Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon has claimed responsibility for two operations so far, the most notable of which is targeting the headquarters of the Air Control Unit and the Air Operations Department at the Meron base.

I'm serious.
There is evidence. Israel sent a film, shown to all the french senators and deputies. All were shocked.

I haven't seen this film, but fond in a 30 second research on internet this news from a famous french journal, about this film :

"9e séquence : environ 3 minutes

Photos : Corps brûlé, corps inerte, chien tué… Succession d’images de plusieurs personnes mortes.

Photo : Drapeau de Daech et armes.

Photos : Bébé tué, de la matière cervicale s’échappe de son crâne. Quatre corps d'enfants brûlés. Cinq corps d'enfants morts. Corps dans des sacs mortuaires."

Pics: Burned body, inert body, killed dog… A succession of images of several dead people.

Pics: Daesh flag and weapons.

Pics: Baby killed, cervical matter escapes from his skull. Four bodies of children burned. Five bodies of dead children. Bodies in body bags.

Israeli propaganda insisted a dead woman was raped from October 7th, the family obviously distressed debunked the claim because why should they have to put up with a twisted facade that their deceased daughter was raped to appease propaganda

Just now, the released female hostage is being told she was subject to sexual violence by hamas, once again she pushes back, why does she have to be a rape victim for progoganda?

These are events in Israeli society with no outside influence.

Meanwhile, Israeli TV has a debate on the permissibility of raping Arab men, protestors prevent soldier's caught raping men being sanctioned.

There are clips of Israeli men seemingly raping or abusing a Palestinian man
Al-Quds Brigades: We targeted a Zionist force with three anti-fortified and anti-individual shells, and we clashed with its members from zero distance with hand grenades and machine guns, killing and wounding them during its incursion behind the college in the Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City.

🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
Details of the serious accident south of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood..

This morning, a force from the reserve battalion of the 16th Brigade launched an attack on buildings in the Zaytoun neighborhood as part of a brigade attack whose mission is to expand the area of control over the Netzarim Corridor. At approximately 8:30 a.m., the force arrived at what turned out to be a booby-trapped building. An explosive device placed at the site exploded on the fighters and injured them. According to a preliminary investigation by the Israeli army, Hamas appeared to have detonated the explosive device remotely, using a camera installed in the building, so that the terrorists could see that the force was arriving at the scene. After the accident, all victims were evacuated by two helicopters to hospitals..

3 Israeli soldiers were killed and 5 wounded when a bomb exploded with their vehicle in the Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza.

Enemy information:

A soldier was killed and 12 others were injured, including 4 seriously injured, in Anfjar Q. Nubla, near a building in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Enemy information:

The soldiers who were struck by the bomb were on a mission to demolish buildings in preparation for expanding the Netzarim Corridor in the Olive area.

Enemy information:

It is a difficult and sad day for us in the Gaza Strip, as 3 soldiers were killed and 6 were injured with varying injuries.

Settlers' sites: About 10-15 soldiers were transferred to hospitals after they were targeted by anti-tank missiles in Gaza.…


Rescued Hamas hostage Noa Argamani says she thought ‘every night is my last’

27-year-old, accompanied by her father, makes remarks during Tokyo meeting with senior diplomats from G7 countries

By ToI Staff and AFP21 August 2024, 10:12 am

Israeli Noa Argamani, who was abducted with others from the Nova music festival during Hamas's October 7 attack on southern Israel that triggered the war, speaks during a meeting with G7 embassy representatives during a visit to Tokyo on August 21, 2024. (Photo by Richard A. Brooks / AFP)
Israeli Noa Argamani, who was abducted with others from the Nova music festival during Hamas's October 7 attack on southern Israel that triggered the war, speaks during a meeting with G7 embassy representatives during a visit to Tokyo on August 21, 2024. (Photo by Richard A. Brooks / AFP)

Rescued Israeli hostage Noa Argamani, whose heart-wrenching hostage-taking video on October 7 made her emblematic of the 251 hostages seized by Hamas, said Wednesday in Japan that she thought every night in captivity would be her last.

“Every night I was falling asleep and thinking, this may be the last night of my life,” the 26-year-old said as she met with senior diplomats from G7 countries in Tokyo.

“And until the moment I was [rescued]… I just did not believe that I’m still surviving,” she added.

“And in this moment that I’m still sitting with you, it’s a miracle that I’m here,” she said.

“Avinatan, my boyfriend, is still there, and we need to bring them back before it’s going to be too late. We don’t want to lose more people than we already lost,” Argamani said.

Argamani was kidnapped from the Supernova music festival near Re’im on October 7, 2023, when thousands of Hamas-led terrorists stormed the Gaza border and invaded southern Israel, murdering some 1,200 people and seizing 251 hostages.

Footage of Argamani’s abduction, in which she was seen screaming as her Hamas captor drove her away on the back of a motorcycle while her boyfriend Avinatan Or was held back, became some of the most famous footage of the October 7 terror onslaught.

Noa Argamani is seen being kidnapped by Hamas terrorists during the massacre at the Supernova desert rave in the south on October 7, 2023. (Screenshot used in accordance with clause 27a of the copyright law)

The viral video showed her on the back of a motorbike screaming: “Don’t kill me!”

She was rescued from Nuseirat in central Gaza by IDF forces after nine months of captivity in a daring daylight operation on June 8, along with hostages Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov and Shlomi Ziv.

In a post shared on Instagram on Sunday, Argamani reminisced about the times she had celebrated Tu B’Av with Or. The lesser-known Jewish holiday, sometimes referred to as the “Jewish Valentine’s Day,” fell this year on August 19.

“Every year, you would bring me a bouquet of flowers and tell me a nice story about what Tu B’Av is actually about,” she wrote. “How in the past, the girls would wear white and go out dancing in the vineyard in Shilo next to the full moon in order to find a groom.”

Since her rescue, Argamani has advocated publicly for the release of the remaining hostages, and in July accompanied Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his trip to Washington, DC, where she told him that the remaining hostages in Gaza “must be brought home as quickly as possible, before it is too late.”

Rescued hostage Noa Argamani, center, who was abducted with hundreds of others from the Supernova music festival during Hamas’s October 7 terror onslaught, attends a meeting with G7 embassy representatives during a visit to Tokyo, Japan on August 21, 2024. (Photo by Richard A. Brooks / AFP)

Noa Argamani was in Japan accompanied by her father. Argamani’s mother Liora, originally from China, was terminally ill with cancer during her daughter’s captivity, but was able to meet with Noa immediately after her rescue, before passing away three weeks later.

It is believed that 105 of the 251 hostages abducted by Hamas on October 7 remain in Gaza, including the bodies of 34 confirmed dead by the IDF.

Hamas released 105 civilians during a weeklong truce in late November, and four hostages were released before that. Seven hostages have been rescued by troops alive, and the bodies of 30 hostages have also been recovered.

On Tuesday, the IDF announced it had retrieved the bodies of six hostages from tunnels in southern Gaza, at least some of whom the military said were killed in Israeli military operations.

Hamas is also holding two Israeli civilians who entered the Strip in 2014 and 2015, as well as the bodies of two IDF soldiers who were killed in 2014.
Between 10 and 15 soldiers were transferred to hospitals, some of them in serious condition, after being targeted by Al-Yassin 105 shells in the Gaza Strip.

More than one security incident in the Gaza Strip 🔻
The occupation forces requested air support more than 8 times after being in a tight ambush south of the Zaytoun neighborhood



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