Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

After spending over 10 months in harsh combat and risking my life daily with my team in Gaza and coming home to hear the media and other political pundits and social media whores try to paint us as the villains, here's what I have to say about it, as one who was actually there.

Links to articles I refer to in this episode:

In Sep 2014, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan Retired Col. Richard Kemp told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

Kemp pointed out that, during the operation, there was approximately one civilian casualty for every terrorist killed by the IDF, whereas the average in the world is four civilians for every combatant, and that, when taking into consideration Hamas’s use of human shields, this shows how careful the IDF is.

“No army in the world acts with as much discretion and great care as the IDF in order to minimize damage. The US and the UK are careful, but not as much as Israel,”

John Spencer He feels that the US bears some of the responsibility for the devastation in Gaza because of how it’s slowed down and limited Israel’s ability to win the war. It’s a restraint that he says the US hasn’t imposed on its own military campaigns, and it has the effect of increasing Palestinian casualties and suffering by dragging out the fighting.

Douglas Murray "You well know that Hamas did not commit the massacre of 7 October because of settlements. They did it by their own admission because they want to massacre every Jew they can get their hands on and Hamas has said they will do it again and again."

"the regime in Tehran, the revolutionary Islamic government, showed once again what it is, and what it would like to do. And this isn’t just Israel’s problem, it’s the region’s problem. And the world’s problem.”

So much crap.
You’ve seen the videos of prisoners being raped - people being bombed at refugee camps - evidence of women being raped - mass graves in hospitals - 40,000 innocent killed mainly children and women and you post this as soon as your unbanned?
What actually goes through your brain cell when posting nonsense?
Can a leopard change his spots or zebra its stripes? You are a lost cause bro
It is hard for IDF because they don't make a genocide.
If Bibi had decided a gaza genocide, the 2 millions people of Gaza would have been killed month ago.
As Hamas is deliberatly hidden among civilians, it is long, hard, and unfortunately there are civilian casualties.
You French tried to commit a genocide in Algeria and you killed millions but still failed. Same with Israel. Israel's days are numbered no matter how many Palestinians they kill.
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Guys polite reminder. Please kindly use the report feature to flag inappropriate posts that blindly refute clear war crimes against thousands of innocent Palestinians. I will make sure they are deleted, the posters can then go and cry in GHQ.

I kindly request that please don't resort to abuse, name calling, hate speech or similar anti-social behaviour on forums. We want to make people feel welcome to air their opinion to a point.

It is better if this thread is used to share facts figures, opinion articles and factual information about the present war, please don't turn it into a history lesson.

The moderation team here at thank you for your cooperation. 😅
So much crap.
You’ve seen the videos of prisoners being raped - people being bombed at refugee camps - evidence of women being raped - mass graves in hospitals - 40,000 innocent killed mainly children and women and you post this as soon as your unbanned?
What actually goes through your brain cell when posting nonsense?
Can a leopard change his spots or zebra its stripes? You are a lost cause bro

All those people quoted in that article are directly paid and brought for by the Zionists.

That colonel Kemp for example is head of a charity funded by the Zionist "Defence" Forces.

Nothing goes through his mind but hatred of Muslims and butt-licking the Zionists.

They are doubling down on this rubbish to try and make the Jew the eternal victim

They are doubling down on this rubbish to try and make the Jew the eternal victim

Every monster throughout history has tried to make himself look like a victim.

Pure desperation here and shows they are seriously rattled.

These Europeans(including their colonial off-shoots) are so pathetic that they are now slaves to less than 20 million Jews.

They like to show their “stronk” against those they colonised and occupied for hundreds of years to keep them down but they themselves are so pathetic that their foreign policy is run by the tiny minority of Jews.

Your idiots, what better idea do you have???

Be oppressed and subjugated by the Zionists trash forever?

All you have done is destroy the concept of international law and rules, shown that you won't apply it to the Jews or yourselves and that the world needs a alternative

It's why Russia is getting so much support for beating NATO in Ukraine
I might be wrong but all other options are depleted, there is no more room for international laws, UN resolutions, initiatives or what not to resolve palestinan rights on their own homeland. I do not see any crucial difference in dems approach to them then reps, it is same body under different coat.
Well said and i agree with this.
You mentioned Jerusalem that was "given" to them by USA, well it is not,
yes it was- this was the act that gave Jerusalem to Israel:
city is conquered and they just acknowledged it formally.
but that acknowledgement was criminal and upset regional,strategic and religious fault lines.
It might sound illogical but for palestinians to rely on de jure law legacies did not help them along decades actually it crippled them and emboldened their occupiers which stays firm on de facto realities.
Palestinians are not relying on international law(even if thats all they have), they were relying on US (especially under Trump) not completely ignoring and abusing all international laws(and chances of peace between both parties) to give Israel more control and domination over Palestine and Palestinians.

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