Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It is very important to gang up on Israel. These low intensity drone incursions are a major headache for Israel. The Zionists are embarrassed time and time again. The Americans screams from a distance, but cannot do much. These drone incursions are a major bonus.

Absolutely. A $500 rocket or drone to be shot down by a $50,000 counter measure. Plus the sound of the projectiles in the sky. The fear factor is huge.
We still don't know the details of how much this war of attrition is hurting Israel!
Absolutely. A $500 rocket or drone to be shot down by a $50,000 counter measure. Plus the sound of the projectiles in the sky. The fear factor is huge.
We still don't know the details of how much this war of attrition is hurting Israel!

Let's hope this only intensifies for Israel from here onwards. It needs to be a daily affair. Israel must pay for the killings of 40000 innocent Palestinians.

Well done Hezbollah. Well done Houthis. Shame on the rest.
Let's hope this only intensifies for Israel from here onwards. It needs to be a daily affair. Israel must pay for the killings of 40000 innocent Palestinians.

Well done Hezbollah. Well done Houthis. Shame on the rest.

I am actually shocked by the masterful management of the conflict by the resistance, whether in Iraq, Syria, Iran, Lebanon or Yemen. They all seem very connected, working in sync, escalating, deescalating, taking losses, inflicting losses. But they never lost sight of the larger picture: Don't escalate enough to openly bring in the reluctant Americans as full combatants.
It has been humiliating for the Resistance Axis for sure. A little bully trying to smack you on your face again and again, destroying your buildings, killing your civilians and fighters in your own home. But they seem to be mocking Israel while taking those hits: 'Go on, bully. We know how you are rotting from inside. You don't impress us. We know you are totally dependent upon the Americans. And its costly for even the Americans to be in battle positions in the Middle East for too long'.

This forum's many members, even well wishers of Palestinians, were all wrong when they were advocating Hezbollah to launch a full-blown war months ago and time is proving they were wrong.
I often pay more attention to common people's Comments then to the editorials or articles. It is easier to buy a 1000 journalist then to buy a million average readers. And it is not hard to notice the despair in Israel. If Israel was really 'winning' then they wouldn't have such comments, knowing that the last thing they need to show to their enemies is weakness at this point.

Here is a comment. Some words of harsh truth!

"Are you serious? There literally isn’t a single place on Earth that is more dangerous for Jews than Israel. This is, and was, the case even without the events of Oct 7th. An entire swath in the north has been bombed out, evacuated and is literally on fire as we speak, most of the border with Gaza is now empty, Eilat is a ghost town. The West Bank is boiling over, Bombs and rockets are landing in the Golan, Tel Aviv, and Dimona. Iran is on our doorstep in Lebanon and Syria, with Yemen also taking pot shots at us, with Turkey, Egypt and who knows how many others just waiting in the wings to pile on at a moments notice. The only thing holding them back is a few billion dollars of US cash and some begging from whatever administration is in power. All while our military is utterly bogged down and overwhelmed in the morass that is Gaza and STILL struggling to contain a bumbling militia that couldn’t fill Turner football stadium."
does anyone else believe this rubbish coming from IDF this morning

that they destroyed 1000s of Hezbollah missiles and 100s of fighters dead in a pre-emptive strike against Lebanon 15 minutes before they were about to be launched ?

yeah because Hezbollah is this stupid right
does anyone else believe this rubbish coming from IDF this morning

that they destroyed 1000s of Hezbollah missiles and 100s of fighters dead in a pre-emptive strike against Lebanon 15 minutes before they were about to be launched ?

yeah because Hezbollah is this stupid right

Hezbollah had already reportedly moved around a good bit of its assets within last couple of weeks.
I don't think Hezbollah is much short on satellite intelligence. Israel and its backers are not the only ones with intelligence in the space.
Absolutely. A $500 rocket or drone to be shot down by a $50,000 counter measure. Plus the sound of the projectiles in the sky. The fear factor is huge.
We still don't know the details of how much this war of attrition is hurting Israel!
Iron dome interceptors can be up to $100k, Israel needs Super Goyim financial assistance. A country like Israel is dependent on USA, there 2 options for it listen to USA or subvert it from within and they chose the second option. Israel never fought a war along side USA but you got Dumb WASP saying its our greatest Ally.
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They and other resistance needs hypersonic and MIRV options like now i would say, then they would have proper retaliation tools within general strategy.
Not really- what the resistance mainly need now is some effective air defense systems. Israel just struck Lebanon/Hezbollah with over 100 fighter jets- what if the resistance was able to shoot down 1-5 of those planes? That would deter Israel very effectively, save the resistance's men and weapons and ensure Israel loses the war (because with no ground forces and effective air force, Israel's chance of winning any war is 5% or less, esp. if there is no external direct support from US/EU)
Without USA, Israel would collapse

Israel is nothing, your taking on the USA that's why you have problems and lackey Arab states
I agree with your statements here.

But regarding the opinion some have on this forum that "Israel will get forever financial support from the world's sole super power...blah blah", those people are very likely to be wrong that US can support Israel well, forever, because US itself is in a BIG financial mess today, its financial statements say it is broke and insolvent (cant pay its huge debt back), but alternative contrarian American manipulative logic says "US is still be wealthiest and most successful country on earth"- denial cannot last forever and reality is truth and it will eventually shine on us. Just know that war loss for Israel or/and Ukraine will bring the death of the US empire closer, quicker (and pls screenshot this and share in some months or years after Israel or Ukraine loses).
What is Israel trying to hide? Too much of a coincidence to issue these new censorship regulations just after Hezbollah's strikes.
Israel is trying to hide the fact that as of now, at least 50% of Hezbollah's rockets and missiles are landing on their targets in Israel, because Israel's national air defense network is ineffective today, because months of Hezbollah attacks on it have degraded it. No wonder multiple countries had to help Israel months ago to intercept all the missiles and drones Iran pre-notified Israel it would fire at Israel, because Israel's air defense network IS NOT WORKING well. Israel also doesnt have the time and equiment to repair its destroyed air defense network.

ISrael's AD network being porous and ineffecient today is a logical conclusion if you've followed the conflict fairly and objective, but if your denial is psychotically intense, you probably dont agree with this.
As i predicted, After Gaza, Lebanon is target, then Syria, Iraq,
this is logical
this is not logical- Israel will not attack any Arab country that is have an active "agreement", and it has security agreements with Jordan, and Jordan protected Israel against Iranian missiles so this doesnt make sense to say Israel will attack Jordan- for what? There are many more things Israel should support and protect Jordan for, instead of attack it.
and lastly, either Saudi or Egypt will be next,
Once again, this isnt logical, bercause KSA and Egypt both have active security agreements with Israel which US helped broker- tensions between Egypt and Israel may keep simmering, but it will not lead to an all out war. Why hasnt Israel attacked Egypt since the camp David agreement betweeen them was signed decades ago?

I thought you would list Iran there as a target for Israel, but you didn't,so your list seems incorrect and biased.
I am actually shocked by the masterful management of the conflict by the resistance, whether in Iraq, Syria, Iran, Lebanon or Yemen. They all seem very connected, working in sync, escalating, deescalating, taking losses, inflicting losses. But they never lost sight of the larger picture: Don't escalate enough to openly bring in the reluctant Americans as full combatants.
It has been humiliating for the Resistance Axis for sure. A little bully trying to smack you on your face again and again, destroying your buildings, killing your civilians and fighters in your own home. But they seem to be mocking Israel while taking those hits: 'Go on, bully. We know how you are rotting from inside. You don't impress us. We know you are totally dependent upon the Americans. And its costly for even the Americans to be in battle positions in the Middle East for too long'.

This forum's many members, even well wishers of Palestinians, were all wrong when they were advocating Hezbollah to launch a full-blown war months ago and time is proving they were wrong.

Good points.

The constant daydreaming about this coalition, that army coming up, was a little depressing to read

Erdogan one day, Iran the next, perhaps Algeria, maybe Iran and Algeria...🙃🙃🙃

It was crystal clear after jan no one is doing anything except the ones who always have fought.

One final point sir, I keep trying to allude to this

internal study within the Israel security establishment has tried to predict scenarios where Israel faces real existential concern, apparently it's from the dual passport holders leaving the country

These guys are used to first world living, psychologically and materially,they have options,

They also bring all the first world things to Israel, technology, finance, diplomatic support etc

If they go, what are you left with? The oriental and orthodox, who concern themselves on religious studies and having kids.

Low level skirmishes and strategic restraint is what we are seeing.
Not really- what the resistance mainly need now is some effective air defense systems. Israel just struck Lebanon/Hezbollah with over 100 fighter jets- what if the resistance was able to shoot down 1-5 of those planes? That would deter Israel very effectively, save the resistance's men and weapons and ensure Israel loses the war (because with no ground forces and effective air force, Israel's chance of winning any war is 5% or less, esp. if there is no external direct support from US/EU)
I disagree, they have better chances to destroy enemy aircrafts on ground with hypersonic missiles in combination with drones infiltrations then with available pvo systems. Pvo once is lit up it will be destroyed meanwhile missiles are easier to preserve for second strike capability within excessive underground installations which Hezbolah has.

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