Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Looking at Israeli sites, talks of conquering, occupying and annexing Lebanon up to Litani River are happening. That land is not only strategic depth but also fertile. Israel has been eying that for a long time. And contrary to what someone said above, Israelis were forced to leave south Lebanon. They don't leave any land except for the Sinai but that was too much to swallow. They are not even leaving tiny Sheba Farms.
Iraqi Resistance fired 4 drones and cruise missiles towards Israel (Golan and Eilat) overnight
Hezbollah is now hitting the surburbs of Haifa.

Remember Hezbollah/Resistance could literally bring the Zionist entity to its knees by destroying vital infrastructure like gas platforms and water desalination plants.

That might invite a nuke or us intervention

Israeli president said all options are on the table today

Israel will up the ante with time

So Hezbollah are strategically constrained because they are playing the long game meanwhile Israel can go wild

They need other attack vectors to make Israel think twice

This rocket stuff can be absorbed

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