Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The funny thing is how all Western media act in the same way.

I dont know why we need so many newspapers.

Just one is enough, in international affairs they all say the same sh!t.
I totally agree with this statement. They cry about “censorship” from other countries yet they act like their media is not fed a script.

They only need two for the US public so they can keep the people occupied with vilifying each other for being democrats or republicans while they enrich their pockets.
Yeah the point is we know these 'terrorist' designations essentially amount to no more than dehumanization of the enemy and to stave off any legal repercussions which will target a civilian population or be used to provide casus beli in territorial disputes. This is why historically many actual terrorist organizations are supported by these two nations and others around the world when it's convenient. Such as support of some separatist terrorist organizations and so forth. Many powers in the world deploy this. And when it's convenient they remove the designation like they did with the Houthi's. Then consider bringing it back.

Hamas is unfairly targeted because Jewish influence in the US media and government is quite disproportionate and Israel has a long term interest and policy in occupied Palestinian territory. So the designation by these few countries means nothing to the general public and rest of the world. And we have to move past these designations and not allow them to be a point of discussion or debate anymore. It is used by pro-Israel critics to silence any discussion and/or debate for Palestinian independence. And we aren't gonna get rid of Hamas or anymore to potentially open up discussions or 'negotiations'.

The PLO did this. Fully surrended their arms. Complied with the US and international community. And in the end we see the result in the West Bank. Israel takes advantage of Palestinian good will to expand its territory. And that has to change. Everyone needs to unapologetically support Hamas and the Palestinian right to self-defense. So we can actually move towards serious proposals and action for Palestinian independence.

Hamas acted stupidly in Oct 7.

They attacked successfully military targets, that's a war action.

But, besides, they attacked civilian targets, like:

That was terrorism.
I totally agree with this statement. They cry about “censorship” from other countries yet they act like their media is not fed a script.

They only need two for the US public so they can keep the people occupied with vilifying each other for being democrats or republicans while they enrich their pockets.

I think in big things (wars, big companies, main press agencies, and so on) the west / USA is like it was USSR dictatorship but with better marketing.
Hamas acted stupidly in Oct 7.

They attacked successfully military targets, that's a war action.

But, besides, they attacked civilian targets, like:

That was terrorism.
No such thing happened. IDF was using them as humans shields by placing a military base right next to them. Hamas forces went after the military base and Israeli forces were firing from the area of the festival. Israeli forces called air support during which they killed many of the civilians. And many killed during crossfire during firefights. Hamas forces prevailed in the battle and moved onto the Re'im military base.

There is nothing stupid about it. It's a legitimate response to the blockade of Gaza which contributes to tens of thousands of Palestinian deaths annually.

Israel on other hand is actually targeting and storming hospitals. Show us one instance where Hamas forces stormed a Israeli hospital. You can't.
whats your point?
My point was always the same. Without a clear vision for victory, continuing the war is just pure butchery.

Hamas is just fucking around with no clear goal, Israel is doing terrible damage
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