Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I disagree, they have better chances to destroy enemy aircrafts on ground with hypersonic missiles in combination with drones infiltrations then with available pvo systems.
But Hezbollah can destroy those enemy aircraft on the ground TODAY with its missiles and rockets in inventory (e.g Fateh-110s) which are not Hypersonics, so whats the real issue then? - political, ideological and strategic considerations and realities! Its easy to start a war/fight but its very hard to control it or facilitate its end to either side's benefit, but Hezbollah technically has the equipment, men and money today to invade Israel and hit anywhere in Israel, but capacity and reality are 2 different but related things in conflict.
One online user said something like: Hezbollah was going to launch an attack at 5 AM local time but Israelis pre-emptively launched at 4:45 am. But who knows.

Any Western embassy in any Muslim country, even without any American diplomatic mission in that country, essentially has a mini-spying base. Lebanon has it all and even Iran has many Western embassies. So Israel has immense resources to help it. A diplomatic mission is essentially a sanctuary--like a foreign footprint in an alien land.

Turkey has a strong stake in Cyprus and the Turkish FM had even warned Cyprus some months ago to be careful in getting too involved. Cyprus will burn--and not only from the Hezbollah attacks; Cyprus, the mini-mouse, should stay out of it; well, it can accept Israeli refugees!

The Greek Cypriot government HAS NO JURISDICTION over the U.K. bases brother . It’s not Cyprus Fault. THE whole reason Britain wanted Cyprus was for strategic location. U.K. spy planes and American weapons to Tel Aviv use Cyprus a genocidal entity is same as committing the genocide. And to think Cairo was working with Greek/ Cyprus 🥴
But Hezbollah can destroy those enemy aircraft on the ground TODAY with its missiles and rockets in inventory (e.g Fateh-110s) which are not Hypersonics, so whats the real issue then? - political, ideological and strategic considerations and realities! Its easy to start a war/fight but its very hard to control it or facilitate its end to either side's benefit, but Hezbollah technically has the equipment, men and money today to invade Israel and hit anywhere in Israel, but capacity and reality are 2 different but related things in conflict.
Either way,, i would prefer to have hundreds of hypersonic on disposal for clear shot by choice then any limited pvo setup.
One online user said something like: Hezbollah was going to launch an attack at 5 AM local time but Israelis pre-emptively launched at 4:45 am. But who knows.
I'm conflicted if it was meant to be executed at that time. But drones are always ready to be fired at some targets. Once Israel began attacking infrastructure, Hezbollah had no option but to respond at that point.

Basically what we see in the morning is what a few days of fighting would look like. Hezbollah's departure from its usual conduct is showing off the capacity to do so but at same time they deescalated and threw ball in Israel's court. Hezbollah should be able to fire 1,000-2,000 rockets/drones/missiles a daily basis. Hamas can also do that and did it on day 1 of October 7, fired 3,000 rockets according to Israel. But Hamas cannot do it for long because of lack of resources and immediate ground invasion/saturation bombing of Gaza.
Any Western embassy in any Muslim country, even without any American diplomatic mission in that country, essentially has a mini-spying base. Lebanon has it all and even Iran has many Western embassies. So Israel has immense resources to help it. A diplomatic mission is essentially a sanctuary--like a foreign footprint in an alien land.
I think it's a problem with Hezbollah internal security forces more interested in bickering at local opponents and also how Hezbollah is approaching their operations. Hamas on other hand has advantage of governing all of Gaza and knows the area very well. And knows the people and collected much intelligence on Israeli intelligence division, with many Palestinians traveling through various border crossings, particularly Israeli ones. Hamas is also monitoring the communications in Gaza and Hamas has been in many skirmishes and wars with Israel. Hamas adapted to be at a near full state of mobilization at all times. Which made it difficult for Israeli intelligence to judge intentions of the group.

Hezbollah, imo, is not in such a kind of state. So it's easier to judge their intent and monitor their movements.
Hamas was rooting out Israeli and foreign spy infrastructure in Gaza for a long time:

The military wing of Gaza's Hamas rulers said Saturday that the aim of a botched undercover Israeli operation in the Palestinian enclave aimed to plant spying devices in their communications network.

The November 11 special forces operation, which Israel said was an intelligence-gathering mission, turned deadly when the undercover soldiers were spotted near Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip.

The ensuing firefight claimed the lives of an Israeli army officer and seven Palestinian militants, including a local Hamas military commander.

A spokesman for the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades said that 15 members of an elite Israeli military unit had infiltrated Gaza via the border fence and travelled in the enclave using cars disguised as vehicles belonging to a local charity.

Their goal was "establishing a spy system to eavesdrop on the communications network of the resistance in the Gaza Strip", Abu Obeida said, showing video footage of what he said was the soldiers in action.

Hamas also managed to capture equipment used by the group, Abu Obeida added, promising a million dollars to any local "collaborator" who would supply Hamas with information about the operation.

On Tuesday, Hamas said it had arrested 45 Gazan "collaborators" with Israel following the Khan Yunis incident.

Hamas was gathering Intel on what kind of information Israel was seeking about Gaza and assisting Palestinians going through Israeli Erez crossings, on how to deal with Israeli interrogation tactics on the border.

Hamas also did the 'March of Return' to study and monitor how Israel is deployed in the Gaza envelope and how they enforce border security. Hamas identified weaknesses and patterns and was able to jam these systems and put the intelligence to use to be able to penetrate the border on October 7.

Despite that, Hamas is not given credit where credit is due because Gaza is small and besieged. And Israel embarked on a genocide against civilians which they have no answer to.
The Greek Cypriot government HAS NO JURISDICTION over the U.K. bases brother . It’s not Cyprus Fault. THE whole reason Britain wanted Cyprus was for strategic location. U.K. spy planes and American weapons to Tel Aviv use Cyprus a genocidal entity is same as committing the genocide. And to think Cairo was working with Greek/ Cyprus 🥴
Didn't know that. Thanks for the info.
Very bad for the Cyprus minnow to be involved in this conflict. Turkey may take advantage of a wider conflict and put Cyprus in its place. But damn Brits!! There is some truth to the famous saying which goes like 'everywhere you see a conflict, there were the Brits present once'. LOL!

Basically what we see in the morning is what a few days of fighting would look like. Hezbollah's departure from its usual conduct is showing off the capacity to do so but at same time they deescalated and threw ball in Israel's court. Hezbollah should be able to fire 1,000-2,000 rockets/drones/missiles a daily basis.

The choices for Netanyahu are pretty damn easy: Escalate, Escalate, Escalate to involve the Americans. The choices for the Resistance are much more complicated and that reflects in the Hezbollah and Iranian responses.
This situation so favorable to Netanyahu would not be possible had there be ANY other person in the White House than this demented Self-proclaimed Zionist Biden! Even Trump--or maybe especially Trump--would have put his foot down to protect American interests which would be greatly harmed by a regional war.
I don't think you should rest when Israel is conducting daily assassinations (of foot soldiers or commanders) and the war in Gaza is ongoing. Statements like this will invite more aggression but is also going to impact Hezbollah as a military organization. It will make Hezbollah commanders and members put their guard down. And he's sending conflicting messages to his soldiers. To stand down and we don't seek conflict to we're ready for conflict if it's inflicted upon us.

Israeli's aren't interested in war right now because they believe Hamas is trying to facilitate a war between Israel and Lebanon. And they believe Nasrallah believes that too. And no one on either side wants to lose thousands of people for Hamas. Otherwise, his messages would encourage Israel more.


Nasrallah: At the current stage Lebanon can rest and the enemy announced that what happened today is over

But Hezbollah can destroy those enemy aircraft on the ground TODAY with its missiles and rockets in inventory (e.g Fateh-110s) which are not Hypersonics, so whats the real issue then? - political, ideological and strategic considerations and realities! Its easy to start a war/fight but its very hard to control it or facilitate its end to either side's benefit, but Hezbollah technically has the equipment, men and money today to invade Israel and hit anywhere in Israel, but capacity and reality are 2 different but related things in conflict.

With pathetic Israel having air superiority, Hezbollah won't be able to operate any tanks or Armoured vehicles. Their tactics will be similar to those of Mujahideen Hamas in Gaza, but with better anti tank weapons and better missiles and rockets to hit Israel. Terrain also is good for defence in Lebanon unlike in Gaza were it's was mostly flat land...
The choices for Netanyahu are pretty damn easy: Escalate, Escalate, Escalate to involve the Americans. The choices for the Resistance are much more complicated and that reflects in the Hezbollah and Iranian responses.
This situation so favorable to Netanyahu would not be possible had there be ANY other person in the White House than this demented Self-proclaimed Zionist Biden! Even Trump--or maybe especially Trump--would have put his foot down to protect American interests which would be greatly harmed by a regional war.
He can't involve in the Americans. How could he ? If Americans get involved how would they get involved ? Where would they deploy ground forces to stage any kind of ground invasion on Iran ? No one in the region is going to allow them to and it would take months if not over a year to prepare for that.

It's in Netanyahu's interest to keep this isolated to Gaza. While try scaring off Hezbollah and Iran. He also doesn't believe anything will be done over killings of Hamas commanders like Haniyeh in Iran and Saleh Al Arouri in Beirut. Which has proven to be true.

Look at what people think of the resistance axis. Especially after Nasrallah's uncalled for speech where he sent all kinds of deescalatory messages:

From Twitter replies:

1.)Today the axis is finished
We hope they withdraw from the battle.
We accept our fate as the only Palestinians in this world.

2.) Mr. Hassan: We are the axis of editing and design and in other cases promix and the enemy has failed miserably in involving us in actions that are not part of our mission at all.

3.) May God release you as He wishes and however He wishes. This 'Resistance' axis only exists in imagination.

4.) May God curse them, pigs who gave Hamas hope and for years they said that they were waiting for the battle to liberate Palestine to begin, and when Hamas began they let it down and caused the killing of 40 thousand and the destruction of Gaza and the sacrifice of the youth of the resistance
They participated in their treachery with Israel to eliminate the Palestinians in Gaza

5.) If Hamas leaves the axis

6.) axis of nothing at all, just cowards they are useless
He can't involve in the Americans. How could he ? If Americans get involved how would they get involved ? Where would they deploy ground forces to stage any kind of ground invasion on Iran ? No one in the region is going to allow them to and it would take months if not over a year to prepare for that.
It's in Netanyahu's interest to keep this isolated to Gaza. While try scaring off Hezbollah and Iran. He also doesn't believe anything will be done over killings of Hamas commanders like Haniyeh in Iran and Saleh Al Arouri in Beirut. Which has proven to be true.

You are an exceptionally minority view!
Just about all analysts and even laymen are saying that Netanyahu wants to expand the war, hoping to drag the Americans in. Oh, my, that's indisputable by now.

Americans can get involved deeply. Americans won't put boots on the ground but they CAN destroy Iranian cities! It is a price Iran doesn't want to pay and I understand that. But the important thing is: Americans know there is no gain destroying Iranian cities when tens of thousands of Americans would also die and Israel would be in ruins. From Day One, Americans didn't want to be dragged into Netanyahu's personal agenda--political survival. However, for Netanyahu, the status-quo is bad. Really, really bad. Cheap Katyushas are depleting Israelis ammo, displacing Israelis, wreaking havoc on the Israeli economy, and even making Israelis thinking about leaving Israel.

The status-quo is totally unacceptable to Netanyahu and totally acceptable to the Resistance--as long as Americans don't get too involved. The tragedy of all this: Innocent Gazans getting killed in large numbers. They started it on October 7, 2023. I understand their compulsion and even empathize with them, as my posts since that day shows. But they would be the one paying the price because their own Sunni Arab brothers have mostly abandoned them.
Notice how the Hindutvatis are all absent. It is always fascinating to see how our foes are chirpy and when not. I often keenly study and observe Hindutva behaviour on PDF. There is a pattern folks.
You are an exceptionally minority view!
Just about all analysts and even laymen are saying that Netanyahu wants to expand the war, hoping to drag the Americans in. Oh, my, that's indisputable by now.
Netanyahu does not want to expand the war. He's set out a plan to depopulate and ethnically cleanse Gaza, and is executing in real time.
Americans can get involved deeply. Americans won't put boots on the ground but they CAN destroy Iranian cities! It is a price Iran doesn't want to pay and I understand that. But the important thing is: Americans know there is no gain destroying Iranian cities when tens of thousands of Americans would also die and Israel would be in ruins. From Day One, Americans didn't want to be dragged into Netanyahu's personal agenda--political survival. However, for Netanyahu, the status-quo is bad. Really, really bad. Cheap Katyushas are depleting Israelis ammo, displacing Israelis, wreaking havoc on the Israeli economy, and even making Israelis thinking about leaving Israel.

The status-quo is totally unacceptable to Netanyahu and totally acceptable to the Resistance--as long as Americans don't get too involved. The tragedy of all this: Innocent Gazans getting killed in large numbers. They started it on October 7, 2023. I understand their compulsion and even empathize with them, as my posts since that day shows. But they would be the one paying the price because their own Sunni Arab brothers have mostly abandoned them.
No, it is acceptable to Netanyahu. They have tens of thousands of interceptors. US lawmakers introduce bills to fund their production. They can afford to use 2,000-3,000 interceptors over the course of a year.

Israeli economy is still experiencing growth. The cost is because of Hamas's operation and the 120,000 Israeli's that were evacuated from Gaza envelope. And the amount of munitions and shells they're purchasing to use on Gaza.

Hezbollah is not making a difference in the conflict. Israel can afford 4-5 rocket barrages fired a day at mostly the northernmost part of Israel which has been mostly emptied (30k people). Israel is comfortably attacking Gaza, undisrupted for the most part. 80 Palestinians were killed over the past 24 hours. There's a active ground incursion into multiple cities in Gaza. And continuing flattening of the land and entire residential neighborhoods.

A situation where there is a sustained attack on Israeli strategic military and infrastructure sites, is one that Netanyahu can't afford. And is the only way to stop Israel's actions in Gaza.

Now you are saying it's about Sunni and Shia, I don't see that. This is about a alliance that didn't honor its commitments towards Jerusalem and towards the resistance in Gaza. Despite having said they are/will for years. You are saying people of Gaza have to bear consequences. It's their war. Why are you in this thread, then? How does the war affect you?

You're saying it's good for Iran and Hezbollah to not involve. And the goal should be to not get involved. But at same time you're trying to present a narrative that they're saving Gaza or fighting some kind of war.

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