Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

True Ansarallah are mostly Shia. But 65% of Yemen is Sunni. Very similar split to Bahrain (not related).
They are neither shia or sunni and they are both shia and sunni by my understanding of their interpretation of Islam.
Nasrallah claims the rockets were a diversion for the 20-30 drones headed to a sensitive site north of Tel Aviv (IDF HQ) and that this was hit. Israel imposed new military censorship rules today coinciding with these strikes. so we won't know for sure if anything near Tel Aviv was actually hit.
Very interesting and thanks for sharing.
either way, both sides want to close this chapter and return to 'normal'.
They can close this chapter of the war but they can't close the "book" of this war. Unfortunately the deaths and stakes are so high right now in this war, it is easy to predict more fighting between ISrael and Hezbollah- teh reasons and motivations and timings all vary but what doesnt change is that attacks continue between both sides.

which signals weakness by Hezbollah IMO
Looking weak =/= being weak.

Hezbollah may look weak to you in this situation, but that doesn't mean its weak (in general) against Israel. Hezbollah is actually very strong, because it is able to prevent Israel from achieving its regional and strategic goals,especially during regional wars like the ongoing one in Gaza (and other parts of the region).

This war will likely go regional or intense (like between Israel and Hezbollah) before it settles down, because survival or/and "prevention of suicide option" seems to be motivating both sides in the conflict, and it doesn't look like this conflict will slow down very soon, but i hope it will (hopefully the negotiations will be successful). I dont think Israel will negotiate seriously or compromise enough until it is strategically exhausted and feeling down, and no, Israel IS organic, it can decay.
but understandable as they are inherently weaker than Israel and have more to lose in an all out war.
Being inherently weaker doesnt matter, what matters is who wins the war in the end on terms and results that are favorable to them. US and Israel are quite good and "being stronger" but meanwhile they lose 90% of their wars in modern time, to groups like the Taliban that were "iherently weaker" than they were. The inherently weaker groups apparently fighter harder and in a more determined manner, which explains their wins in recent times over these "inherently stronger" countries.
What Larry Johnson is describing is effect, not cause.

The problem is the existence of a war economy and diversion of resources at the cost of your own people.
If the military industrial complex is in control, it only ever thinks to war, weapons and conflict.
Also, do not confuse the stock market with the real economy
A perpetual war and debt habit is akin to being a crack addict, ofcourse a crack addict thinks more crack is the answer to everything.

I think people underestimate the resilience of the American economy and the ability to bounce back. In a country of 340 million, there are bound to be all kind of people and issues. But this country is naturally blessed with resources and also has great human resources. With a little course correction, things can be put right back on track.
As to the war economy: Do we think the tens of billions going to Israel and Ukraine in weaponry, or those trillions to Afghanistan and Iraq, were/are not coming back to America in create 'jobs' and contribute to the economy?
In a country of mostly law abiding citizens of 340 millions, even if half contribute, they contribute a lot.
As of now I never heard anything like "prime minister of Lebanon", "president of Lebanon", "military of Lebanon", "people of Lebanon" | only see the news of Hizbollah ..
Why?? Are they alive or not? What the f*** they are doing?? ????
I think people underestimate the resilience of the American economy and the ability to bounce back. In a country of 340 million, there are bound to be all kind of people and issues. But this country is naturally blessed with resources and also has great human resources. With a little course correction, things can be put right back on track.
As to the war economy: Do we think the tens of billions going to Israel and Ukraine in weaponry, or those trillions to Afghanistan and Iraq, were/are not coming back to America in create 'jobs' and contribute to the economy?
In a country of mostly law abiding citizens of 340 millions, even if half contribute, they contribute a lot.
People are naive, strenght of their economy is in direct correlation with strenght of their military which is guarantee of USD as world reserve currency and that kind of economy can not collapse unless one of those 2 factors are challenged.
I think people underestimate the resilience of the American economy and the ability to bounce back. In a country of 340 million, there are bound to be all kind of people and issues. But this country is naturally blessed with resources and also has great human resources. With a little course correction, things can be put right back on track.
As to the war economy: Do we think the tens of billions going to Israel and Ukraine in weaponry, or those trillions to Afghanistan and Iraq, were/are not coming back to America in create 'jobs' and contribute to the economy?
In a country of mostly law abiding citizens of 340 millions, even if half contribute, they contribute a lot.
The strength is not in doubt, though it's built on a system of global dollar dependency that keeps the USd artificially strong

it's the opportunity cost that's the clear issue, maybe one war is nothing, maybe two but decades and decades now facing peer competitors, why the need? That comes at a domestic opportunity cost, lucky most Americans know nothing of the world...

The logic of money coming back from wars is flawed, it's not sustainable, that means you still need perpetual wars, meanwhile you have plenty of increasing enemies the more wars you have, that's sustainable?

Clearly when the American engage in normal economic activity they are very very strong

A very serious evacuation is happening now.
The Israeli army is demanding the evacuation of an area in Deir al-Balah, west of Salah al-Din Street, under fire. This area is very important; it contains the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, the main hospital in the period before the war after all other hospitals were out of service.

The evacuation was ordered immediately, followed by heavy shelling of the area. Under humanitarian pretexts, the terrorist army is demanding the rapid evacuation of a hospital full of wounded and sick people while under shelling. How could this happen?

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