Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The issue being Hamas has built a vast underground infrastructure under Gaza and has intentionally embedded itself in the civilian population. Israel is left with no choice.

Israel is left with no choice but mass murder??? Such a white thing to say

How about a end to the total occupation of PALESTINIANS from Gaza to the west bank with no control or say over them and their lives, air and sea space

Or even better, **** off to Europe or the west because the entire region absolutely DETESTS them
Credible media source please ... (the carpet bombing)
No one has to prove you anything, kappish!
You do what you have to...
You're not going to moralize your position here and not interrogate, grill or scrutinize members here...
Who made you the judge and jury here?
Who asked you to dish out the just punishment?
In fact Who asked you to moralize squatting, thieving and murderous encroachment?

"if I don't take it someone else will"

Now like a good anton, present your commentary all day long in favor of your winning thugs.
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No wonder false pro
The issue being Hamas has built a vast underground infrastructure under Gaza and has intentionally embedded itself in the civilian population. Israel is left with no choice.
No wonder propaganda is your biggest weapon.
USA ate whole countries just by using propaganda.
You must be ashamed of yourself but alas you sold your soul to Satan.
Why don't you complain to Egypt who has closed it's border with Gaza.
Israel has much more solid reason to close her border with Gaza than Egpyt.
Say this when previously exiled Palestinians will be allowed back to their land, homes and orchids. Until than stop with virtue signalling.

Show your intention for peace, abolish intention to exterminate Israel, stop claiming Israel land as yours, then there will be little reason remain for Israel to close the border.
Israel, on its own made the case of it's illegitimacy! It needs no help from you and it already burned the hands of those who helped create it... buyers remorse.

But they have better homes and businesses to return to...
Palestinians will get their barren dirt and arid lands back. And nothing more...
View attachment 10971
A further 20 tonnes of aid were sent from Pakistan to the people of Palestine today.

Image courtesy of NDMA Public relations and Media Cell.

I don't think much of the aid reaches Palestinians on the ground. Israel blocks majority of aid. Did you know that heaps of rejected aid ends up being wasted?
Hamas is a terror organization and committed a mass terror attack on 10/7 murdering over 1,200 people, the vast majority being civilians.

Now Hamas and Gaza are suffering the consequences and you can’t handle it.

It's very easy for you to sit in your comfortable bed with a cup of tea on the side table and call Hamas a terrorist organization but I wonder if Israel were to bomb your house, killing every single one of your loved ones and you can't even give them a proper funeral due to their dismantled bodies crushed under the rebels then would you do that.
This thread has turned into a Pro Palestinian/ Pro Hamas terror echo chamber, with little dissident viewpoints. To be clear, Hamas is a designated international terror organization.

I’m disappointed in the moderators here. You’re allowing inherent biases and emotions to cloud your judgement.

I’ve been a member on PDF for nearly ten years and don’t ever remember calling out the moderation team, but it’s come to that point.

Be better

In case you didn't notice, the world doesn't side with the US and Israel. You are pretty much alone in your genocidal tendencies.
Stupid moron. The vast majority of the world has turned against you and your illegitimate child Israel.
This moron posted on old forum how hamas bombed hospital, later on when evidences emerged undisputable, this piece of shit did not say a word.. not worth of your time, you should put him on ignore as any israel nazi lover
I don't think much of the aid reaches Palestinians on the ground. Israel blocks majority of aid. Did you know that heaps of rejected aid ends up being wasted?
I’ve read online people saying aid is rejected and wasted, but this is factually incorrect.

All aid into Gaza via the UN/ICRC is placed on a manifest and submitted to the Israeli government who then approve or reject items.

Items that are rejected are stored in the warehouses.

Food items that are perishable will naturally be wasted, non perishable food items[meals ready to eat, high energy biscuits etc], non-food items and medical/surgical items/hygiene kits can be stored for a very long time.

There are three massive warehouses at El Arish where these are stored.


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