Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

If they don't support Israel government, then Israel government has right to reject their citizenship of Israel, doesn't she?
Didn't UN gave Israel a state, per you? What are it's borders? An occupation cannot grant or take citizenship, a belligerent does...

They'd better take negotiation way, and request help from Russia or China or both to back them during negotiation with Israel for their claim, rather than conduct such an attack on 7th October 2023 that signified their no intention for peace.
No one negotiates with bellicose amoral belligerent... hell bent on completing its occupation from the day.
It is or in fact was the fullishness of Palestinians to even entertain the idea that ... they were dealing with an honest broker, escaping genocide in Europe.

No more...
I simply cannot believe that a member here has been glorying rape and not ONE member, many of whom I respect have reported that post.

Please be better!
What believe you blabber about? No one has done something like that. It is one of the worst kind of crimes against humanity. Point is, the one that is suffered a pain like that is not expected to support an other criminal that does something similar to an other oppressed people.

Gaza is facing genocide and invasion. Same thing that was done to Germans in the end of WW2.
s soon as Palestinian prisoners and hostages are all released then they will release Jew hostages
Nah. The released Palestinian prisoners would be again taken as prisoners by the Israelis and after getting the Israeli hostages back, Israel will remove whatever, if any, limitations against Gaza. To ensure peace in Gaza, peacekeepers from neutral countries dispersed in Gaza are needed in such a way that bombing Gaza would mean threatening those soldiers. If Gazans will not ensure that they would be falling in Israeli trap. Let it be clear: Israel's very existence is under threat and they can't accept a military threat, even if occasional rocket, in Gaza or in southern Lebanon. After October 7, the northern and southern communities are mostly empty and Israel, due to its already small size, can't afford to 'lose territory' even in a virtual way.

It is obvious as daylight. The Saudis, UAE and Bahrain are all in bed with the US and Israel. All the other little poodles like Egypt, Jordan etc. have no choice, but to follow instructions.
I think it was either you or Clutch who opened my eyes to those myopic, if not treacherous countries' leadership.
This is why Hindus who support the Zionist entity are spitting on many generations of their ancestors that suffered colonialism and being slaves.
Modi Hindus are making a historic mistake by siding with Israel. Indian Founding Father Gandhi was clearly pro Palestinian. India/Hindus have no reason to be so pro Israel; yes, Arabs generally supported Pakistan but why should it become an automatic support for Israel? India pays hard cash to Israelis to buy weapons and probably gets 'intelligence' about Pakistan from Israel but those are not strategic assets--just some tactical gains. By making a historic mistake by so publicly embracing Israel will be recorded by History and even produce consequences for the Indian workers in the Middle East should real representative govts take hold there.
Hinduism is not a Messianic, not an evangelical faith. It should not get involved in the Abrahamic religions' millennia old wars, especially by supporting an obvious colonial enterprise like Israel.
Can you show the evidence of "carpet bombing"?
Fighting thousands of terrorist hiding behind civilians is impossible without lot of collateral damage.
what you call this, precision strike ?

Modi Hindus are making a historic mistake by siding with Israel. Indian Founding Father Gandhi was clearly pro Palestinian. India/Hindus have no reason to be so pro Israel; yes, Arabs generally supported Pakistan but why should it become an automatic support for Israel? India pays hard cash to Israelis to buy weapons and probably gets 'intelligence' about Pakistan from Israel but those are not strategic assets--just some tactical gains. By making a historic mistake by so publicly embracing Israel will be recorded by History and even produce consequences for the Indian workers in the Middle East should real representative govts take hold there.
Hinduism is not a Messianic, not an evangelical faith. It should not get involved in the Abrahamic religions' millennia old wars, especially by supporting an obvious colonial enterprise like Israel.

Totally agree.

Yes you can say there may be some benefits like sucking up to the Zionists and hence by extension getting on the good side of the Zionist controlled west, but there is not really much that India is getting now that they won't have got anyway. The harm to India's image will have far greater negative consequences in the end.

Modi's embrace of the Zionists in this genocide is another sign of how Hinduvta's are allowing hatred of Muslims take precedence over India's core strategic interests. Remember how Modi jumped to the side of Myanmar when they were carrying out the Rohingya genocide and was then forced to back-track after complaints from BD.

Not a single notable non-Muslim "Global South" government like China or Brazil is supporting the Zionists but we have India supporting the "fight against terrorism".
Thats how urban warfare is fought, have you not noticed in Ukraine. Any high-rise building where defensive positions can be hold , RPG or drones can be launched from, are mowed down indiscriminately.

View attachment 11165
70% of Gaza housing and infrastructure get bombed what is it called in your book
Didn't UN gave Israel a state, per you? What are it's borders? An occupation cannot grant or take citizenship, a belligerent does...

Yes, they flee exit the border.

No one negotiates with bellicose amoral belligerent... hell bent on completing its occupation from the day.
It is or in fact was the fullishness of Palestinians to even entertain the idea that ... they were dealing with an honest broker, escaping genocide in Europe.

No more...

Then why difficult to admit that you dont want peace?

Yes, they flee exit the border.

Then why difficult to admit that you dont want peace?

An occupying force CANNOT forcibly displace the population of the occupied territory.

State practice also underlines the duty of parties to a conflict to prevent displacement caused by their own acts, at least those acts which are prohibited in and of themselves (e.g., terrorizing the civilian population or carrying out indiscriminate attacks). As stated in the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement:

All authorities and international actors shall respect and ensure respect for their obligations under international law, including human rights and humanitarian law, in all circumstances, so as to prevent and avoid conditions that might lead to displacement of persons.
Source: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, Principle 5 (cited in Vol. II, Ch. 38, § 34).
what you call this, precision strike ?


I can't definitively tell you whether the image you sent is the result of carpet bombing or not. Here's why:
  1. Limited context: The image alone doesn't provide enough context to determine the cause of the destruction. Knowing the location, date, and source of the image would be helpful in understanding the context.
  2. Multiple causes of destruction: Various events can cause large-scale destruction, including airstrikes, artillery fire, building demolitions, and natural disasters. Without additional information, it's impossible to pinpoint the exact cause in this case.
  3. Carpet bombing definition: Carpet bombing refers to an aerial bombing tactic that involves dropping a large number of bombs over a wide area to destroy as much as possible. While the image shows significant destruction, it's difficult to assess whether it meets the criteria of a carpet bombing based solely on the visual information.
Instead of relying solely on the image, I recommend seeking information from credible sources to understand the context and cause of the destruction depicted. Here are some suggestions:
  • News reports: Reputable news organizations often report on military conflicts and provide details about the types of weapons used and the targets struck.
  • Human rights organizations: These organizations often document human rights violations and may have information about specific incidents of destruction.
  • Expert analysis: Military analysts and other experts can provide insights into the tactics used in military conflicts and the likely causes of specific types of destruction.
By consulting these sources, you can gain a more informed understanding of the situation and avoid drawing conclusions based on limited information.

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