Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The Pentagon giveth and the Pentagon taketh away. According to Israeli media, the Netanyahu has been put on notice that US warships could soon be ordered home and that they can't stay in eastern Mediterranean waters indefinitely to protect Israel.

Israeli media is reporting Friday that with regards to a potential wider all-out regional war and Iranian attack, a message was sent that tensions need to be reduced at some stage because "the US aircraft carriers will not be able to stay in the area forever."

Currently no less than two air craft carriers — the Theodore Roosevelt and the Abraham Lincoln — along with accompanying warships are in Mideast regional waters. They were deployed there following threats from Iran weeks ago.

One state solution under full Palestinian sovereignty.

All settlers whose family history is in Palestine after the UK took over can only stay at the pleasure of the sovereign Palestine government.

After this genocide, I doubt whether the Palestinians will not expel at least 80% of the post-WW1 Zionist settlers from their country.

Of course the indigenous Jews(10-15% of Jewish population) who can trace their family history back millenia in Palestine have full and equal rights as any other Palestinian.

"Two state solution" would never make peace as the Palestinians would never truly accept the loss of 78% of their country to foreign settlers.
What you said will not happen as long as USA government supports Israel.
Sorry buddy.

I still think Two State Solution is the answer to the problem.
To be clear, Israel itself doesn't believe in a two state solution. They're on record of actively sabotaging the two state solution. They don't even believe in a one united state solution, because they believe that Palestinians will out number them eventually.

What they want is the total explosion of the native population.
What you are saying is true, Sir.
I still think Lawyers at the United Nations and International Court of Justice should push for Two State Solution.

Israel is not going away anytime soon, because USA government supports Israel.

I understand Israel is also being dishonest about two-state solution.

Still, I believe two state solution is the answer to the problem.
What you are saying is true, Sir.
I still think Lawyers at the United Nations and International Court of Justice should push for Two State Solution.

Israel is not going away anytime soon, because USA government supports Israel.

I understand Israel is also being dishonest about two-state solution.

Still, I believe two state solution is the answer to the problem.

2 State solution no longer possible.

Israel has demonstrated that it has a right to exist.

It's only a matter of time.....
2 State solution no longer possible.

Israel has demonstrated that it has a right to exist.

It's only a matter of time.....
And what about the Palestinian's perspective?

Palestinians have been living in Palestine for thousands of years. Then the Zionists came in the 1940s.

The Palestinians have so many better arguments.
Therefore I insist on two state solution. Even Saudi Arabia supports two state solution with pre-1967 borders, not even 1947 borders. I was reading that on an article on the internet. You can google it.
The Pentagon giveth and the Pentagon taketh away. According to Israeli media, the Netanyahu has been put on notice that US warships could soon be ordered home and that they can't stay in eastern Mediterranean waters indefinitely to protect Israel.

Israeli media is reporting Friday that with regards to a potential wider all-out regional war and Iranian attack, a message was sent that tensions need to be reduced at some stage because "the US aircraft carriers will not be able to stay in the area forever."

Currently no less than two air craft carriers — the Theodore Roosevelt and the Abraham Lincoln — along with accompanying warships are in Mideast regional waters. They were deployed there following threats from Iran weeks ago.

ZeroEdge Crappy blog of USA undercovers always trying to deceive everyone.

The article is so confuse, body news talk about one thing and headline about another. Headline talks about aircraft carriers, and first paragraph about "warships" (another warships) in East Mediterranean.

USA aircraft carriers are in the Persian gulf, they are not in East Mediterranean.

Tyler Durden is your imaginary friend, that's how undercovers call the characters they invent when they deceive someone.

This is the primary source:

A crappy blog of shit obviously can't be the primary source of anything.

I'm so tired of USA undercovers lies everywhere. Why they dont take a rest and stop of lie by one single day.
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According to Israeli media, the Netanyahu has been put on notice that US warships could soon be ordered home and that they can't stay in eastern Mediterranean waters indefinitely to protect Israel.

I don't know what people are smoking, but no US administration will abandon Israel if it gets into a situation where it needs that kind of military support.

If the US warships are leaving, it just means the US is confident that the situation is under Israel's control.
After spending over 10 months in harsh combat and risking my life daily with my team in Gaza and coming home to hear the media and other political pundits and social media whores try to paint us as the villains, here's what I have to say about it, as one who was actually there.

Links to articles I refer to in this episode:

In Sep 2014, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan Retired Col. Richard Kemp told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

Kemp pointed out that, during the operation, there was approximately one civilian casualty for every terrorist killed by the IDF, whereas the average in the world is four civilians for every combatant, and that, when taking into consideration Hamas’s use of human shields, this shows how careful the IDF is.

“No army in the world acts with as much discretion and great care as the IDF in order to minimize damage. The US and the UK are careful, but not as much as Israel,”

John Spencer He feels that the US bears some of the responsibility for the devastation in Gaza because of how it’s slowed down and limited Israel’s ability to win the war. It’s a restraint that he says the US hasn’t imposed on its own military campaigns, and it has the effect of increasing Palestinian casualties and suffering by dragging out the fighting.

Douglas Murray "You well know that Hamas did not commit the massacre of 7 October because of settlements. They did it by their own admission because they want to massacre every Jew they can get their hands on and Hamas has said they will do it again and again."

"the regime in Tehran, the revolutionary Islamic government, showed once again what it is, and what it would like to do. And this isn’t just Israel’s problem, it’s the region’s problem. And the world’s problem.”


“No army in the world acts with as much discretion and great care as the IDF in order to minimize damage. The US and the UK are careful, but not as much as Israel,”

This guy must either be a deliberate list or his brains have been smokef out by shell shocks.

You know, people have eyes and we have all seen pictures from Gaza. Who are you desperately tryibg to fool? Disgraceful Zionist im uniform spewing falsehood as usual.

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