Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

😂 and you believe this bs. Guess the pallys shouldn’t have started a fight they can’t win. Night night

You were laughing like the coward you are when the US and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001. Guess what, the US and its allies were driven out of Afghanistan after 20 years of fighting. The jihad in Palestine is no different. The Palestinians will have the last laugh despite the huge human toll that the child killing Zionist entity is carrying out in Palestine with the full backing of America and its puppet regimes.

Now, stop quoting me you scum who is taking comfort at the plight of the Palestinian people.
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😂 and you believe this bs. Guess the pallys shouldn’t have started a fight they can’t win. Night night

Listen here zionist. Feasting on the death of innocent women and children in Palestine wont make your di*k appear any bigger.
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Wow!!! Big story on NY Times right now!!

Israel has achieved all that it can militarily in Gaza, according to senior American officials, who say continued bombings are only increasing risks to civilians while the possibility of further weakening Hamas has diminished.

With the Biden administration racing to get cease-fire negotiations back on track, a growing number of national security officials across the government said that the Israeli military had severely set back Hamas but would never be able to completely eliminate the group.

In many respects, Israel’s military operation has done far more damage against Hamas than U.S. officials had predicted when the war began in October.

Israeli forces can now move freely throughout Gaza, the officials said, and Hamas is bloodied and damaged. Israel has destroyed or seized crucial supply routes from Egypt into Gaza. About 14,000 combatants in Gaza have been killed or captured, the Israeli military said last month. (The U.S. intelligence agencies use different, more conservative methodologies to estimate Hamas casualties, though the precise number remains classified.)

The Israeli military also asserted that it had eliminated half the leadership of the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, including the top leaders Muhammad Deif and Marwan Issa.

But one of Israel’s biggest remaining goals — the return of the roughly 115 living and dead hostages still held in Gaza after being seized in the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks — cannot be achieved militarily, according to current and former American and Israeli officials
Must be here too.
As his talk not just on Ukraine, his talk also on Middle East

Sure , and how did 250 hostages , children included , got into Gaza ? on a magic carpet ?

Israeli hostages are in Gaza because Israel used them as human shields on stolen land. Also, Israel has thousands of Palestinian political prisoners they routinely torture and rape.

When you F around enough you find out. Israel won't be supported by the west once the elderly white Evangelical Christian Zionists in the US die off.
You were laughing like the coward you are when the US and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001. Guess what, the US and its allies were driven out of Afghanistan after 20 years of fighting. The jihad in Palestine is no different. The Palestinians will have the last laugh despite the huge human toll that the child killing Zionist entity is carrying out in Palestine with the full backing of America and its puppet regimes.

Now, stop quoting me you scum who is taking comfort at the plight of the Palestinian people.

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