Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You are an exceptionally minority view!
Just about all analysts and even laymen are saying that Netanyahu wants to expand the war, hoping to drag the Americans in. Oh, my, that's indisputable by now.

Americans can get involved deeply. Americans won't put boots on the ground but they CAN destroy Iranian cities! It is a price Iran doesn't want to pay and I understand that. But the important thing is: Americans know there is no gain destroying Iranian cities when tens of thousands of Americans would also die and Israel would be in ruins. From Day One, Americans didn't want to be dragged into Netanyahu's personal agenda--political survival. However, for Netanyahu, the status-quo is bad. Really, really bad. Cheap Katyushas are depleting Israelis ammo, displacing Israelis, wreaking havoc on the Israeli economy, and even making Israelis thinking about leaving Israel.

The status-quo is totally unacceptable to Netanyahu and totally acceptable to the Resistance--as long as Americans don't get too involved. The tragedy of all this: Innocent Gazans getting killed in large numbers. They started it on October 7, 2023. I understand their compulsion and even empathize with them, as my posts since that day shows. But they would be the one paying the price because their own Sunni Arab brothers have mostly abandoned them.

The idea of a big regional war happening here doesn't really fit. Right now, Arab Authoritarian rulers are more like today's Europeans - not too keen on fighting. This is even more the case with Arabs. The US bully being there helps keep things calm too. Russia doesn't have much to bring to the table in this case. And without its buddies, Iran isn't a big worry . So, we're not looking at a World War Ill scenario anytime soon either?
There's some exaggeration here but I do believe there wasn't a imminent attack by Hezbollah and Israel just used this a opportunity to degrade some of Hezbollah's capabilities. And Hezbollah may have assumed it was a beginning of a large scale campaign on Lebanon and began responding in kind. When Israel claimed it was a preemptive strike aimed at preventing a attack, that's when Hezbollah attributed the retaliatory fire to a response to the assassination of the military chief of staff in Beirut.

Israel may have been testing the waters here, testing Hezbollah's state of readiness and trying to learn more about their capabilities.

You are an exceptionally minority view!
Just about all analysts and even laymen are saying that Netanyahu wants to expand the war, hoping to drag the Americans in. Oh, my, that's indisputable by now.

Americans can get involved deeply. Americans won't put boots on the ground but they CAN destroy Iranian cities! It is a price Iran doesn't want to pay and I understand that. But the important thing is: Americans know there is no gain destroying Iranian cities when tens of thousands of Americans would also die and Israel would be in ruins. From Day One, Americans didn't want to be dragged into Netanyahu's personal agenda--political survival. However, for Netanyahu, the status-quo is bad. Really, really bad. Cheap Katyushas are depleting Israelis ammo, displacing Israelis, wreaking havoc on the Israeli economy, and even making Israelis thinking about leaving Israel.

The status-quo is totally unacceptable to Netanyahu and totally acceptable to the Resistance--as long as Americans don't get too involved. The tragedy of all this: Innocent Gazans getting killed in large numbers. They started it on October 7, 2023. I understand their compulsion and even empathize with them, as my posts since that day shows. But they would be the one paying the price because their own Sunni Arab brothers have mostly abandoned them.
Israel only wants the war if the USA fights it, so if the USA won't commit they don't want escalation

The equaliser in an calculations and consideration is USA direct involvement

That's what hamas Hezbollah youthi Israel is CALIBRATING for.

Apparently nethanyahu was told no

CONCERNING.... What might Israel do to get the firepower it needs
It's absolutely criminal how the international media is not giving proper coverage for this horrific genocide and atrocities deliberately committed against civilians. Israeli terrorist Nazis showed their utter disregard for international law and showed how they are exclusively at war with Palestinian civilians, wanting them all killed or expelled. Committing acts of terrorism to try achieving end means:

It's absolutely criminal how the international media is not giving proper coverage for this horrific genocide and atrocities deliberately committed against civilians. Israeli terrorist Nazis showed their utter disregard for international law and showed how they are exclusively at war with Palestinian civilians, wanting them all killed or expelled. Committing acts of terrorism to try achieving end means:

This is barbarity beyond words. Zionists deserve the worst kind of punishment. Remember that the American government supports these human rights violations against the Palestinians.
Now you are saying it's about Sunni and Shia, I don't see that. This is about a alliance that didn't honor its commitments towards Jerusalem and towards the resistance in Gaza. Despite having said they are/will for years. You are saying people of Gaza have to bear consequences. It's their war. Why are you in this thread, then? How does the war affect you?

You're saying it's good for Iran and Hezbollah to not involve. And the goal should be to not get involved. But at same time you're trying to present a narrative that they're saving Gaza or fighting some kind of war.

I think you have some serious reading comprehension issues and I am seriously thinking about putting you on my Ignore list. Even in a previous conflict years ago in the old PDF, when I expressed concerns about the Palestinians, you said something like 'Don't worry, Mehdi is going to come to help'. After this conflict started, you were saying things like 'Iran just wants to develop its nukes while using Gaza conflict to distract Israel' [something like that]. Add to that, your bizarre and counter productive proposals like 'kill all the hostages' in Gaza!

And about the Shia-Sunni thing: Well, I am of a Sunni background but I can see that it is the Shia who are spear-heading the help to the Palestinians! And so if major Sunni, Arab states have abandoned Palestinians then it must be pointed out!! When your nearest ethno-religio kins abandon you then the primary blame lies with THEM!

As for the help Iran and Hezbollah have provided or not: Iran can be very easily part of the so-called 'civilized world of democracies' and Hezbollah would be just another little 'militia' instead of a 'terrorist organization' IF they decide to be another Jordan of the Middle East!! But they have chosen not to--they are helping and it is strange you don't see the desperation in Israel to get out of the status quo!! This war of attrition is really really hurting Israel. They are trying to hide it well but in this age of information, they can't hide it enough.
It's absolutely criminal how the international media is not giving proper coverage for this horrific genocide and atrocities deliberately committed against civilians. Israeli terrorist Nazis showed their utter disregard for international law and showed how they are exclusively at war with Palestinian civilians, wanting them all killed or expelled. Committing acts of terrorism to try achieving end means:

The Israeli's and their backers will be judged not just by their genocide and acts of terrorism, but also the extent they took to block international media from covering all these atrocities and refusing to air a single one of the tens of thousands atrocities taking place.

Had even 5% of the atrocities been aired, the world would have demanded an end to this Holocaust.
There's some exaggeration here but I do believe there wasn't a imminent attack by Hezbollah and Israel just used this a opportunity to degrade some of Hezbollah's capabilities. And Hezbollah may have assumed it was a beginning of a large scale campaign on Lebanon and began responding in kind. When Israel claimed it was a preemptive strike aimed at preventing a attack, that's when Hezbollah attributed the retaliatory fire to a response to the assassination of the military chief of staff in Beirut.

Israel may have been testing the waters here, testing Hezbollah's state of readiness and trying to learn more about their capabilities.

That can't be sustainable

Israel will act big big before this becomes a norm

This is more like a chess match, each side proves, then has a round of attack and counter attack, then regroup, re-strategise

Then onto the next

Only problem, Israel alone cannot engage in a war of attrition too long
The Israeli's and their backers will be judged not just by their genocide and acts of terrorism, but also the extent they took to block international media from covering all these atrocities and refusing to air a single one of the tens of thousands atrocities taking place.

Had even 5% of the atrocities been aired, the world would have demanded an end to this Holocaust.

The world is fully aware of these barbaric atrocities. The few that protest are known to everyone. The majority that doesn't protest are hypocrites and often supporters of genocide.

One thing has been established in stone throughout the ages. This genocide proves it again. It is the rule of the strongest. If you have the ability to reply in kind you won't be touched. Kindness isn't rewarded in this ugly and henious world. The Palestinians were too kind to allow these Zionists to settle on their land. This world only understands the language of force and strength. Especially the Zionists.
I think you have some serious reading comprehension issues and I am seriously thinking about putting you on my Ignore list.
Go ahead, you're posting lots of gibberish in this thread. Even attacking Palestinians claiming they're not trying to inflict casualties on Israeli forces in Gaza because you're seeing a angle from the camera man far away from place of exchange.
Even in a previous conflict years ago in the old PDF, when I expressed concerns about the Palestinians, you said something like 'Don't worry, Mehdi is going to come to help'. After this conflict started, you were saying things like 'Iran just wants to develop its nukes while using Gaza conflict to distract Israel' [something like that]. Add to that, your bizarre and counter productive proposals like 'kill all the hostages' in Gaza!

And about the Shia-Sunni thing: Well, I am of a Sunni background
I believe you're Shia because of your strong allegiance to Iran and it doesn't bother me that you're Shia. Your takes are what are problematic. I can show you Shia Twitter handles that I interact with and follow that are saying the same thing. Whenever sect issue is brought up, it's a sign of insecurity within the person and to try to defend their indefensible positions. Some Shias do that. Some Sunnis do that. Some Shias don't. And some Sunnis don't. It's not a sect issue.

When you see Saudis angrily cursing Hezbollah or Iran for their sect whenever it comes to the issue of Gaza, it's a cover up for their shortcomings and a cope. They like to believe they're a great regional power and things are going well, but that's not the reality. It's a cope. You are also engaging in same coping behavior when it comes to resistance axis approach to Gaza conflict.
but I can see that it is the Shia who are spear-heading the help to the Palestinians! And so if major Sunni, Arab states have abandoned Palestinians then it must be pointed out!! When your nearest ethno-religio kins abandon you then the primary blame lies with THEM!
Shia Arabs are same ethno-religious kin as mine. Shia Iranians are same kin as well. It's not a ethno-religious matter. Saudis and Egyptians make it open that they're allied with the US and won't do anything for Gaza. That doesn't forgive them. Iran and resistance axis said they would honor commitments towards Jerusalem, which is what the operation was named after. And regularly boast about crushing Israel and so forth. When you're not even meeting 25% of expectations, then that's where the scrutiny comes in. The alliance between Hamas and Iran and resistance transcends sect. But you for some reason see it differently.
As for the help Iran and Hezbollah have provided or not: Iran can be very easily part of the so-called 'civilized world of democracies' and Hezbollah would be just another little 'militia' instead of a 'terrorist organization' IF they decide to be another Jordan of the Middle East!! But they have chosen not to--they are helping and it is strange you don't see the desperation in Israel to get out of the status quo!! This war of attrition is really really hurting Israel. They are trying to hide it well but in this age of information, they can't hide it enough.
Russia, North Korea, China ,Venezuela and others can too. Iranians are balancing act between East and West. Good for them. They're willing to endure economic pressure for long term gains. It's not all about Israel. It's about the Iranian nation and civilization, first and foremost.

There is not a war of attrition. It's not a thing. A war of attrition is like what happened between Iraq and Iran. What's happening right now is not a war, far from it (with exception of what Israel is waging on Gaza ).
And about the Shia-Sunni thing: Well, I am of a Sunni background but I can see that it is the Shia who are spear-heading the help to the Palestinians! And so if major Sunni, Arab states have abandoned Palestinians then it must be pointed out!! When your nearest ethno-religio kins abandon you then the primary blame lies with THEM!

Sad things is if the Sunni regimes just ignored the entity then the entity would soon become unviable, as the "Axis of Resistance" applies military pressure while the US bankrupts itself trying to prop it up.

Shia in ME - Resisting the entity by military means.

Sunni in ME - Actively helping the entity to commit genocide.

This parasite in the ME can only exist due to local collaborators and so before blaming the US/West people should look closer to home as to why this unnatural presence is still in the heart of the ME.
Israel only wants the war if the USA fights it, so if the USA won't commit they don't want escalation
The equaliser in an calculations and consideration is USA direct involvement
That's what hamas Hezbollah youthi Israel is CALIBRATING for.
Apparently nethanyahu was told no
CONCERNING.... What might Israel do to get the firepower it needs

From Day One, I had been saying that Americans don't want a regional war. It wouldn't serve the American interests to destroy Iran to serve Israel's interests when America's own interests would be greatly harmed in the region. Also, which American President would want thousands of body bags coming from the bases in the Middle East, especially in an election year?? The troops are a sitting ducks, guys!!

On the other hand, as you say, Israel does want a regional war if Americans are onboard. A regional war serves Netanyahu personally quite well. He has been wanting it--once again using the American blood and money to promote the Israeli interests.
You know this, I know this, and I believe most of the world knows this by now. And if common people like us here know that then certainly the Iranians and the Resistance know that. The clearest indication that Netanyahu wants a regional war was when he killed Haniyeh in Iran itself!! That was as useless as it gets for a ceasefire and as provocative as it gets to WANT a regional war. I can't believe I had to argue with someone above to underscore this point.
And I agree with you: Netanyahu was told 'No' and Iran was also told 'No' by the Americans. A regional war serves Netanyahu but not Iran or America and maybe not even the state of Israel!!
This is barbarity beyond words. Zionists deserve the worst kind of punishment. Remember that the American government supports these human rights violations against the Palestinians.
Remember Israel view Palestinians as Goyim and they are living there wildest fantasies greenlit by the west
Sad things is if the Sunni regimes just ignored the entity then the entity would soon become unviable, as the "Axis of Resistance" applies military pressure while the US bankrupts itself trying to prop it up.
Shia in ME - Resisting the entity by military means.
Sunni in ME - Actively helping the entity to commit genocide.
This parasite in the ME can only exist due to local collaborators and so before blaming the US/West people should look closer to home as to why this unnatural presence is still in the heart of the ME.

You are talking so much sense and I hope the hyperventilating kid with reading comprehension wanting Mehdi to come reads you. He is now on my Ignore list. No point wasting time with kids.
Remember Israel view Palestinians as Goyim and they are living there wildest fantasies greenlit by the west

Inhumane savages. Zionists are inhumane savages.

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