Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I am just wondering. You are not even a Jew. Why do you defend the Israelis so much?
I’ve heard reports of Indians going onto the frontline and being killed.
It’s an incredible situation. Some Indians are genuinely more Israeli than the Jewish themselves.the thought of assisting beautiful women In Tel Aviv is just too much for them. To be able to kill Muslims is an infatuated dream.
I’ve been seeing their delight on line when they hear of kids slaughtered in hospitals - it’s next level.
Thinking by going to Gaza and laying their lives down for an illegally occupied state is indeed next level full support.
Israeli Airstrikes on Lebanon:
Al-Manar correspondent:

-6 air strikes carried out by enemy aircraft on the heights of Iqlim al-Tuffah and al-Rayhan

- Two military aircraft raids with heavy missiles targeted the Aqamata and Tannis heights.

- 4 drone strikes distributed between the vicinity of the “Jabal Safi” and Malikh heights.The raids targeted open areas and no damage was caused to nearby villages

Drone aircraft continue to fly over the region

These candidates are told what to say literally by AIPAC when it comes to Palestine.
So now we have the world's richest and most powerful country controlled by a tiny minority that makes up less than 2% of its population.
How pathetic that the USA has let itself get to this stage where the life is being sucked out of them by these parasites and leeches.

Contrary to what some Israeli supporters say, America was not always in the Israeli pocket until after beginning with the 1967 war. The exaggerated 'Judeo Christian' connection mainly exists in the Evangelical Christian mind; that's significant but far far from the majority Americans. America was a country which turned away Jewish refugees ships around World War II. America was an Anti-Semitic country; I had never heard words like 'Kikes' or 'Jew me down' until some WASPs uttered them to me over some casual chats.

But Jews in America carefully created a lot of myths around the connection. They took advantage of being mostly white and presenting themselves as 'one of you' to the Americans but they were never patriotic Americans--they are Israelis and would rather fight for Israel then for America.

A true parasitic entity! Such entities will destroy the host to propagate itself. And history will prove me correct on this; in fact, they are already eating America from the inside like termites.

Happened a long time ago, I guess this is what you get with inaction Vs relentless planning and determination.

US Primary Elections are the key! Muslims/Arabs need to work with the African Americans, the Latinos, the Progressives, the Youths in America in electoral alliances to defeat the AIPAC money. It is going to be hard but not impossible!! Doable if they form smart electoral alliances. AIPAC has $100 million just to remove the very few Democratic Progressive Squad Congressmen--an electoral alliance should work to counter that. And never forget: ALL politicians in America have their primary interest in coming to power and then staying in power. Work on that--politicians would be ready to $iss on Israel if they know they can stay in power!!!
I’ve heard reports of Indians going onto the frontline and being killed.
It’s an incredible situation. Some Indians are genuinely more Israeli than the Jewish themselves.the thought of assisting beautiful women In Tel Aviv is just too much for them. To be able to kill Muslims is an infatuated dream.
I’ve been seeing their delight on line when they hear of kids slaughtered in hospitals - it’s next level.
Thinking by going to Gaza and laying their lives down for an illegally occupied state is indeed next level full support.

This type of story gets lost in all the madness that's going on.

Who are our middle Eastern poster's?

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Looking at the Israeli media, I think one of the most demoralizing bloggers to them are Western, white, Christian/Jews, especially in Ireland.
They carefully built an image which is rapidly being demolished!!

This type of story gets lost in all the madness that's going on.

Who are our middle Eastern poster's?

Tag them in

No need to tag. Frankly you must have your head buried in the sand if senile Indians can’t see on social media - the hatred
They have for the over obsessive love and desire Indians have of anything Israel.
Sending 10 ships to the region by India is an example of overkill from Indian government - 4 or 5 would have done but no. We are INDIA and want to show the white man the power and full support to alianate anything muslamic!!!
No it isn't. But that's not Hamas either. On left is a different faction and on the right are civilians that crossed into the border after the Hamas tactical strike. Those were released by Hamas once it was able to gather information of their whereabouts.

Detaining civilians is not terrorism. Israel does this all the time to Palestinian civilians. Do you consider it terrorism ?
Attack innocent civilians with no reason I consider terrorism.

If a civilians is doing something to arrest them, then it's normal police activity.

But if you break on through in a Kibbutz and take civilians hostages who were doing nothing to you, it's terrorism, spread terror among civilians to dominate them.
Contrary to what some Israeli supporters say, America was not always in the Israeli pocket until after beginning with the 1967 war. The exaggerated 'Judeo Christian' connection mainly exists in the Evangelical Christian mind; that's significant but far far from the majority Americans. America was a country which turned away Jewish refugees ships around World War II. America was an Anti-Semitic country; I had never heard words like 'Kikes' or 'Jew me down' until some WASPs uttered them to me over some casual chats.

But Jews in America carefully created a lot of myths around the connection. They took advantage of being mostly white and presenting themselves as 'one of you' to the Americans but they were never patriotic Americans--they are Israelis and would rather fight for Israel then for America.

A true parasitic entity! Such entities will destroy the host to propagate itself. And history will prove me correct on this; in fact, they are already eating America from the inside like termites.

Current "US" Ambassador to the Zionist entity is a Jew. The former one was also a Jew as well.

Americans cannot even seem to pick someone who may at last be a little impartial to be their representative to the settlers in Palestine.

The Zionist stranglehold on the US is a gift to China who now finds itself in competition with a rival that is slowly being killed by its parasite.

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