Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Wow!!! Big story on NY Times right now!!

Israel has achieved all that it can militarily in Gaza, according to senior American officials, who say continued bombings are only increasing risks to civilians while the possibility of further weakening Hamas has diminished.

With the Biden administration racing to get cease-fire negotiations back on track, a growing number of national security officials across the government said that the Israeli military had severely set back Hamas but would never be able to completely eliminate the group.

In many respects, Israel’s military operation has done far more damage against Hamas than U.S. officials had predicted when the war began in October.

Israeli forces can now move freely throughout Gaza, the officials said, and Hamas is bloodied and damaged. Israel has destroyed or seized crucial supply routes from Egypt into Gaza. About 14,000 combatants in Gaza have been killed or captured, the Israeli military said last month. (The U.S. intelligence agencies use different, more conservative methodologies to estimate Hamas casualties, though the precise number remains classified.)

The Israeli military also asserted that it had eliminated half the leadership of the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, including the top leaders Muhammad Deif and Marwan Issa.

But one of Israel’s biggest remaining goals — the return of the roughly 115 living and dead hostages still held in Gaza after being seized in the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks — cannot be achieved militarily, according to current and former American and Israeli officials

Those American officials are making propaganda for Israel. First, it is true that IOF seized Rafah and Philadelphia Corridor. However, their occupation forces suffer casualties on daily basis. And it is these increasing casualties that are driving the IOF military commanders to back the ceasefire and end of the conflict.

Second, their claim of killing senior Qassam commanders, especially Mohamed Deif, is bogus. Hamas officials repeatedly repudiated all of the Israeli & Western claims of his death.

"‼️🚨 "Associated Press" on Hamas leader Osama Hamdan: Mohammed Deif, the leader of the movement's military wing in the Gaza Strip, is alive."

Hamas and other resistance factions remain intact. They seem to replenish their ranks and also adopt to the changing conditions in the battlefield. Their different military units operate independently, and their tunnel infrastructure remains mostly intact.

Another factor to measure IOF's desperations is their repeated attacks on schools & other facilities that house the civilian population after they suffer casualties in the battlefield. If an army is winning in the battlefield, they won't resort to killing innocent men, women, and children. Only an army desperate for winning would take their rage on the civilian population.

Finally, the Biden administration, the occupation entity, and their puppet regimes would not be rushing to ceasefire had Israel been on the verge of "defeating" Hamas, PIJ, and other resistance factions. The goal of the ceasefire talks is to achieve occupation entity's goals in the talks for what it couldn't achieve in the battlefield. Obviously, the Zionist occupation army can seize parts of Gaza but can they hold it indefinitely? The answer is no. The Biden administration, the occupation entity, & their puppet regimes in the region and beyond want to find other ways of disarming the Palestinian freedom fighters in Gaza. Let us hope and pray they fail in their efforts.
Israeli hostages are in Gaza because Israel used them as human shields on stolen land.

In other words you hold this view , and and complain when you get a a bloody nose in return :

Those American officials are making propaganda for Israel. First, it is true that IOF seized Rafah and Philadelphia Corridor. However, their occupation forces suffer casualties on daily basis. And it is these increasing casualties that are driving the IOF military commanders to back the ceasefire and end of the conflict.

Second, their claim of killing senior Qassam commanders, especially Mohamed Deif, is bogus. Hamas officials repeatedly repudiated all of the Israeli & Western claims of his death.

"‼️🚨 "Associated Press" on Hamas leader Osama Hamdan: Mohammed Deif, the leader of the movement's military wing in the Gaza Strip, is alive."

Hamas and other resistance factions remain intact. They seem to replenish their ranks and also adopt to the changing conditions in the battlefield. Their different military units operate independently, and their tunnel infrastructure remains mostly intact.

Another factor to measure IOF's desperations is their repeated attacks on schools & other facilities that house the civilian population after they suffer casualties in the battlefield. If an army is winning in the battlefield, they won't resort to killing innocent men, women, and children. Only an army desperate for winning would take their rage on the civilian population.

Finally, the Biden administration, the occupation entity, and their puppet regimes would not be rushing to ceasefire had Israel been on the verge of "defeating" Hamas, PIJ, and other resistance factions. The goal of the ceasefire talks is to achieve occupation entity's goals in the talks for what it couldn't achieve in the battlefield. Obviously, the Zionist occupation army can seize parts of Gaza but can they hold it indefinitely? The answer is no. The Biden administration, the occupation entity, & their puppet regimes in the region and beyond want to find other ways of disarming the Palestinian freedom fighters in Gaza. Let us hope and pray they fail in their efforts.

Very good post.
But here is an important point for not just you but others to note: What is being called by you as 'American propaganda' as such as that NY Times article, actually doesn't help the Israelis: On the contrary! The quoted NY Times article actually dents the Israeli (Netanyahu's) narrative that they can obtain military goals in Gaza. While the anti-Israel readers won't respect the biased NY Times on this conflict anyway, it is the Israelis who would pay closer attention to such articles and reading something which says that Israel can't achieve its goals in Gaza is not helpful to their morale. And you can even seen in that article that Israelis are still claiming to Americans that they can achieve their goals in Gaza within next '2-3' months; so there is subtle disagreement in that argument.
As for Deif or Shukr or Haniyeh, even the Israelis know that killing leaders won't matter much because those leaders have known in their lives they were marked for death and many others being groomed as replacements and would gladly step up.
As I just said above, the NY Times article doesn't help Israel and the Israelis are predictably not happy with the article by looking at the Comments to the article.

Don't buy any theories that the NYT is "playing down" the Zionist entity's ability to destroy Hamas as that just destroy's the morale of the settlers even further.

The only thing it may help is that gives them more time to commit a complete genocide of Gazans, but the world(read west) simply won't let them as that could unleash something that no-one could control. Zionists heavily influence the west but cannot make them go down a path of suicide.

It just shows them as genocidal incompetents, that are no more than any other ME rag-tag ME army but with some of the best military technology supplied by the US and West(primarily Germany).
You were laughing like the coward you are when the US and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001. Guess what, the US and its allies were driven out of Afghanistan after 20 years of fighting. The jihad in Palestine is no different. The Palestinians will have the last laugh despite the huge human toll that the child killing Zionist entity is carrying out in Palestine with the full backing of America and its puppet regimes.

Now, stop quoting me you scum who is taking comfort at the plight of the Palestinian people.

Jews using human shields - testimony from. Ex IDF terrorist

LBC well respected British radio programme
The only thing it may help is that gives them more time to commit a complete genocide of Gazans, but the world(read west) simply won't let them as that could unleash something that no-one could control. Zionists heavily influence the west but cannot make them go down a path of suicide.

I don't see how that NY Times article helps give Israel 'more time', if you are indeed saying that? On the contrary, it is a subtle message to the Israelis to wrap it up because you ain't getting any more out of it--you know, the reference to 'whack a mole' in the article.

NY Times is almost a mouthpiece of the Democratic Party and it is worth paying close attention to what they are saying. The Resistance against Israel, of course, doesn't care what NY Times says, but Americans and Israelis do care and you can see that TOI gave this article a prominent space on their website and the Comments are disparaging toward the Americans.

But you are right: There is an attempt by the West as a collective to wrap up the war because the consequences, not only for the Middle East, but also for Europe are going to be truly horrible in case of a regional war.
The socalled American "freedom" we hear about all the time.

Apperantly freedom of speech no longer apply if you critique a textbook genocide perpretrated by Israel and zionists.

The socalled American "freedom" we hear about all the time.

Apperantly freedom of speech no longer apply if you critique a textbook genocide perpretrated by Israel and zionists.

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Unfortunately, America, as free as it is--and it is more free than almost other countries of the world, for good or bad-- has a redline: Important personalities or forums criticizing Israel. Ms. Shafik's illustrious career ended just like that of many others recently or in past. Look at how the two Congress incumbents of the Squad (Jamaal Bowman and Cory Bush) lost their Primaries due to AIPAC money.
The Israelis are going to bring down America if they are not stopped!!

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