Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

And again, you embrace blindness and lies.
I guess you haven't forgiven your parents at all.
Living in an authoritarian state limits one's choices - if one wants to live safe from authorities. After a few generations it becomes habit to accede to their demands. Even if then immersed in a pluralistic society, the bad old habits tend to remain - unless the lessons of history and liberating philosophy are taught and applied, I suppose.
You are just a copy of Dajjal. Full of lies and deceit. You will know soon you even lied to yourself. Burning, dreadful eternal fire for you and your friends.......
And again, you embrace blindness and lies.
I guess you haven't forgiven your parents at all.
Living in an authoritarian state limits one's choices - if one wants to live safe from authorities. After a few generations it becomes habit to accede to their demands. Even if then immersed in a pluralistic society, the bad old habits tend to remain - unless the lessons of history and liberating philosophy are taught and applied, I suppose.
Hilarious coming from an Israeliar. How you can accuse anyone of lying is beyond belief and preposterously obscene. Israelis lied all the way to a genocide and even lie on the bodies of women and children. Have some shame .
For the Americans on the forum,

Don’t vote for Harris, to show the democrats that people of conscience take what’s happening in Palestine and Lebanon seriously.

American Muslims need to organize themselves to build their political power, with the support of non-Muslims of conscience, and potentially bear the potential pain of a Trump presidency to punish the democrat party for their hypocrisy, so the democrat party can be changed for the long term.

Vote for genocide is the hobson's choice in the upcoming US election.
Unfortunatly the gazans got played by the iranians. Made to think they had a chance, but in reality they were no more then a tool to be used and discared by the iranians for personal benefit. Problem is the Isrealis are going after all of them, not just hamas. And there is absolutely nothing the iranian regime can do about it.

Sunni Muslims of the regions should know that the shia iranians hate Muslims. If your naïve they will use you. Palestinians got used and now their getting destroyed.

You know, the Indian who posted "one side is talking AI and the other side is talking about angels defending the land" if understood would create a revolution in the region for the Muslims. If its ignored the Isrealis and non-Muslims in general will trample completely over the region moving forward.
Hamas did not consult Iranians or any other group before attacking, so Iran didn't play anyone. The only thing that went wrong for the Palestinians is Israel violated all rules of decency, humanity and War and the world just watched. The world is such a corrupt place now maybe Kayamat is the best thing Allah can bring.

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