Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

2000 km in 15 min now that is devastating
I did not realize these missiles travel so fast

I suppose this shows different from smaller missiles Palestinians Resistance force was using , compared to what is being used by Other nations such as Yamen

From Internet image below

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How credible is this? I hope it is! But some Israeli site saying this is some old footage from some accident.
@Persian Gulf ? Anyone?

Gezer power station was hit, as you can see below. However, the 20 interceptors launched by "Israelis" also caused damage. Those interceptors reportedly hit a train station in Tel Aviv. It is difficult to get anything confirmed due to the censorship on the "Israeli" side.

Gezer power station was hit, as you can see below. However, the 20 interceptors launched by "Israelis" also caused damage. Those interceptors reportedly hit a train station in Tel Aviv. It is difficult to get anything confirmed due to the censorship on the "Israeli" side.

Then it wouldn't matter if even the Houthis missile 'disintegrated' in the air as failure, as Israelis are saying: As long as there were the sirens and fear in Tel Aviv from whatever reasons up in the sky.
Sounds like experimentation to find the flaws in the missile shield that Israel has. Looks like the secrets of Iron dome, Arrow and Davids Sling have been compromised now.

We saw how some of the ballistic systems that had manouvering warheads, could not be intercepted. This servers to reinforce that limitation.
Large cheap firework rockets wrapped in Aluminum foil should be sufficient to use up all the Genocidal's army Iron Dum and David's sh1t missiles. Then hit them them with real stuff to destroy their airports, ports, desalination plants, power stations, Railway lines, Factories etc.
He's a centrist clown.

He claims to be an atheist, but believes in judeo-christian civilization as being superior.

He's a white supremacist, even if he'll never admit it.

He's literally openly spouted racist statements on his show, and only backed down when his sponsors threatened his wallet.

He is Jewish (his mother was Jewish) regardless of whether he admits it or not. His policies align with Jewish supremacists, not white supremacists. No hardcore white supremacist would ever be given a platform on the Zionist media. Not a chance.

He claimed to be a libertarian because it was the cool thing to do for a while but he disagrees with libertarian principles on almost every issue except drug legalization.
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