Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Bolded part. Indeed, that's part of the Indian strategy: Use the Israeli Lobbies, especially in America, to gain political ground at the expense of Pakistan and to promote the Indian interests. My position about foreign lobbies is that it is one thing to promote commercial/trade policies which would benefit both the host country and the lobbies' own countries. But it is another matter when they take hold of the political system to actually direct the host countries' foreign policy, as the Israelis are doing in America. Absolutely counter productive to American interests but patriotic Americans are helpless against these blackmailing leeches!!

These people don't even have 'dual loyalties': Their only loyalty is to Israel, damn be America!! They, being American dual citizens, can still get cushy govt jobs in America and yet can put on the Israeli military uniform and go and fight for Israel as it is happening now. WTH??!! Any American here listening? Per my observation, dual citizenship can deny even some ordinary govt jobs like in the USDA and here we have the leeching people in the Biden cabinet!!

Thank you about the Myanmar debacle by Modi. Sounds like the same debacle Modi did to embrace Israel shortly after October 7 but since then the Indian Foreign Ministry is backpaddling on that: India/Indians stood out in the Global South as the only major country with so vocal support for Israel. White American bloggers like Jackson Hinkle and Ben Norton noticed that quickly!!

AIPAC should be banned as it can be argued that they are traitors as they promote foreign interests to the detriment of the US.

They subvert the US political system by engineering that only pro-Zionist candidates get elected. The ones already elected are kept in line by bribery and threats/blackmail.
I simply cannot believe that a member here has been glorying rape and not ONE member, many of whom I respect have reported that post.

Please be better!
I did not see a post like that, which member did that?

These candidates are told what to say literally by AIPAC when it comes to Palestine.

So now we have the world's richest and most powerful country controlled by a tiny minority that makes up less than 2% of its population.

How pathetic that the USA has let itself get to this stage where the life is being sucked out of them by these parasites and leeches.
These candidates are told what to say literally by AIPAC when it comes to Palestine.

So now we have the world's richest and most powerful country controlled by a tiny minority that makes up less than 2% of its population.

How pathetic that the USA has let itself get to this stage where the life is being sucked out of them by these parasites and leeches.
Happened a long time ago, I guess this is what you get with inaction Vs relentless planning and determination.

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