Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israeli army investigation: Aisha’s killing was “not intentional”


The Israeli army said on Tuesday that the killing of a young woman with dual American and Turkish citizenship at the hands of Israeli forces during a protest in the West Bank last week was not intentional, following an investigation into the incident.

The army stated that Israel sent a request to conduct an autopsy on the body of Aisha Nur Ezghi Egi.

The young American woman was killed on Friday, in the West Bank, during an anti-settlement demonstration. In a statement, her family called on the American authorities to conduct an independent investigation into her killing, considering that “any Israeli investigation will not be sufficient.”

The Israeli army had previously issued a statement regarding the incident, in which it said, “During activity by the security forces near the village of Beita today, the force responded by firing at a main instigator who threw stones at the forces and posed a threat to them.”

While the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories said that Israeli forces “shot and killed a Turkish-American activist, during a protest against settlement in the West Bank.”

The White House commented on the incident, expressing “deep discomfort,” adding that it had contacted Israel “to ask it for more information regarding the incident, and to request an investigation into it.”

In statements today, Tuesday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the killing of Aisha was “unjustified and not preceded by provocation” and shows that Israeli security forces need to make some fundamental changes to their rules of engagement.تحقيق-الجيش-الإسرائيلي-مقتل-عائشة-ليس-متعمدا
Israeli army investigation: Aisha’s killing was “not intentional”

View attachment 64303

The Israeli army said on Tuesday that the killing of a young woman with dual American and Turkish citizenship at the hands of Israeli forces during a protest in the West Bank last week was not intentional, following an investigation into the incident.

The army stated that Israel sent a request to conduct an autopsy on the body of Aisha Nur Ezghi Egi.

The young American woman was killed on Friday, in the West Bank, during an anti-settlement demonstration. In a statement, her family called on the American authorities to conduct an independent investigation into her killing, considering that “any Israeli investigation will not be sufficient.”

The Israeli army had previously issued a statement regarding the incident, in which it said, “During activity by the security forces near the village of Beita today, the force responded by firing at a main instigator who threw stones at the forces and posed a threat to them.”

While the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories said that Israeli forces “shot and killed a Turkish-American activist, during a protest against settlement in the West Bank.”

The White House commented on the incident, expressing “deep discomfort,” adding that it had contacted Israel “to ask it for more information regarding the incident, and to request an investigation into it.”

In statements today, Tuesday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the killing of Aisha was “unjustified and not preceded by provocation” and shows that Israeli security forces need to make some fundamental changes to their rules of engagement.تحقيق-الجيش-الإسرائيلي-مقتل-عائشة-ليس-متعمدا
These liars, headshot was not intentional sure. They think we are stupid, American government might be.
Israeli army investigation: Aisha’s killing was “not intentional”

View attachment 64303

The Israeli army said on Tuesday that the killing of a young woman with dual American and Turkish citizenship at the hands of Israeli forces during a protest in the West Bank last week was not intentional, following an investigation into the incident.

The army stated that Israel sent a request to conduct an autopsy on the body of Aisha Nur Ezghi Egi.

The young American woman was killed on Friday, in the West Bank, during an anti-settlement demonstration. In a statement, her family called on the American authorities to conduct an independent investigation into her killing, considering that “any Israeli investigation will not be sufficient.”

The Israeli army had previously issued a statement regarding the incident, in which it said, “During activity by the security forces near the village of Beita today, the force responded by firing at a main instigator who threw stones at the forces and posed a threat to them.”

While the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories said that Israeli forces “shot and killed a Turkish-American activist, during a protest against settlement in the West Bank.”

The White House commented on the incident, expressing “deep discomfort,” adding that it had contacted Israel “to ask it for more information regarding the incident, and to request an investigation into it.”

In statements today, Tuesday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the killing of Aisha was “unjustified and not preceded by provocation” and shows that Israeli security forces need to make some fundamental changes to their rules of engagement.تحقيق-الجيش-الإسرائيلي-مقتل-عائشة-ليس-متعمدا
as Usual ! But thy are right, its not intentional, because Gentiles can be killed, God made him fire that bullet, he had no control... Hence, Absolved !
If the USA is truly a friend of Israel, it would give free USA citizenship to all Israeli people who wanted and problem solved.
But USA just use Israel to trigger wars in the richest oil zone of this planet: Middle East.

I think it is a very simplistic way to present the aspirations of the global Jewry. They, including even the blondest of the blondes among them, have a deep sense of attachment to the current 'Holy Land'. Otherwise, only stupid people would leave the fertile, safe land in Europe/America to come a tiny sliver of land which resource starved and surrounded by hostile 'natives'.
But, yes, on the bolded part: It serves the interests of the American Neo Cons to use Israel to promote the American interests BUT it also serves the aspirations of the global Jewish majority to support Israel--and let there be no mistake: There is yet to be a point where the Zionists are a minority versus the Jews.

Related to this thread: Elijah Magnier keeps finding angles to this conflict which not many discuss or even notice! Quite a gem of an analyst! In this video, he is talking about Syria and Russia factors--something not talked about much but vital! A few points:
1) The toppling of Assad was needed otherwise in the 2006 conflict, Israel dared not attack Syria.
2) Assad is trying to help the Palestinians but he can't do much because otherwise Americans / American allies like the Kurds IN SYRIA could breach Assad's defenses
3) Israel has to work with Russia to target the military assets supplying Hezbollah. It is bitter pill for Israel to swallow but Israel still finds ways around it--such as using a narrow corridor into American occupied Syria via Jordan [something like that].

I think it is a very simplistic way to present the aspirations of the global Jewry. They, including even the blondest of the blondes among them, have a deep sense of attachment to the current 'Holy Land'. Otherwise, only stupid people would leave the fertile, safe land in Europe/America to come a tiny sliver of land which resource starved and surrounded by hostile 'natives'.
But, yes, on the bolded part: It serves the interests of the American Neo Cons to use Israel to promote the American interests BUT it also serves the aspirations of the global Jewish majority to support Israel--and let there be no mistake: There is yet to be a point where the Zionists are a minority versus the Jews.

Related to this thread: Elijah Magnier keeps finding angles to this conflict which not many discuss or even notice! Quite a gem of an analyst! In this video, he is talking about Syria and Russia factors--something not talked about much but vital! A few points:
1) The toppling of Assad was needed otherwise in the 2006 conflict, Israel dared not attack Syria.
2) Assad is trying to help the Palestinians but he can't do much because otherwise Americans / American allies like the Kurds IN SYRIA could breach Assad's defenses
3) Israel has to work with Russia to target the military assets supplying Hezbollah. It is bitter pill for Israel to swallow but Israel still finds ways around it--such as using a narrow corridor into American occupied Syria via Jordan [something like that].

It goes beyond all that.. in reality it is a question of who has and will have the most influence on the Middle East region.. the US or China+Russia

The Middle Eastern countries are now dependent on both sides, be it militarily or economically.. including Israel....but the rest are not like the latter; they do have more choice..
A piece of music that raises hope with pain... brings together the two extremes at the same time...

All occupied people have the right to resist and fight back against their occupier

This is the only place where the white west want the occupied to accept occupation and subjugation
They got a convenient way to send a large part of the western Jewish population after WW2 to the Middle East, while also bogging down the region in a quagmire they had no intention to help resolve.

Look at what’s happening in Hebron.

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