Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Christian soldiers are a light for Christ in Israel’s military​

By Lyndsey KohSeptember 2, 2024


Israel (MNN) — The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) began raids in the West Bank last week, continuing efforts to dismantle Hamas and its leadership. On Thursday, the IDF reported the successful elimination of Islamic Jihad commander Muhhamad Jabber.

This marks the latest phase in the ongoing conflict in the Holy Land — a war that is taking a toll on both Israeli soldiers and civilians, who are feeling the strain of the economic impact.


(Photo courtesy of Beit Hallel Congregation)
Pastor Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel Congregation in Ashdod says, “The needs are great because the military expenses are very high and it’s affecting the Israeli economy. The prices are growing, the economy is suffering, and we’re going to see consequences more and more because this war is very costly.”

Despite the challenges, the light of Christ is breaking through. Beit Hallel Congregation actively supports Israeli Christians in the military. Pochtar estimates there are at least 1,000 Christian Israeli soldiers, including 35 from his church. He also has two sons in Israel’s military.

“We’ve never had such a big number of Christians who are in the army, who are sharing their faith and becoming a living letter of Jesus, of God for all people,” says Pochtar. “We have lots and lots of powerful testimonies and saved lives!”

You can get invested spiritually with Beit Hallel Congregation’s informative prayer resources.

“We do send prayer guides on how to pray for Israel, specifically, once a week,” says Pochtar. “So if people who want to pray, not only generic prayers, but specific prayers, they can sign up for our email…and take it into their prayer lives.

“When people pray, we do feel it. Israel needs prayer, and we believe in the power of prayer.”

Interesting when you read it with this:
Great share thanks.
Those Zionist bastards who protest Netanyahu are doing so not because they are pacifists who want an end to this war and not because they care about few Israeli hostages held by Hamas.

Unlike all those peace protests and dememonstrations we see so often in Arab and Muslim countries in the region . . .

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Ye I saw that - the pressure from inside is getting intense. Netanyahu is behaving like a mad dog on rabies - lashing out and trying to create maximum destruction.
Btw the UN making it a priority to get all Gaza children immunised asap? The Israeli agree to cease fire to take place? Then after the immunisation will start bombing the shit out of them again? Doesn’t make sense? Something smells fishy.

Maybe it's just a sign of how completely devalued Gazans are.

So meaningful action can be taken to prevent disease they now have, from the sustained destruction caused by Israel, in order to stop disease spreading to Israel.

But let the bombing and starvation continue, no food or water btw, vaccines

Wow just play that back in your head

Unless I missed something?

Didn't the native Americans also die en masse from disease ?
History will remember harshly those who stood on the sidelines when they could have acted to prevent the meaningless slaughter of innocents.
This slaughter has a real meaning to some

History might judge people who were afraid to be less blunt
Im on a Pakistan forum and loving it. The infatuation you show is a level only a teenager would have with his first love.
You are free to discuss whatever fetish you have. I am astounded at the mental gymnastics that you and your brethren get so excitable about a friggin drone. Callllllllm down its just a drone.
Look what this Aussie commentator is saying.

These Israelis - civilians and soldiers - most of them are sick, sadistic and selfish bast**ds

This is a fight for Holy Land. Gaza or West Bank, doesn't matter.

West Bank Palestinians need to go hot on Tel Aviv. Israelis are already on their moves in west bank.

May Allah bless Muslims/Palestinians with proper victory. Ameen.
I think Hamas will no longer spare Zionist terrorits rescuing wounded fellow Zionist terrorists.

Hamas has no option now if is to save the Gazans from complete annihilation and live to fight another day.


About time!
Probably hundreds from the rescue teams could have been killed in some kind of turkey shoot by now if the resistance had acted.

@r3alist : You asked who'd do the fighting for the War of Attrition? The same who have been doing for the last 10 months. And I don't think, under current administration, Americans are ready to jump in unless Israel's very survival is at stake, which it is not.

The only route available is the War of Attrition. The biggest question and concern in my mind: How long can the Gazans sustain this situation. If they were land connected with supplies then I believe they would have prevailed even if would take 2-3 years.

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