Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Reading the so it seems Resistance Fighters from

  • Palestine
  • Lebnon
  • Iraq

Have joined forces to fight against Israel
Iraq is a good 150-200 km away from Israel

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this is logical

this is not logical- Israel will not attack any Arab country that is have an active "agreement", and it has security agreements with Jordan, and Jordan protected Israel against Iranian missiles so this doesnt make sense to say Israel will attack Jordan- for what? There are many more things Israel should support and protect Jordan for, instead of attack it.

Once again, this isnt logical, bercause KSA and Egypt both have active security agreements with Israel which US helped broker- tensions between Egypt and Israel may keep simmering, but it will not lead to an all out war. Why hasnt Israel attacked Egypt since the camp David agreement betweeen them was signed decades ago?

I thought you would list Iran there as a target for Israel, but you didn't,so your list seems incorrect and biased.

its not about logic, its about their own border, what they want.
I keep watching the same repeating rubbish UKNews channel of Iron Dome capabilities! If Israel’s air defences are so great then how come it took the combined efforts of Israel US U.K Jordan and others to stop that Iranian attack ? How will they stop next door Hizbollah , they have the capability to fire 5000 projectiles missiles of all sizes and weight & drones a day with pin point accuracy over months. That is according to western intelligence.
But regarding the opinion some have on this forum that "Israel will get forever financial support from the world's sole super power...blah blah", those people are very likely to be wrong that US can support Israel well, forever, because US itself is in a BIG financial mess today, its financial statements say it is broke and insolvent
Partially in agreement with you. Yes, even America can't support Israel 'forever'. No one can. But it is still many years where a few dozen billions of $$ of military aid to Israel will really hurt America. We shouldn't forget: American economy gains by the war-industry! It is not a coincidence that America has been at war for decades. An another point: The rich GCC Arabs buying American weapons! When Trump went to Saudi Arabia, I think he sold $100 BBBBillion Dollars of weaponry to them in just one trip! Imagine how much they not only buy from America but also invest back in America? Finally, American can turn a few acres of trees to suitcases of cash and hand it over to whatever militias and regimes to do the American bidding; that's the power of USD being the global Reserve Currency and that is not going away anytime soon, this forum's wishful thinking notwithstanding!

Internal study within the Israel security establishment has tried to predict scenarios where Israel faces real existential concern, apparently it's from the dual passport holders leaving the country
These guys are used to first world living, psychologically and materially,they have options,
They also bring all the first world things to Israel, technology, finance, diplomatic support etc
If they go, what are you left with? The oriental and orthodox, who concern themselves on religious studies and having kids.
Low level skirmishes and strategic restraint is what we are seeing.

Summed up well!! Israel's Achilles Heels is not the Iranian nukes. It is the Katyushas to drive away the resourceful European-origin brain!!
One thing is clear, the Zionists blame Iran

They are furious Iran has caused them so many problems, they know Israel can't take on Iran so they want the U.S or a coalition to do it

Recently Netenyahu was begging the west for a coalition Incase Iran attacks
Israel claims it destroyed "thousands of rocket launchers". But caused no casualties and obviously did not launch "thousands" of airstrikes. This whole thing stinks.
I'm conflicted on whether there was a response set to be executed or was this Hezbollah responding to widespread strikes. When it was kicking off I was under the impression Hezbollah was responding to Israeli widespread strikes.

Israel maybe took it as a opportunity to strike dozens of launchers that were loaded. And any opportunity they get to degrade Hezbollah's capabilities, they will.

We can't quite determine if Hezbollah has a spy problem in Lebanon or is compromised in some ways unless we see them fight at close to full capacity.

Hamas was able to set up and conceal hundreds if not thousands of launchers on October 7 and before October 7 without being detected. Or at least Israel did not think they would be put into use and can't see any other sign that they're meant to deploy.
I am pretty sure IDF airbases will be heavily targeted in first speak of war. Now reporting they are setting up bases in Cyprus for a reason. As all western experts have reported there air defences will be overwhelmed very early. So hopefully airbases will be among first targets by Hizbollah knock them out first. .
They will only stop bombing Hospitals when their own Hospitals are

Truth Fact

Israelis more obsessed with civilians massacres , rather than fighting the Mujahideen.
I'm conflicted on whether there was a response set to be executed or was this Hezbollah responding to widespread strikes. When it was kicking off I was under the impression Hezbollah was responding to Israeli widespread strikes.
One online user said something like: Hezbollah was going to launch an attack at 5 AM local time but Israelis pre-emptively launched at 4:45 am. But who knows.

We can't quite determine if Hezbollah has a spy problem in Lebanon or is compromised in some ways unless we see them fight at close to full capacity.
Any Western embassy in any Muslim country, even without any American diplomatic mission in that country, essentially has a mini-spying base. Lebanon has it all and even Iran has many Western embassies. So Israel has immense resources to help it. A diplomatic mission is essentially a sanctuary--like a foreign footprint in an alien land.

I am pretty sure IDF airbases will be heavily targeted in first speak of war. Now reporting they are setting up bases in Cyprus for a reason.

Turkey has a strong stake in Cyprus and the Turkish FM had even warned Cyprus some months ago to be careful in getting too involved. Cyprus will burn--and not only from the Hezbollah attacks; Cyprus, the mini-mouse, should stay out of it; well, it can accept Israeli refugees!
The major operations carried out by the Palestinian resistance groups on Saturday, August 24, are as follows:

Al-Qassam Brigades' operations:

  • Ambushed an Israeli military's engineering unit within a booby-trapped tunnel in a military area east of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza. The tunnel was subsequently detonated.
  • Targeted an Israeli military troop carrier with a Yassin 105 shell east of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza.
  • Detonated a pre-planned minefield, targeting a convoy of Israeli military vehicles and engineering equipment in the military sites area east of Deir al-Balah.
  • Targeted an Israeli Merkava-4 tank with a Yassin 105 shell east of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza.
  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli forces that had infiltrated the Al-Ja'frawi area east of Deir al-Balah.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades' operations:

  • Detonated a previously booby-trapped building on an Israeli force in the Al-Ja’farawi area east of Deir al-Balah. Upon arrival of rescue forces, they were also targeted with 107mm rockets and 60mm mortar shells.
  • In a joint operation with the Al-Nasser Salah Al-Din Brigades, targeted a gathering of Israeli occupation forces east of Deir al-Balah with 60mm mortar shells.
  • Targeted Israeli military positions and vehicles on the "Netzarim" front with two 107mm rockets and heavy mortar shells.
Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades' operations:

  • In a joint operation with the Ansar Brigades, targeted Israeli military supply lines and command headquarters on the "Netzarim" axis, north of the Central Governorate, with heavy-caliber mortar shells.
  • In a second joint operation with the Ansar Brigades, again targeted Israeli military supply lines and command centers on the "Netzarim" axis with heavy mortar shells.
Al-Nasser Salah Al-Din Brigades' operations:

  • In a joint operation with the Ansar Brigades, targeted an Israeli command and control site on the "Netzarim" axis with heavy mortar shells.
  • In a joint operation with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, targeted gatherings of Israeli soldiers and their military vehicles east of Deir al-Balah with 60mm mortar shells.

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