Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

In other words you hold this view , and and complain when you get a a bloody nose in return :


The big difference is that Israelis are foreign invaders and Palestinians are the natives. Self defence from theives is to be applauded.

Do you condemn Israel for using settlers and Israeli civilians and children as human shields on the lands they stole?
In reality china couldn't give a crap about Russia

If 1 million Russians die
And 1 million Ukrainians die
Who cares, that's 2 million dead white Christians, why would China or even Iran really give a crap

What the U.S is doing is weakening Russia nicely so it becomes almost enslaved to China

China gets low priced oil and gas in exchange for full filing the massive Russian need for products

Russia embittered and angry will increasingly target Ukraine and Western interests

Israel has been burden for the U.S for a long long time now and now it's become dangerous for the U.S
Eustice Mullins, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve (PDF). A must read to understand when and how the United States government was hijacked....


In Gaza, Israel’s Military Has Reached the End of the Line, U.S. Officials Say​

In many respects, Israel’s military operation has done far more damage against Hamas than U.S. officials had predicted when the war began in October.

Israeli forces can now move freely throughout Gaza, the officials said, and Hamas is bloodied and damaged. Israel has destroyed or seized crucial supply routes from Egypt into Gaza. About 14,000 combatants in Gaza have been killed or captured, the Israeli military said last month. (The U.S. intelligence agencies use different, more conservative methodologies to estimate Hamas casualties, though the precise number remains classified.)

“Hamas is largely depleted but not wiped out, and the Israelis may never achieve the total annihilation of Hamas,” said Ralph Goff, a former senior C.I.A. official who served in the Middle East.

But U.S. officials believe that Israel has achieved a meaningful military victory. Hamas is no longer capable of planning or executing an attack on the scale of Oct. 7, and its ability to launch smaller terrorist attacks on Israel is in doubt, they say.

Hamas has been so damaged in the war that its officials have told international negotiators it is willing to give up civilian control of Gaza to an independent group after a cease-fire is in place. How long Hamas will be willing to give up a measure of its power will depend on what happens after a cease-fire, and what concessions Israel is prepared to make, American officials said.

Hamas suffered a significant blow in May, according to American officials, when Israel’s military invaded Rafah in southern Gaza. Officials in Washington had warned against the operation because they feared the deep humanitarian costs. But Israel used its occupation of Rafah to cut off tunnels between Egypt and Gaza, a critical weapons supply route for Hamas.

Hamas as a military and political entity is now mostly destroyed. Hamas will now be a footnote in history

In December 2001, I remember people writing off the Afghan Taliban. After 20 years, they drove out all invaders and seized the whole of Afghanistan in 2021.

Operating in a territory that is 4KM wide and 25KM long with rudimentary home-made weapons and no one coming to its aid, Hamas, PIJ, and other Palestinian factions took on the strongest military in the Middle East - that is backed by the US, UK, EU, India and some of the Arab regimes in the region.

Every day that goes by, Hamas, PIJ, and other Palestinian resistance factions inflict casualties on the invading Zionist forces. Even after 10 months of fighting, Hamas, PIJ, and other factions are still sending rockets to the greater occupied Palestine.

Today, the Israeli military is at odds with the political leadership and wants to end the conflict. This pretty much sums up. Committing genocide & repeated massacres against civilians doesn't mean a military victory. The Palestinian resistance is alive and kicking. The West Bank is also getting hot now.

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