lose everything in return for helping the entity reply to getting bitch-slapped due to their own stupidies around the ME.

The attack needs to be powerful enough to completely humble the entity but not so powerful as it puts the viability of the entity at risk and so dragging the US in.

Here's the thing.

US loses EVERYTHING if there is a full-scale war in the ME.

As long as the attack lasts just a single day and takes out certain government, economic and military targets, yes even Tel Aviv, Mossad HQ and Haifa Port, then there is no conceivable reason for the US to get involved.

They lose everything in return for helping the entity reply to getting bitch-slapped due to their own stupidies around the ME.

The attack needs to be powerful enough to completely humble the entity but not so powerful as it puts the viability of the entity at risk and so dragging the US in.

In my view, any response that doesn't put and end to the genocide in Gaza is meaningless. Let us hope Iran and the rest of the Resistance Axis are prioritizing that tragedy over anything else.

Yes, it is one thing to respect the Iranian state's honor since Ismail Haniyeh (rahihumullah) was their guest, but he was a freedom fighter whose goal was the liberation of Palestine, Al-Quds and Masjid Al-Aqsa being the center of their struggle. Therefore, Iran and the Resistance Axis can carry his wishes by hitting the evil Zionist entity very hard to the point where its sponsors would have a second look at the genocide and the apartheid they sponsored.
Iran in effect has a "green light" from USA to deliver a powerful strike against the entity.
You can say the US would like to outsource the discipline of the unruly spoilt entity to Iran in order to bring it back into line.

Interesting thought--and not out of question!
A related development is Israel is again willing to resume the negotiations for the ceasefire, after the Biden-Netanyahu call on Thursday which, by all accounts, was not pleasant, to say the least.
Another thing to consider: Netanyahu is again pandering to the Republican Party at the expense of the Democratic Party, thus again meddling in the American elections. That is an unforgivable sin even though Democrats too are the recipients of the Israeli Lobbies money and threats. A LOT of damage can be done to Israel between now and mid January when / if Trump takes the Presidency.
Stupid Netanyahu doesn't know when to stop!
It is obvious that Netanyahu wants a war with Iran involving Americans. Attacking Tel Aviv would almost certainly drag the reluctant Americans into that war. I'd say attack and damage Haifa Port and other military installations at this point. This is an election year in America and that is at least one more reason the Americans don't want a major war in the Middle East. Falling into Netanyahu's trap of an all out war is not advisable.
Israel is already losing. What's the saying 'Don't stop your enemies from making mistakes' applies here.
So, yes, make the price high-enough for Israel to put a leash on them but not too high to drag the Americans in.

It is obvious that Netanyahu wants a war with Iran involving Americans. Attacking Tel Aviv would almost certainly drag the reluctant Americans into that war. I'd say attack and damage Haifa Port and other military installations at this point. This is an election year in America and that is at least one more reason the Americans don't want a major war in the Middle East. Falling into Netanyahu's trap of an all out war is not advisable.
Israel is already losing. What's the saying 'Don't stop your enemies from making mistakes' applies here.
So, yes, make the price high-enough for Israel to put a leash on them but not too high to drag the Americans in.

I agree. Iranian should take a measured response and not fall into the trap Nutty-yahoo has setup for them. Haifa destruction including a few Israeli military bases plus they need to bomb a couple houses of a few Israeli Military Generals or top government official. Blood for blood.

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