Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I hear those Ghoul rifles can penetrate any body armor and can even go through one body and still kill the person behind it!! But, once again, the Gazans are just filming the congregating IDF soldiers around the fallen soldier instead of shooting them too. WTH!! Enough of it!

The Al-Qassam sniper can't remain in that building since Israelis and their Western backers are heavily monitoring every movement in Gaza. He has to go back to the tunnel.

Second, Al-G-Qassam mujahideen are following a classic guerilla war text book: Hit the enemy, minimize the casualty on your side, and live to fight in another day.

This is what we should all understand about the Najdi system that controls the Arabian Peninsula 👇 👇

Narrated Ibn `Umar (ra):
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen." The People said, "And also on our Najd." He said, "O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen." The people said, "O Allah's Apostle! And also on our Najd." I think the third time the Prophet (ﷺ) said, "There (in Najd) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the horn of Satan
The Al-Qassam sniper can't remain in that building since Israelis and their Western backers are heavily monitoring every movement in Gaza. He has to go back to the tunnel.
Second, Al-G-Qassam mujahideen are following a classic guerilla war text book: Hit the enemy, minimize the casualty on your side, and live to fight in another day.

I am aware of the need for the Gazans to run away after shooting/firing rockets/rifles but not only in this video but in many others, they are patiently filming the Israeli soldiers picking up the wounded and also letting the rescue teams to come and get the wounded. Several seconds, if not sometimes, 30-40 seconds of IDF soldiers in vulnerable position being let go of. You can look up several of such videos and Jon Elmer at the Electronic Intifada often shows such videos and talks about them.
And maybe that's the reason Israelis are not targeting the camera men / shooter--kind of unsaid agreement.

I was about to refer you to this video by Mark Sleboda. He is an American who has found a home in Russia to the point of him saying in this video 'may he rot in hell' about Zbig Brzensky (you know, Zbig was the architect of the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan in the 80s, which greatly accelerated the Fall of the Soviet Union and the rise of the Neo Cons).
Some points in this video about this topic:
1) Russia is at least providing intelligence to Iran
2) Russia-Israel relations are 'very bad'
3) Russia-China would be glad to see the Americans bogged down in yet another Middle East War [on behalf of Israel!]
Mark is one who chooses words very carefully--a stark contrast from the likes of Col. Macgregor.

Here is the video

I was about to refer you to this video by Mark Sleboda. He is an American who has found a home in Russia to the point of him saying in this video 'may he rot in hell' about Zbig Brzensky (you know, Zbig was the architect of the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan in the 80s, which greatly accelerated the Fall of the Soviet Union and the rise of the Neo Cons).
Some points in this video about this topic:
1) Russia is at least providing intelligence to Iran
2) Russia-Israel relations are 'very bad'
3) Russia-China would be glad to see the Americans bogged down in yet another Middle East War [on behalf of Israel!]
Mark is one who chooses words very carefully--a stark contrast from the likes of Col. Macgregor.

Here is the video

I don't think russia will let Iran fall, in fact they are all invested into one another... china, Russia and Iran
Hebrew sources: Violent explosions were heard in the Tel Aviv area.

Less than 4 days after the failure of the Doha negotiations, Israel is living hell!
Minefields... ambushes with heavy losses, new missiles entering service, and shortly before, deep Tel Aviv was bombed.
The resistance sends clear messages to the entity and its supporters.. We are not kidding here!

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