Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hamas acted stupidly in Oct 7.

They attacked successfully military targets, that's a war action.

But, besides, they attacked civilian targets, like:

That was terrorism.

I definitely disagree about Hamas. You can look up the names and 2/3 of the people on the list were in the army. No, Hamas did not go in to kill civilians, they attacked Israeli bases. Did maybe a few people go rogue and kill civilians? Yes, that could’ve happened. Do you admit that Israeli soldiers killed their own people while targeting Hamas? They did not differentiate civilians from Hamas. Many testimonies from their own people say that and their own media they were fired upon by Israeli military.

Are you also counting the people in civilian clothes who carry guns and fired at resistance fighters?
Are you gonna also push the false agenda of the 40 beheaded babies and the raping of women? You think Hamas had time to rape women while being fired upon and infiltrating Israel? Why didn’t Hamas rape the women under their detention? Why do they also say they were treated humanely ?

Where is all those videos on “Hamas gunmen” that show these atrocities? Why not release them if they are true? I know if it really happened as you say, they would have already released proof.
No such thing happened. IDF was using them as humans shields by placing a military base right next to them. Hamas forces went after the military base and Israeli forces were firing from the area of the festival. Israeli forces called air support during which they killed many of the civilians. And many killed during crossfire during firefights. Hamas forces prevailed in the battle and moved onto the Re'im military base.

There is nothing stupid about it. It's a legitimate response to the blockade of Gaza which contributes to tens of thousands of Palestinian deaths annually.

Israel on other hand is actually targeting and storming hospitals. Show us one instance where Hamas forces stormed an Israeli hospital. You can't.
They even inflated their deaths because according to them the bodies were so burned that they thought they were their own. This shows that they didn’t differentiate between civilians and resistance fighters.
If Pakistan army doesn't want to fight they should at least facilitate volunteers to fight for peace.

So who is going to pay for all the Tomahawks being fired by US for Israel? These Tomahawks cost about $2 Million each:-

No such thing happened. IDF was using them as humans shields by placing a military base right next to them. Hamas forces went after the military base and Israeli forces were firing from the area of the festival. Israeli forces called air support during which they killed many of the civilians. And many killed during crossfire during firefights. Hamas forces prevailed in the battle and moved onto the Re'im military base.

There is nothing stupid about it. It's a legitimate response to the blockade of Gaza which contributes to tens of thousands of Palestinian deaths annually.

Israel on other hand is actually targeting and storming hospitals. Show us one instance where Hamas forces stormed a Israeli hospital. You can't.

Hamas took civilians hostages, are you going to deny that too?


It's easy, if someone attack innocent civilians, it's terrorism.

Hamas had the opportunity to attack only military targets, but they decided to attack civilians too.

It's not collateral damage like Israeli war actions. It's a deliberate will to attack civilians, that is terrorism.
I definitely disagree about Hamas. You can look up the names and 2/3 of the people on the list were in the army. No, Hamas did not go in to kill civilians, they attacked Israeli bases. Did maybe a few people go rogue and kill civilians? Yes, that could’ve happened. Do you admit that Israeli soldiers killed their own people while targeting Hamas? They did not differentiate civilians from Hamas. Many testimonies from their own people say that and their own media they were fired upon by Israeli military.

Are you also counting the people in civilian clothes who carry guns and fired at resistance fighters?
Are you gonna also push the false agenda of the 40 beheaded babies and the raping of women? You think Hamas had time to rape women while being fired upon and infiltrating Israel? Why didn’t Hamas rape the women under their detention? Why do they also say they were treated humanely ?

Where is all those videos on “Hamas gunmen” that show these atrocities? Why not release them if they are true? I know if it really happened as you say, they would have already released proof.

Take civilians hostages is terrorism.
Which is the best AID agency on the ground to send money to? Do you know?
Tbh from when I was there UNRWA would provide for many families and it was one of the most professional aid agencies on the ground. That's one I can confidently say is worth donating to. Although with this current situation I don't know if they take donations or not. I send direct to family members.

Take civilians hostages is terrorism.
No it isn't. But that's not Hamas either. On left is a different faction and on the right are civilians that crossed into the border after the Hamas tactical strike. Those were released by Hamas once it was able to gather information of their whereabouts.

Detaining civilians is not terrorism. Israel does this all the time to Palestinian civilians. Do you consider it terrorism ?
Thank you for your honesty.

At this point it is as clear as day what Israel is doing.

I am actually at a loss for words that the West is STILL supporting Israel.

This is definitely worth a watch.

Over the years--and going to the old PDF forum--I have been saying that there is no 'West' as such, especially when it comes to the Middle East. There is the Caliph America, controlled by the Israeli Lobby, and the EU / non EU Western countries follow whatever the Caliph America says. Europe should be independent of the NeoCons but it is not, to its own detriment. What a fall from grace for a continent which had been the pinnacle of human achievements for the last 500-700 years.
Europe is still stuck in the Cold War era--afraid of the Red Army marching into Paris or Berlin. But the Cold War ended more than 3 decades ago--remember 'The End of History' by a deluded Neo Con?? But Europe is stuck in the old mindset. Europe is the Neo Con's tool. A Cuck Continent. And so shall Europe bear the consequences:

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind"
Hamas took civilians hostages, are you going to deny that too?


It's easy, if someone attack innocent civilians, it's terrorism.

Hamas had the opportunity to attack only military targets, but they decided to attack civilians too.

It's not collateral damage like Israeli war actions. It's a deliberate will to attack civilians, that is terrorism.
Yes, Hamas took hostages to negotiate for the Palestinian hostages you call prisoners in Israeli jails. Once again, you have no proof Hamas attacked civilians. The most is that a small number of people (most likely not Hamas) attacked civilians. It wasn’t just Hamas who participated in the attack and they are well trained. They would not be wasting their ammo to do that.

I see your true intentions, by slandering Hamas you try to justify the carpet bombing and genocide that Israel is doing.
Once again, PALESTINIANS ARE NOT COLLATERAL DAMAGE. We are human beings so stop calling us that.

Your army has carpet bombed the entirety of Gaza and you dare say “collateral damage” . You effectively carpet bombed hospitals, schools, un shelters, schools, mosques, residential buildings, etc what do you call that? Your leaders not only call for the genocide of Gaza and forced expulsions of their people, you actively commit these crimes. Your little game is not going to work.

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