Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I don't see how that NY Times article helps give Israel 'more time', if you are indeed saying that? On the contrary, it is a subtle message to the Israelis to wrap it up because you ain't getting any more out of it--you know, the reference to 'whack a mole' in the article.

NY Times is almost a mouthpiece of the Democratic Party and it is worth paying close attention to what they are saying. The Resistance against Israel, of course, doesn't care what NY Times says, but Americans and Israelis do care and you can see that TOI gave this article a prominent space on their website and the Comments are disparaging toward the Americans.

But you are right: There is an attempt by the West as a collective to wrap up the war because the consequences, not only for the Middle East, but also for Europe are going to be truly horrible in case of a regional war.

No that is not what I am saying but what some may percieve it as - like those that see the NYT as always writing articles to help the entity.

The entity has achieved its monstrous objective of committing a genocide and destroying Gaza, however this has come at the cost of raising questions as to whether the entity is a legitimate presence in the region that can or even wants to live in peace.

If the ICC issues arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant then Hamas may indeed have "won" a strategic victory in the sense of deligitimatizing it in the eyes of most of the world.
Note how the zionists can't stomach this thread.

They turn up for a few seconds every few days, leave a few droppings like the rats they are, and scurry off. They simply can't stay long and don't bother responding after posting their nazi propaganda.

They probably require a good dose of benzodiazepine before and after each visit.
No that is not what I am saying but what some may percieve it as - like those that see the NYT as always writing articles to help the entity.
NY Times will never help the Palestinians! Americans know that the Op-ed board of NY Times is full of Israel-firsters but I still pay close attention to the outlet because it often shows what the Democratic administration is thinking. And, again, those who are pro-Palestinians won't fall for the NY Times regardless because they know better. NY Times is important for the American and the Israeli ears--very important!

The entity has achieved its monstrous objective of committing a genocide and destroying Gaza, however this has come at the cost of raising questions as to whether the entity is a legitimate presence in the region that can or even wants to live in peace.

If the ICC issues arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant then Hamas may indeed have "won" a strategic victory in the sense of deligitimatizing it in the eyes of most of the world.

I don't think Israel's 'image' or 'legitimacy' or even its short term economic woes are going to make much of a difference for quite some time. Israel has very powerful and rich backers and Israel is counting on wrapping up the ongoing conflict in as favorable term as possible and for that Israel doesn't really care about its 'image' or any World Court/ICC. And, to be honest, while the Muslim world will not forgive or forget, most of the world will have moved on from this conflict after some years.
I would like to thank the Quds News Network for their excellent work over the last several months in exposing the Goyicidal actions of the 'Israeli' entity, but this high-sounding, historically incorrect, PRO-ZIONIST b*llocks needs to stop. It is a tactic that has become so common amongst Muslims and braindead liberal Palestine solidarity activists that it would not be right for me to let this slide without a clear and resounding rebuttal. So you choose to compare Adolf Hitler to Benjamin Netanyahu (L.A.). You choose to compare Jewish crimes to the so-called 'Nazi Holocaust' then you do a mic drop and walk off stage smug as you like. Wow, such a pithy and profound juxtaposition, who gave you that idea?!

Jews did, actually.

Look I get it, you want to make 'Israel' look bad by comparing Jewish crimes to the so-called 'Nazi Holocaust'. The oft-repeated trope is that the National Socialists of Germany were the pinnacle of human evil.

In truth 'Israel' and organised Jewry were and are far, FAR worse.

The problem is, this idea that the Germans were the height of human evil is an exclusively Jewish idea that was forcibly implanted into the Gentile psyche - especially the White one - by the holofraud narrative in order to neuter and conquer the Goy.

It is an idea that was concocted to distract from the fact that the Jewish Bolsheviks slaughtered tens of millions of Christians in their Communist project which had Germany squarely in the crosshairs!

By repeating the holofraud story you tell the world that you were conquered too, and worse, you help 'Israel' in ways that you quite obviously do not understand.

It is in fact this idea of the holofraud which not only facilitated the establishment of the occupation state of 'Israel' but it continues to provide a kind of moral cover for the Jews' hellish crimes against the Palestinians. The 'Holocaust' is invoked by Jewish Zionists every single time they wish to justify their genocidal crimes, and here you are joining the chorus!

The 'Holocaust' is today the kernel of the neurotic Jewish psyche. Jews believe that Gentiledom is out to 'holocaust' the Jews again. Therefore Jews can and must kill the Gentiles before they get pushed into the sea. Or into ovens.

It's kind of a sick joke that Hitler's Germany put up more Resistance against the enemies of Islam than all of today's despotic, traitorous, normalising 'Muslim' Arab regimes put together. That is a fact.

By making such kitsch, tacky comparisons between Hitler and Netanyahu, you are telling the world that you don't know history and you are brainwashed by the Jewish Zionists you purport to oppose.

I would even go so far as to say, you don't understand Islam, nor do you understand Islam's enemies.

You can't help Palestine by spreading the very propaganda and lies that brought about the occupation in the first place. You don't threaten 'Israel' by trumpeting their own hasbara alongside them.

The 'holocaust' is in real terms an anti-Gentile, anti-White, and today an anti-Palestinian lie, and by repeating it you help the enemy in ways you do not understand. And you just end up looking like an idiot.

-Cultures of Resistance



In Gaza, Israel’s Military Has Reached the End of the Line, U.S. Officials Say​

In many respects, Israel’s military operation has done far more damage against Hamas than U.S. officials had predicted when the war began in October.

Israeli forces can now move freely throughout Gaza, the officials said, and Hamas is bloodied and damaged. Israel has destroyed or seized crucial supply routes from Egypt into Gaza. About 14,000 combatants in Gaza have been killed or captured, the Israeli military said last month. (The U.S. intelligence agencies use different, more conservative methodologies to estimate Hamas casualties, though the precise number remains classified.)

“Hamas is largely depleted but not wiped out, and the Israelis may never achieve the total annihilation of Hamas,” said Ralph Goff, a former senior C.I.A. official who served in the Middle East.

But U.S. officials believe that Israel has achieved a meaningful military victory. Hamas is no longer capable of planning or executing an attack on the scale of Oct. 7, and its ability to launch smaller terrorist attacks on Israel is in doubt, they say.

Hamas has been so damaged in the war that its officials have told international negotiators it is willing to give up civilian control of Gaza to an independent group after a cease-fire is in place. How long Hamas will be willing to give up a measure of its power will depend on what happens after a cease-fire, and what concessions Israel is prepared to make, American officials said.

Hamas suffered a significant blow in May, according to American officials, when Israel’s military invaded Rafah in southern Gaza. Officials in Washington had warned against the operation because they feared the deep humanitarian costs. But Israel used its occupation of Rafah to cut off tunnels between Egypt and Gaza, a critical weapons supply route for Hamas.

Hamas as a military and political entity is now mostly destroyed. Hamas will now be a footnote in history
View attachment 56600
Leila Khaled (Arabic: ليلى خالد, Arabic pronunciation: [ˈlajla ˈxaːled] born April 9, 1944) is a former Palestinian militant and member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). She is famous as the first woman to hijack an airplane.

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How Leila Khaled Became the Anti-Israel Icon

The anti-Israel movement is enamored with Leila Khaled. A terrorist with the distinction of being the first female Palestinian hijacker, Khaled is the most famous member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), an organization designated as a terrorist group by America, Canada, Australia, Japan and the European Union.

After hijacking two planes, she not only walks free today – which she did after both hijackings – but is a leader in the anti-Israel movement. That movement has unapologetically made her their hero.

Across college campuses and social media, Leila Khaled’s picture adorns university “apartheid” walls, posters, advertisements, backpacks and buttons. The most iconic picture of her shows her swathed in a Palestinian keffiyeh cradling an AK-47. It was taken shortly after her release following her first hijacking in 1969.

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The photograph has become an icon for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) – a resistance movement formed in 1967 to struggle against the Israeli occupation of Palestine – for which Leila was an activist and leader.

Hamas no more?

Then why not Leila Khaled as Palestine's "Nelson Mandela"?
Jews using human shields - testimony from. Ex IDF terrorist

LBC well respected British radio programme

Nagav Weiman the exec director of breaking the silence mentioned his grandfather was a Major in the British army, so it tells me he had roots to the UK, so the point about settler colonialism stands. Most jews went to Israel to create a safe country for themselves, but to do that they had to create a green eyed monster which didnt exist to justify the cruel monstrous acts they would then go and commit to justify their safety.

However one has to look ahead for solutions, I commend him for talking out against the cruel inhumane practises of the IDF, and I agree with him that what he is doing is actually helping to protect his country from the little morality and law/order it has left.
I would be careful posting things like this, as they have been mentioned to be fake as no Rabbi Riechorn existed.

Lets remember the recent lessons with the UK Riots, when a british citizen who killed 3 girls was called a muslim immigrant and the race/religious riots that caused. Same happens with things like this. If there is a genuine source for be it but from what I know this is a fake quote.
No that is not what I am saying but what some may percieve it as - like those that see the NYT as always writing articles to help the entity.

The entity has achieved its monstrous objective of committing a genocide and destroying Gaza, however this has come at the cost of raising questions as to whether the entity is a legitimate presence in the region that can or even wants to live in peace.

If the ICC issues arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant then Hamas may indeed have "won" a strategic victory in the sense of deligitimatizing it in the eyes of most of the world.

I suspect the ICC arrest warrants will be issued after the ceasefire has been established, and of course we have the ongoing genocide case at the ICJ and there is no way they wont be found guilty of that. The only way the ICJ case can be stopped is if South Africa is forced to withdraw it. I am not aware of the politics of South Africa and if this issue is support by both the ruling parties and opposition, or only just what we think of the ruling parties.

It really does look like Biden - in his support of Israle, has allowed the Israeli's to revert to their worse forms and in doing so - have fundamentally undermined some of the pillars that hold up the project by being brought up for war crimes, and genocide charges.

In Gaza, Israel’s Military Has Reached the End of the Line, U.S. Officials Say​

In many respects, Israel’s military operation has done far more damage against Hamas than U.S. officials had predicted when the war began in October.

Israeli forces can now move freely throughout Gaza, the officials said, and Hamas is bloodied and damaged. Israel has destroyed or seized crucial supply routes from Egypt into Gaza. About 14,000 combatants in Gaza have been killed or captured, the Israeli military said last month. (The U.S. intelligence agencies use different, more conservative methodologies to estimate Hamas casualties, though the precise number remains classified.)

“Hamas is largely depleted but not wiped out, and the Israelis may never achieve the total annihilation of Hamas,” said Ralph Goff, a former senior C.I.A. official who served in the Middle East.

But U.S. officials believe that Israel has achieved a meaningful military victory. Hamas is no longer capable of planning or executing an attack on the scale of Oct. 7, and its ability to launch smaller terrorist attacks on Israel is in doubt, they say.

Hamas has been so damaged in the war that its officials have told international negotiators it is willing to give up civilian control of Gaza to an independent group after a cease-fire is in place. How long Hamas will be willing to give up a measure of its power will depend on what happens after a cease-fire, and what concessions Israel is prepared to make, American officials said.

Hamas suffered a significant blow in May, according to American officials, when Israel’s military invaded Rafah in southern Gaza. Officials in Washington had warned against the operation because they feared the deep humanitarian costs. But Israel used its occupation of Rafah to cut off tunnels between Egypt and Gaza, a critical weapons supply route for Hamas.

Hamas as a military and political entity is now mostly destroyed. Hamas will now be a footnote in history



There will be more hamas in the future - not less. As an example, this bloke - lost his entire family. He has two possible futures, one where brings his own life to an end because he cannot bare the loss of his family. Or, one where he joins Hamas. Which course of action do you think he will take ?


How many fathers, brothers, children who have lost their entire families do you think have been created in this war? Where do you think they will head ? How many people who want revenge ?
I would be careful posting things like this, as they have been mentioned to be fake as no Rabbi Riechorn existed.

Lets remember the recent lessons with the UK Riots, when a british citizen who killed 3 girls was called a muslim immigrant and the race/religious riots that caused. Same happens with things like this. If there is a genuine source for be it but from what I know this is a fake quote.
This forum, June 21, 2010.....



There will be more hamas in the future - not less. As an example, this bloke - lost his entire family. He has two possible futures, one where brings his own life to an end because he cannot bare the loss of his family. Or, one where he joins Hamas. Which course of action do you think he will take ?

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How many fathers, brothers, children who have lost their entire families do you think have been created in this war? Where do you think they will head ? How many people who want revenge ?

Sure, there will still technically be an Hamas group, just like there’s still an Al Qaeda. But just as the US destroyed AQ to the point of irrelevance, Israel has done the same to Hamas. Hamas is effectively finished, and it will take them many years to get back to a pre 10/7 group if ever.

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