Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Sure, there will still technically be an Hamas group, just like there’s still an Al Qaeda. But just as the US destroyed AQ to the point of irrelevance, Israel has done the same to Hamas. Hamas is effectively finished, and it will take them many years to get back to a pre 10/7 group if ever.

Resistance is not a group, it's an idea,

Look how damaged Israel has become, economically, morally hounded across the world the need for independence away from Israel stronger then ever

You say you destroyed AQ, many would say AQ duped the U.S into defeat in Afghanistan and a pointless war in Iraq which took apart the western order and gave space and time to china, Russia and others to develop whilst the U.S took trillions of debt banging it's head on the Taliban
"Ever since the Jews invented the libel charge of 'anti-Semitism' in the 1880s (The word 'anti- Semitism' was first printed in 1880.' The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I (1901), p. 641), it has been built up with Jewish money, organizations, propaganda, and lies (such as the Holocaust- Holohoax), so that now the word is like snake venom which paralyzes one's nervous system. Even the mention of the word 'Jew' is shunned unless used in a most favorable and positive context." (Charles A. Weisman, Who is Esau-Edom?, p. 63).
"We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity, and look forward, not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them." (Goldwin Smith, Jewish Professor of Modern History at Oxford University, October, 1981)

"If Gentiles refuse to live a life of inferiority, then this signals their rebellion and the unavoidable necessity of Jewish warfare against their very presence." [Cf. Mordechai Nisan, Kivunim (official publication of the World Zionist Organization), August, 1984, pp. 151-156]. )
Benjamin Netanyahu on Christians who are pro Israel -

"My opinion of Christian Zionists? They're scum. But don't tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now."
Some famous statements from zionist/israeli leaders:

Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the 'Beasts,"' New Statesman, June 25,1982:

"[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs."

David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff.
From Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978:

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population."

Joseph Weitz, head of the Jewish Agency's Colonization Department.

From Israel: an Apartheid State by Uri Davis, p.5:

"Everybody has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours... Everything we don't grab will go to them."

Theodore Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization, speaking of the Arabs of Palestine, "Complete Diaries," June 12, 1895 entry.:

"Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment... Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly."

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, head of the Kever Yossev Yeshiva (school of Talmud) in Nablus stated:

"The blood of the Jewish people is loved by the Lord; it is therefore redder and their life is preferable."

Yitzhak Ginsburg, "Five General Religious Duties Which Lie Behind the Act of the Saintly, Late Rabbi Baruch Goldstein, May his Blood be Avenged":

"The killing by a Jew of a non-Jew, i.e. a Palestinian, is considered essentially a good deed, and Jews should therefore have no compunction about it."

In 1923, radical Zionist Ze'ev Jabotinsky-- spiritual father of not only of Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin but of Brooklyn Rabbi Meir Kahane-- wrote:

the "sole way" for Jews to deal with Arabs in Palestine was through "total avoidance of all attempts to arrive at a settlement"-which Jabotinsky euphemistically termed the "iron wall" approach. Not coincidentally, a picture of Jabotinsky graces Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's desk. Source: The Village Voice, "Death Wish in the Holy Land," Dec. 12, 2001.

The influential Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yosef exclaimed during a sermon preceding the 2001 Passover holiday, :

"May the Holy Name visit retribution on the
Arab heads, and cause their seed to be lost, and annihilate them." He added: "It is forbidden to have pity on them. We must give them missiles with relish, annihilate them. Evil ones, damnable ones." -- Source: Ha'aretz April 12, 2001.

Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969:

"We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population? Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!'"

David Ben Gurion, quoted in The Jewish Paradox, by Nahum Goldmann, Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
1978, p. 99:

"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population."

Menahim Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, 'Begin and the "Beasts"', New Statesman, 25 June 1982:

"We must do everything to ensure they [the Palestinian refugees] never do return."

Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979. Rabin's description of the conquest of Lydda, after the completion of Plan Dalet:

"We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters."

David Goldman wrote:

"We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel... Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours."

Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir's infamous quote:

"There is no such thing as a Palestinian."

Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the extreme right-wing Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998:

"It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization, or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands."

Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum":

"If I was an Arab leader I would never make [peace] with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country."

And finally:

Michael Ben-Yair, Attorney General of Israel, 1993-1996 (in Ha'aretz):

"The Intifada is the Palestinian's people's war of national liberation. We [Israel] enthusiastically chose to become a colonialist society, ignoring international treaties, expropriating lands, transferring settlers from Israel to the Occupied Territories, engaging in theft and funding justification for all these activities.. we [Israel] established an apartheid regime."

Ehud Barak, on Israeli TV (date undetermined, but confirmed by former Israeli Knesset Member Marsha Friedman):

"If I were a Palestinian, I would be a terrorist."

(Speaking about Sharon's policies toward the Palestinians.)

Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel (date undetermined, in an Israeli cabinet meeting):

Don't worry, we [Israel] control the United States.

(In response to concerns raised by another cabinet member about Sharon's ["the butcher of Beirut"] invasion and brutality in the West Bank.)
You say you destroyed AQ, many would say AQ duped the U.S into defeat in Afghanistan and a pointless war in Iraq which took apart the western order and gave space and time to china, Russia and others to develop whilst the U.S took trillions of debt banging it's head on the Taliban

Absolutely true!!
No one likes the likes of Al Qaida or ISIL but their heinous acts of terrorism is leading to another situation like WW 2 where Hitler damaged the West so much that the Soviets emerged as a Super Power and many countries got their independence; and more recently, the Chinese have emerged as a Great Power because of the American 'activities' in the Middle East dictated by the Zionist moles in America. The on-going conflict in Palestine suits Russia and China just F.I.N.E fine!

Back to the ground--and no one knows the ground war in Gaza better than John Ulmer!! @Aziqbal and @Persian Gulf are the hardware people so including them.

Absolutely true!!
No one likes the likes of Al Qaida or ISIL but their heinous acts of terrorism is leading to another situation like WW 2 where Hitler damaged the West so much that the Soviets emerged as a Super Power and many countries got their independence; and more recently, the Chinese have emerged as a Great Power because of the American 'activities' in the Middle East dictated by the Zionist moles in America. The on-going conflict in Palestine suits Russia and China just F.I.N.E fine!

Back to the ground--and no one knows the ground war in Gaza better than John Ulmer!! @Aziqbal and @Persian Gulf are the hardware people so including them.

Even today, the Zionists control of America has added billions more of debt
Has destroyed the moral authority of the U.S and west and has created deep seated anger and resentment across the middle east and the world

So whilst the U.S spends billions keeping Israel afloat destroying it's moral authority, picking a war with the Russians

The Chinese must be laughing their heads off, not only do they get time to continue on their merry path of development but get to use their influence to gain allies and influence amongst a increasingly agitated and dissatisfied world
Sure, there will still technically be an Hamas group, just like there’s still an Al Qaeda. But just as the US destroyed AQ to the point of irrelevance, Israel has done the same to Hamas. Hamas is effectively finished, and it will take them many years to get back to a pre 10/7 group if ever.

I disagree. Hamas had very little to begin with - and nothing that they cannot reconstitute.

How much has Israel lost - and can it ever recover from this ?

In Gaza, Israel’s Military Has Reached the End of the Line, U.S. Officials Say​

Israel has severely set back Hamas but will never be able to completely eliminate the group, U.S. officials said.

Hamas now is pretty much solidified. Israel has failed in all its stated goals. The war is pretty much over, Israel just doesn't realize it yet.
The Chinese must be laughing their heads off, not only do they get time to continue on their merry path of development but get to use their influence to gain allies and influence amongst a increasingly agitated and dissatisfied world

No question about it.
Where is 'pivot' to China which Obama had announced? Where is the chatter about 'Indo Pacific' in the Western mainstream media lately? Even on the Russian front, the recent Russian setbacks in Kursk is going to finally force Putin to target American interests more forcefully such as in the Middle East; more bad news for Israel.

In Gaza, Israel’s Military Has Reached the End of the Line, U.S. Officials Say​

Israel has severely set back Hamas but will never be able to completely eliminate the group, U.S. officials said.

Hamas now is pretty much solidified. Israel has failed in all its stated goals. The war is pretty much over, Israel just doesn't realize it yet.

And - Israel's problems will continue with ICC arrests, and the ICJ case and a strengthened BDS movement.
No question about it.
Where is 'pivot' to China which Obama had announced? Where is the chatter about 'Indo Pacific' in the Western mainstream media lately? Even on the Russian front, the recent Russian setbacks in Kursk is going to finally force Putin to target American interests more forcefully such as in the Middle East; more bad news for Israel.

In reality china couldn't give a crap about Russia

If 1 million Russians die
And 1 million Ukrainians die
Who cares, that's 2 million dead white Christians, why would China or even Iran really give a crap

What the U.S is doing is weakening Russia nicely so it becomes almost enslaved to China

China gets low priced oil and gas in exchange for full filing the massive Russian need for products

Russia embittered and angry will increasingly target Ukraine and Western interests

Israel has been burden for the U.S for a long long time now and now it's become dangerous for the U.S

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