Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

lol ok, what about the thousands of Palestinian hostages you call prisoners in Israeli jails?

Yes, carpet bombing them will bring them home in body bags. Good job. You even murdered 3 of your own who managed to escape with no shirts or weapons. This proves you just want to kill anyone you see even if it’s your own.

The occupying Zionist terrorists kidnap and keep Palestinians as hostages for years on end and then they cry to the world that Hamas has done the same.:cry:

The difference is that Hamas is just doing it to free Palestinian hostages.

Namibia rejects Germany’s Support of the Genocidal Intent of the Racist Israeli State against Innocent Civilians in Gaza

On Namibian soil, #Germany committed the first genocide of the 20th century in 1904-1908, in which tens of thousands of innocent Namibians died in the most inhumane and brutal conditions. The German Government is yet to fully atone for the genocide it committed on Namibian soil. Therefore, in light of Germany’s inability to draw lessons from its horrific history, President
expresses deep concern with the shocking decision communicated by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany yesterday, 12 January 2024, in which it rejected the morally upright indictment brought forward by South Africa before the #InternationalCourtofJustice that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in #Gaza.

Worryingly, ignoring the violent deaths of over 23 000 Palestinians in Gaza and various United Nations reports disturbingly highlighting the internal displacement of 85% of civilians in Gaza amid acute shortages of food and essential services, the German Government has chosen to defend in the International Court of Justice the genocidal and gruesome acts of the Israeli Government against innocent civilians in Gaza and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Germany cannot morally express commitment to the United Nations Convention against genocide, including atonement for the genocide in Namibia, whilst supporting the equivalent of a holocaust and genocide in Gaza. Various international organizations, such as Human Rights Watch have chillingly concluded that Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza.

President Geingob reiterates his call made on 31 December 2023, “No peace-loving human being can ignore the carnage waged against Palestinians in Gaza”. In that vein, President Geingob appeals to the German Government to reconsider its untimely decision to intervene as a third-party in defence and support of the genocidal acts of Israel before the International Court of Justice.
Can the UN general assembly vote to disband the UN security council? The security council seems to be the source of perpetuating all evil around the world. Do we have any UN experts here?
Can the UN general assembly vote to disband the UN security council? The security council seems to be the source of perpetuating all evil around the world. Do we have any UN experts here?
Security councils veto power is enshrined in the UN charter. To change the charter requires the SC Member States to approve this change as per article 108. No SC permanent member will voluntarily give up this power meaning we are stuck with this order.

Article 108
Amendments to the present Charter shall come into force for all Members of the United Nations when they have been adopted by a vote of two thirds of the members of the General Assembly and ratified in accordance with their respective constitutional processes by two thirds of the Members of the United Nations, including all the permanent members of the Security Council.
Can the UN general assembly vote to disband the UN security council? The security council seems to be the source of perpetuating all evil around the world. Do we have any UN experts here?

No it cannot be done and it would be pointless to do so even if it could as without the great powers like the USA, Russia and China onboard at least technically then it would be even more pointless than it is now..

The UN for all intents and purposes has been quite irrelevant since its foundation as the great powers just did what they wanted. USA just ignored the UN and invaded Iraq anyway in 2003.

Yes the UN is better than nothing but we need to be mindful that it is no impartial and fair body.
In hindsight the veto power was a brilliant tool to maintain order in the world, but only as long as the permanent members were genuine global powers. France, the UK and arguably even Russia have no business being permanent members of the security council today. The UN charter failed to take into regard the big change in the global order that would follow decolonization. That no instrument was placed in the charter giving the GA greater power to reform the SC was a grave mistake and a potential cause for WW3 in the future.
No it cannot be done and it would be pointless to do so even if it could as without the great powers like the USA, Russia and China onboard at least technically then it would be even more pointless than it is now..

The UN for all intents and purposes has been quite irrelevant since its foundation as the great powers just did what they wanted. USA just ignored the UN and invaded Iraq anyway in 2003.

Yes the UN is better than nothing but we need to be mindful that it is no impartial and fair body.
UNSC/General assembly need an overhaul, UN is waste of time and money as we have seen from Cambodia, Iraq, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Palestine, Kashmir etc. Perhaps there should be block representations of General assembly members on the UNSC to prevent the skew and tilt of the veto power which some of the UNSC use. UNSC is the cause of the Palestine disaster and injustice and needs to be dealt with. The world can't go on with the UNSC causing , encouraging and perpetuating wars and genocide.

UN general assembly should and must vote to disband the UNSC, then the world must negotiate a way forward.
UNSC/General assembly need an overhaul, UN is waste of time and money as we have seen from Cambodia, Iraq, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Palestine, Kashmir etc. Perhaps there should be block representations of General assembly members on the UNSC to prevent the skew and tilt of the veto power which some of the UNSC use. UNSC is the cause of the Palestine disaster and injustice and needs to be dealt with. The world can't go on with the UNSC causing , encouraging and perpetuating wars and genocide.

UN general assembly should and must vote to disband the UNSC, then the world must negotiate a way forward.

We can argue for justice and fair representation till the end of time but human nature does not work like that.

The world has been ruled by vicious racist colonialists supremacist for many centuries and they still have the upper hand.

Just think one colonial settler state(USA) is funding and providing the weapons to another(Zionist entity) to kill and displace the natives. That shows that deep down their mentality has not changed one iota.

Unless China rises to become a true peer of the USA, then not much will change. The world needs another alternative to this vicious world order to provide balance and keep them(colonialist settlers) in check.
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The German, a well known genocidal country that was destroyed by allies for multiple times with their women killed and dishonored hence paying a heavy price for warmongering in WW2, representative in Hague court again shows the savage nature of this country and announces support for Israel.

Germany leaps to the defense of Israel at the International Court of Justice, rejects South Africa's accusation of Gaza genocide​

Germany is set to intervene on Israel's behalf at the Hague after South Africa instituted proceedings accusing Israel of genocide against Palestinians, per a press release by the German federal government.

South Africa officially instituted the case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on December 29. A two-day public hearing at the Hague's Peace Palace began on January 11.

A statement by Steffen Hebestreit, the spokesman for the German federal government, cited the Holocaust and the genocide of six million Jews by Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime.

"In view of Germany's history and the crime against humanity of the Shoah, the Federal Government sees itself as particularly committed to the Convention against Genocide. This convention is a central instrument of international law to implement "never again."
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