Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Some reputable sources posting preliminary information of a Israeli helicopter being shot down over Gaza:

The enemy's media is talking about more than one difficult event in the Gaza Strip. There is a helicopter crash, and another event. So far, it has been announced that 3 people were killed and others were injured.


IAF eliminate 'significant' Hamas terrorists embedded in Khan Yunis Humanitarian Area​

By DANIELLE GREYMAN-KENNARDSEPTEMBER 10, 2024 01:42Updated: SEPTEMBER 10, 2024 03:24

The IAF struck “significant” Hamas terrorist members as they were operating within a terrorist command and control center embedded in a designated Humanitarian Area of Khan Yunis, the IDF announced early on Tuesday morning.

The terrorists, whose identities have not been released to the public yet, had previously carried out attacks against IDF troops and the state of Israel, the military said.

Prior to the strike, the military assured that numerous steps were taken to mitigate the risk of harming civilians, including the use of precise munitions, aerial surveillance, and additional means.

Hamas's claims on the strike​

Medics and Hamas claimed at least 14 Palestinians were killed in the airstrike on a tent encampment in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip.

Residents and medics said a tent encampment in the Al-Mawasi area, which is designated as a humanitarian zone, was struck by at least four missiles.

The Hamas-run Gaza civil emergency service said at least 20 tents caught on fire, and missiles caused craters as deep as nine meters (30 feet).

Hamas's use of civilian areas for terrorist activities​

Hamas has repeatedly been recorded using civilians as shields during their terrorist operations during and before the start of the war. For example, in July, Hamas’s supreme military commander Mohammad Deif was eliminated in an airstrike on a Humanitarian Area in Khan Yunis.

The terror group have been repeatedly caught utilizing school buildings in Khan Yunis and other parts of Gaza as control centers to plan attacks against Israel.
It means more mass murder of women and children
The major operations carried out by the Palestinian and regional resistance groups on Monday, September 9, are as follows:

Al-Quds Brigades’ operations:

  • Targeted an Israeli infantry force on the Ghanem axis in Tulkarem Camp, occupied West Bank.
  • Targeted "Ashkelon" and illegal settlements surrounding Gaza with a rocket barrage.
  • Detonated a pre-prepared explosive device on a military vehicle in Tulkarem Camp, occupied West Bank.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades’ operations:

  • Downed an Israeli military "Matrice 300" drone while it was carrying out a spying mission in the skies over eastern Gaza.
  • Confronted Israeli forces storming Balata Camp and targeted them with a heavy barrage of bullets and high-powered "Zoufi" explosives.
  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli forces in the axis of incursion in Tulkarem camp, occupied West Bank, using machine guns.
  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli occupation forces storming Balata camp, occupied West Bank, from several axes using machine guns.
Al-Asifah Forces’ operations:

  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli occupation forces invading the vicinity of Tulkarem Camp, occupied West Bank, with a heavy barrage of bullets
Al-Fajr Forces’ operations:

  • Launched two separate barrages of rockets targeting the Israeli military "Beit Hillel" site in the "Kiryat Shmona" settlement in northern occupied Palestine.
Asked chatgpt about similarities of the Israeli genocide and other genocides and it gave the following:-

Here’s a breakdown of similarities between Israel's actions in Gaza and some historical genocides or mass atrocities, focusing on how actions might be framed under the guise of self-defense while causing large-scale harm to a population. These comparisons primarily concern tactics, rhetoric, and outcomes rather than equating the scale or intent outright.


  • Israel’s Self-Defense Claims: Israel often frames its military actions, including airstrikes and blockades, as necessary for self-defense against Hamas and rocket attacks on Israeli civilians. The state claims it targets militants but emphasizes that Hamas uses civilians as human shields, leading to unavoidable casualties.
  • Historical Comparison – Rwanda: In Rwanda, the Hutu extremist government framed its actions as necessary to defend the Hutu majority from the Tutsi "enemy." While Israel is not engaged in outright extermination like in Rwanda, the similarity lies in framing military actions or policies as defensive, while large-scale harm befalls civilians.


  • Israeli Military Campaigns in Gaza: Critics argue that Israel’s military campaigns in Gaza have caused disproportionate harm to civilians, with large-scale bombings, destruction of infrastructure (hospitals, schools, homes), and significant civilian casualties.
  • Historical Comparison – Srebrenica (Bosnian Genocide): During the Bosnian War, Serb forces justified their attacks as defensive measures but used overwhelming force, culminating in the massacre of 8,000 Bosniak men and boys. Israel’s actions have also been criticized for using overwhelming force against a largely civilian population, even though the intent differs in terms of systematic mass killings.


  • Blockade and Bombardment of Gaza: Israel’s blockade and repeated destruction of Gaza’s infrastructure (power, water, hospitals, homes) is seen by critics as a form of collective punishment, creating conditions that make life increasingly difficult for civilians. The blockade has led to severe shortages of essentials like food, medical supplies, and electricity.
  • Historical Comparison – Armenian Genocide: During the Armenian Genocide, the Ottoman Empire justified its actions against Armenians as defensive during World War I. The forced deportations and starvation tactics created conditions where civilians were left without the means to survive. Similarly, critics argue that the blockade of Gaza imposes conditions that could result in significant harm or death, even if not through outright killing.


  • Israeli Policies: The long-term blockade of Gaza, combined with frequent military operations, has led to a humanitarian crisis, which some argue could lead to the gradual weakening or displacement of the Palestinian population, even if this is not an explicit policy of extermination.
  • Historical Comparison – Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia: During the Bosnian War, Serb forces pursued policies of ethnic cleansing, aiming to forcibly remove or displace Bosniaks and Croats from certain areas. While Israel does not formally pursue a policy of population displacement in Gaza, critics argue that its actions—blockades, bombings, restrictions on movement—could have a similar effect of making Gaza increasingly uninhabitable.


  • Israeli Rhetoric on Hamas and Palestinians: Israel often frames Hamas as a terrorist organization responsible for violence against Israeli civilians. This portrayal sometimes extends to painting Palestinians more broadly as being complicit in or supportive of terrorism, justifying aggressive actions.
  • Historical Comparison – Rwanda and Bosnia: In both Rwanda and Bosnia, the perpetrators used propaganda to dehumanize the target group. The Hutu government described Tutsis as "cockroaches," and Serb leaders portrayed Bosniaks as Islamist extremists. While Israel does not use such extreme rhetoric, the demonization of Hamas as an existential threat and the broad impact on civilians has drawn parallels.


  • Gaza’s Unlivable Conditions: According to the UN, Gaza could become uninhabitable due to the blockade, lack of access to essential services, and destruction from repeated conflicts. The economic and humanitarian blockade, coupled with military strikes, is seen by some as creating conditions that severely threaten the well-being of the population.
  • Historical Comparison – Armenian Genocide and Holodomor: In the Armenian Genocide, forced marches and starvation led to the deaths of countless Armenians, while the Holodomor (the Soviet-engineered famine in Ukraine) created conditions that led to widespread starvation and suffering. In both cases, conditions were imposed that led to mass suffering and death without the need for direct killings, which some argue is similar to the situation in Gaza.


  • Israeli Strikes on Civilian Areas: Israel has been criticized for conducting airstrikes and military operations in densely populated civilian areas in Gaza, where civilians are unable to escape. While Israel claims it warns civilians of attacks, the high civilian death toll raises questions about the true proportionality of the strikes.
  • Historical Comparison – Nazi Occupation and "Collective Punishment": During World War II, Nazi forces often carried out collective punishment against civilian populations in occupied territories, claiming that reprisals were necessary for military security. While the scale and intent differ significantly, the logic of military necessity leading to civilian harm draws comparisons.

Conclusion: Similarities Between Israel and Historical Genocides​

  • Framing as Self-Defense: Like in some historical genocides, Israel frames its actions in Gaza as self-defense against a real threat (Hamas), but critics argue that the scale of violence and harm to civilians may go beyond self-defense, risking collective punishment.
  • Disproportionate Force and Civilian Impact: Israel’s military campaigns in Gaza have caused widespread civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure, raising concerns similar to those seen in Bosnia or Rwanda, where mass violence was justified as defense.
  • Creation of Conditions that Lead to Population Harm: The blockade of Gaza, coupled with repeated destruction, is seen by some as creating unlivable conditions for the population, which echoes tactics used in the Armenian Genocide and Holodomor, where groups were weakened through imposed conditions.
While there are important differences, these tactics and outcomes have raised concerns among human rights organizations about the long-term impact on Palestinians, and whether the cumulative effects of these actions could lead to severe harm or displacement of the population, drawing some comparisons to genocidal practices in history.

Some reputable sources posting preliminary information of a Israeli helicopter being shot down over Gaza:

The enemy's media is talking about more than one difficult event in the Gaza Strip. There is a helicopter crash, and another event. So far, it has been announced that 3 people were killed and others were injured.

Israeli forces say it is an accident.
At least they are alive.
The israelis hostages are mainly found dead.
Most have been killed by the Israeli army. Imagine more bombs have been dropped on Gaza than Germany in WW2. Im surprised anything or anyones actually still alive in this region.

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