Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hmmm Americans are questioning what interests are being served

This is what they tell you to believe maybe true 40 years ago

It's like you have the same interests but under the banner of two flags
Assassinating Egyptian, Iraqi, Iranian, Syrian nuclear scientists when they tried to develop nuclear technology independently from west is just an example of how Israel acts in this region. A terror base.

Their main mission can be explained in the context of colonial behavior. An extension of American colonialism. Every neighbor of Israel suffers from weakness and insecurity unless they kneel to USA.

You release your dog on those who oppose you. USA's dog bites us when we say no to American hegemonic interests.
Really strange thing because Israel is geostrategically not a core interest of neither the US or UK.

Its all about the money and media.

How far is America willing to go before US political capital gets drained because of staunch Israel support. Is America willing to sacrifice supremacy for tiny little Israel?

That is assuming that US is a democracy where the majority can over-ride the interests of the rich powerful Jews that hold key positions in media, finance and government.
I would agree with you. However, the Iranians have lost important people to Israeli attacks, and Israel has lost nothing, to be honest. Iran's weakness in this matter has emboldened the Israelis.
The resilience showed by iranians during the irak-iran war, during the draconian sanctions (that most of them has been circunvent in fact) and during the covert war in Syria and Irak and Al Aqsa storm it is a suggestion that Iran can win this war at long term. Other suggestion shows that Israel has became a pariah state not better than Afghanistan. It is a cáncer in the region. A failed state uncapable of having a health society and normal international relations like Afghanistan.
The resilience showed by iranians during the irak-iran war, during the draconian sanctions (that most of them has been circunvent in fact) and during the covert war in Syria and Irak and Al Aqsa storm it is a suggestion that Iran can win this war at long term. Other suggestion shows that Israel has became a pariah state not better than Afghanistan. It is a cáncer in the region. A failed state uncapable of having a health society and normal international relations like Afghanistan.

Iran, like Iraq, was acquiring weapons through the Iran-Iraq War; while the West sanctioned it, it had countries behind it. As for current times, Iraq stabilized due to U.S. involvement, but whereas Syria relied on Russia and Iran, it's a fractured society beyond repair.

Regardless of what other countries in the region think of Israel as a pariah state or not, it has established its regional power status in this conflict. In contrast, the surrounding countries that spent billions upon billions on weapons remained frozen in fear. Let's not forget that Netanyahu warned Arab leaders if they wished to keep their seats, they best know what to do. It couldn't have gotten any more shameful than that.

It's far from being on the same level as Afghanistan, yet major world economies rely on its tech, pharma, and defense sectors. Last but not least, it provides the West with a beachhead in the region. As for its internal society, it's shaped over time by conflict; they are a do-or-die nation regarding its security. Perhaps the Muslims could have learned from them; it would have saved them from the current fate they are living through.
Consider Israel as an American military base. A chained and protected dog that guards American interests in the Mediterranean and always weakens/bites anti-US elements in the region. Then it will be easier to understand American behavior in case of Israel.
Israel has been used to destroy and destabilize the MENA region for decades. The idiot local leaders who think they would not be targeted should they ever try to show some 'independence' of action for their own national interests will find out.
Having said that, I also believe Israel's ideological-based stubbornness to not compromise with the Palestinians has put the overall American interests at stake. Americans would rather have a powerful AND stable tool in Israel as a 'resource' when needed but not an Israel which is a constant drain on American diplomatic and material resources. America would rather focus on China and the Abrahamic Accords are an attempt toward not focusing on Middle East, but Israel is too stubborn. I don't think anyone--not even the most hardcore Neo Con in America--is happy with Israel's stubbornness. Israel is working against American interests by using its Lobbies in Washington!!
They love to spit on Christians...
Oh how many times I have been tempted to show such videos to my More-Zionists-than-the-Zionists friends and relatives who are 'Christians'!!
The resilience showed by iranians during the irak-iran war, during the draconian sanctions (that most of them has been circunvent in fact) and during the covert war in Syria and Irak and Al Aqsa storm it is a suggestion that Iran can win this war at long term.
Iran is in it for the long haul. Recently, an Israeli user on a Israeli site, in frustration, mentioned that Iran's plans are 5-10 years into the future and that Israel better really understand that and that it is pointless for Israel to strike the militias--Israel should instead go for Iran itself right now.
Bill Maher has always been a rabid Jewish fanatic.

I always found it amusing that he calls himself a libertarian but he was viciously against Ron Paul, who is a true libertarian but cautious of Israel. Meanwhile, he was a strident defender of Bill Clinton who is the furthest thing from a libertarian.

Bill Maher is a fraud and a racial/religious fanatic, but he is a Jewish fanatic, so he gets promoted in Western media.
He's a centrist clown.

He claims to be an atheist, but believes in judeo-christian civilization as being superior.

He's a white supremacist, even if he'll never admit it.

He's literally openly spouted racist statements on his show, and only backed down when his sponsors threatened his wallet.

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